Looking North For Insight Into Foreclosures
In a time when the economy and the housing market in the U.S. lacks stability and confidence, our neighbors to the North continue to thrive. Canada's dollar has continued to see its strongest performance in over a decade. From a record low of 62 cents on the U.S. dollar in January 2002, the currencies are now nearly equal in value.For Most New Law Grads, Going Solo Not An Option
Laura Flynn Baldini hit the ground running when she opened her solo practice in Farmington in May 2003, no thanks to anything she learned — or more to the point, what she didn't learn — at Seton Hall University School of Law, her <em>alma mater</em>.New York Firm Brought Into Big Education Case
A well-known corporate law firm from New York City has taken the lead in a long-running lawsuit that accuses the state of Connecticut of failing to adequately fund public schools and, thus, irreparably harming thousands of schoolchildren. In the Connecticut Coalition for Justice in Education Funding v. Rell lawsuit, the firm of Debevoise Plimpton will become chief legal counsel, with attorney Helen Cantwell taking the lead. Attorneys Megan Bannigan and Rebecca Jenkin, also from the firm, will assist Cantwell.Bankruptcy Guru Heads for Greener Pastures
Three decades removed from his founding of Hartford's Hebb & Gitlin, international debt restructuring wizard Richard A. Gitlin is no less excited about the prospect of once more growing a business from scratch. It's possible that Gitlin, 60, is even more gung-ho over his latest -- and first nonlegal -- career endeavor as chairman and CEO of a global consulting firm simply named Gitlin & Co.'Screwy' Talking Heads And The NRA's Bluster
One of the down-sides of practicing law is having little time to do such things as watch television. Without a steady diet of the flickering screen, a certain sense of cultural illiteracy grows. So when I found myself in a hotel the other day, I turned on the tube. Wow.FORECAST 2013: New Technology Presents New Challenges
The upcoming year will present lawyers with familiar but more pressing issues — and bring faster, shinier, more convenient technology. Not all of the technology developments for next year will be bright for lawyers. There are some great gizmos and technology to make us more effective. But, there are challenges for us to meet.From Family Law To The Front Office
There's a common attitude among lawyers that courses in law school really do nothing to prepare students for the profession. Mary-Jane Foster begs to differ.Telling a Terrific Tale: For Some, It`s Academic
Among the mysteries of our time is the role of law professors in shaping public debate. Cultures need priests, even secular priests. That`s true even if the vast majority of what passes for legal scholarship isn`t fit for consumption by serious scholars in the social sciences or humanities. But academics of all stripes must publish or perish, so year in and year out these academics trot out their legal theories, few of which rise to the level of interesting casuistry.Editorial: Raise The Retirement Age For Judges
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg shows no signs of slowing down as she gets older, now having celebrated her 80th birthday. While battling through her illnesses, she has maintained her role not only as an active justice, but also as an active speaker and educator around the world. Her contributions support New York's current proposal to raise the mandatory retirement age of state judges from 70 to 80.Trending Stories
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