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Panel rejects attorney advertising limits
A federal appeals court has rejected most of New York's content-based restrictions on attorney advertising.Owners petition lawmakers for Chinese drywall solution
Hundreds of lawsuits by homeowners against drywall makers, developers and builders are on a fast track in federal court and many state jurisdictions. But it's still not fast enough for owners.Attorneys argue to tape Rothstein deposition
The federal government wants to prohibit the videotaping of fraudster Scott Rothstein's planned deposition for security reasons but bankruptcy attorneys, led by Joseph DeMaria representing Gibraltar Private Bank & Trust, are objecting.District Judge William Zloch attempted to derail Kathleen Williams' appointment
U.S. District Judge William Zloch has attempted to derail President Obama's nomination of Federal Public Defender Kathleen Williams to serve on the same federal bench where he presides, letters obtained by the Daily Business Review show.Foreclosure firm challenges attorney general's right to investigate
The Florida attorney general's office sought to convince an appellate court that the agency has the right to subpoena records from foreclosure law firm but the three-judge panel seems unmoved.View more book results for the query "*"
Stringer says movies give Sony edge over Apple in tablets
Sony Corp. is betting its tablet computers will rival Apple Inc.'s iPad by luring buyers with music and movies, even as the Japanese company arrives more than a year late in the booming market for such devices.Internet guilty of killing 1st Amendment
9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals judge Alex Kozinski said to a crowd at a law school's IP conference that "technology has now made suppression of speech impossible."Virgin Atlantic seeks return to black via 'Little Red' push
Virgin Atlantic Airways, is poised to roll out a third domestic route in a bid to funnel more passengers from northern Britain to its London hub.Sticker Shock Gambling Americans Agree To Most Arms Since 2008
In the second year of the U.S. housing recovery, the adjustable-rate loans that helped trigger the housing bust are making a comeback.Trending Stories
Law Offices of Gary Martin Hays & Associates, P.C.
(470) 294-1674
Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone
(857) 444-6468
Smith & Hassler
(713) 739-1250