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September 02, 2009 | Corporate Counsel

Travelin' Man: Profile of Travelport Ltd. General Counsel Eric Bock

As the legal chief of a wide-ranging travel company, Eric Bock is big on the virtues of getting around.
5 minute read
April 18, 2007 |

No Backseat Drivers

4 minute read
October 16, 2013 | Corporate Counsel

Social Media Privacy Laws and the Financial Industry

Employers in the financial industry often have legitimate business reasons for viewing employees' social media sites. This is where problems with states' password protection laws can arise.
6 minute read
August 01, 2009 | Corporate Counsel

Books: Lucky Strikes

Ask most people what they think of when they picture a Texan, and they'll probably say a cowboy. In truth, the characteristics popularly attributed to Texans owe more to another Lone Star archetype: the oilman.
6 minute read
March 22, 2007 | Corporate Counsel

Barbados-Based Bank Is First to File for Chapter 15 Bankruptcy in Florida

Barbados-based Bancafe International Bank is the first company to file for newly established Chapter 15 bankruptcy protection in a federal bankruptcy court in Florida. Chapter 15 filings, established by a 2005 federal bankruptcy law, are intended to allow foreign companies going through international bankruptcy proceedings easier access to U.S. courts. "No matter where creditors are this puts it all under one judicial roof," says Gregory S. Grossman, who is representing Bancafe International's custodian.
7 minute read
January 14, 2011 | Corporate Counsel

Making Babies (in Your Head)

Are women's careers being stunted by the idea — not the reality — of juggling work and family? Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg thinks so ...
3 minute read
September 06, 2007 | Corporate Counsel

The Policies and Politics of Antitrust

Almost 30 years ago Robert Bork, in his seminal book "The Antitrust Paradox: A Policy at War With Itself," wrote that: "modern antitrust law has so decayed that the policy is no longer intellectually respectable. Some of it is no longer respectable as law; more of it is not respectable as economics; ... a great deal of antitrust is not even respectable as politics." Fast forward from 1978 to 2007 and do we find all has become "respectable"? No and yes, says attorney and law professor C. Evan Stewart.
15 minute read
February 07, 2006 | Corporate Counsel

Insurance Defense Malpractice Suit May Signal a Trend

Already feeling pressure to handle more cases at lower rates, the insurance defense bar has a new reason to fear carriers as clients. In a rare case of defense lawyer malpractice, a New Jersey jury last week awarded $362,000 to an insurer that sued its former outside counsel. ABA figures show such suits on an upswing that some attribute to economic competition. One ABA chair said recently that while insurance companies have traditionally stood by their lawyers, "Today, loyalty doesn't exist like it did."
11 minute read
July 29, 2010 | Corporate Counsel

Is Northwestern Law School Clever or What?

Did Northwestern Law School make a sweet deal with Jones Day when it agreed to let the firm push back its on-campus interview schedule? Any way you look at it, the publicity has been great.
3 minute read
February 24, 2011 | Corporate Counsel

Understanding 'Watson' and the Age of Analytics

IBM isn't saying much about the technical side of things, except that the company built the computer 'on commercially available POWER7 systems [which] ensures the acceleration of businesses adopting workload optimized systems in industries where knowledge acquisition and analytics are important.'
6 minute read