Elisa Reiter

Elisa Reiter

September 27, 2024 | Daily Business Review

Stalking Is a Contextual Crime: Recent Fla. Case Tackles Issue

A recent case in the Court of Appeal of Florida, First District, Hoover v. Peak, examined the context of the state's stalking statute.

By Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack

8 minute read

September 26, 2024 | New York Law Journal

When Blood Is Not Thicker Than Water: Long-Term Foster Parents May Get Preference for Adoption

Who should have preference to adopt a foster child if the parental rights of the biological parents have been severed?

By Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack

7 minute read

September 25, 2024 | Texas Lawyer

Providing Autonomy and Respect: A Primer on Patient Rights

"At their core, patient rights aim to ensure that patients are treated with dignity and respect," write Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack.

By Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack

5 minute read

September 19, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Hope and Healing: New York's Adult Survivors Act, NYC's Protection Law and Battered Woman Syndrome

"This statute not only acknowledges the psychological ramifications of domestic violence but also provides a framework for recovery and support," write Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack.

By Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack

6 minute read

September 19, 2024 | New Jersey Law Journal

Teaming Up Attorneys and Forensic Psychologists

"Forensic psychologists possess specialized knowledge in psychology and mental health, which can be pivotal in resolving disputes," write Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack.

By Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack

7 minute read

September 16, 2024 | Texas Lawyer

Gun Ownership and Mental Illness: The Legal Connection

"The case of J.M.P., Jr. sets an important precedent for future legal decisions regarding mental health and ownership of firearms," write Elisa Reiter, Daniel Pollack, and Jeffrey Siegel.

By Elisa Reiter, Daniel Pollack, and Jeffrey Siegel

10 minute read

September 13, 2024 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Winning a Custody Appeal Based on Abuse of Discretion Isn't Easy

N.R. v. M.P. is a recent, significant case in Connecticut family law that highlights the challenges inherent in attempting to overturn custody decisions based on an abuse of discretion standard. This case provides important insights into custody determinations, property division, and the consequences of discovery violations in divorce proceedings.

By Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack

9 minute read

September 11, 2024 | The Recorder

Expanding Collaborative Law Beyond Family Law Matters: New Frontiers in Dispute Resolution

The potential of collaborative law extends far beyond family law cases. How can the collaborative law model be applied to other areas, offering a more constructive and efficient approach to conflict resolution?

By Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack

6 minute read

September 09, 2024 | Texas Lawyer

Keeping Clients Secrets: 'Til Death Do Us Part?

"The duties of confidentiality for attorneys and psychologists are fundamental to their professional relationships," write Elisa Reiter, Daniel Pollack and Jeffrey Siegel.

By Elisa Reiter, Daniel Pollack and Jeffrey Siegel

7 minute read

September 09, 2024 | New Jersey Law Journal

Removing a Child From Foster Care to Kinship Care: Expert Bonding Evaluations Are Key

"When deciding exactly when to remove and where to place a child there is no magic formula," write Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack.

By Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack

5 minute read