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April 01, 2002 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Bankruptcy`s Frequent Flyer

Richard Gitlin maintains offices in Hartford and New York, but that doesn`t tell you where you`re likely to find him. Gitlin, a partner at Boston`s Bingham Dana, says he racked up about a billion frequent-flier miles last year. Blame a global bankruptcy deluge, which saw the 59-year-old international bankruptcy specialist tackling huge debt restructurings in Singapore, Japan, England, and the United States, and advising parties in Argentina, Korea, and Thailand.
4 minute read
April 22, 2013 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Opinion: The Sleeping Giant Awakens

Mediation in corporate America has been seeking a way to break through for many years.
4 minute read
July 03, 2002 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Tables Turned In Sex Case

Williams & Pattis attorney Norm Pattis has always been one to push the envelope, and his recent civil claim in John Doe v. Jennifer Norton, et al. is no exception.
4 minute read
October 23, 2006 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Bonus Brought Lawyer's Hourly Rate To $1,500

Greenwich divorce lawyer Gary I. Cohen is among the state's priciest attorneys. But requiring his client pay him an additional $300,000 "bonus," for a highly contentious five-day divorce mediation in Chicago, effectively ratcheted up his already considerable rate to an out-of-this-world $1,511 an hour, Connecticut disciplinary authorities contend.
4 minute read
April 29, 2013 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Full Attorneys Fees Allowed In 'Intertwined' Case

Normally, under the "American Rule," each party in a civil case pays its attorneys fees and costs, win or lose. However, there are two exceptions: certain statutes specifically allow attorneys fees, and parties can include liability for such fees in a contract's terms.
6 minute read
March 03, 2008 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Chasing The Shadows

At the age of 12, Mark W. Heaphy lost his eyesight as the result of a lengthy battle with Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, a potentially fatal skin disease that attacks mucous membranes. But Heaphy did not let a sudden life-altering disability keep him down. Heaphy, now 38, just made partner at Wiggin and Dana in New Haven and chairs their information technology and sourcing group.
4 minute read
May 06, 2013 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Opinion: Tomorrow's Lawyers

I just read a fascinating book by Richard Susskind called Tomorrow's Lawyers. It is so good that I bought copies for everyone in the Connecticut Bar Association leadership.
4 minute read
February 22, 2002 | Connecticut Law Tribune

`Lone Ranger` Lands In East Timor

At many jobs, there is someone who gets the work done in a manner unlike any other.
4 minute read
May 17, 2013 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Corporate Bribery Case Part Of National Trend

When a sales executive for a French power company appeared in a New Haven federal courtroom this month, he joined a growing number of businesses and their employees charged recently with making bribes overseas.
6 minute read
September 07, 2012 | Connecticut Law Tribune

The Penn-State Shakedown: The NCAA Piles On

In the aftermath of revelations of Jerry Sandusky's predatory child molestations, the NCAA swiftly entered into a stunning agreement in which it extracted a $60 million fine from Penn State, imposed a ban on its football program from bowl games and post-season play for four years, a reduction in scholarships from 25 to 15 per year for four years, vacated all of the team's wins from 1998 to 2011, and put it on a five-year probationary period. News reports are unclear about the exact destination of the $60 million fine, but suggest that an endowment will be established to serve victims of child abuse.
5 minute read


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