Publication Date: 2019-08-26
Practice Area: Family Law
Industry: State and Local Government
Court: Georgia Court of Appeals
Judge: Judge Hodges
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Robert Bunner, Christopher Carr, Kathleen Pacious, Loretta Pinkston-Pope, Shalen Nelson, (Senior Assistant Attorney General), Atlanta, for appellant.
for defendant: Thomas Beisswenger, David Thomson, (Beisswenger & Thomson P.A.), Athens, Jed Manton, Madeline McNeeley, (Harris Lowry Manton, LLP), Atlanta, Ashley Alfonso, Roger Harris, (Swift, Currie McGhee & Hiers, LLP), Atlanta, Andrew Capobianco, Richard Bruno, (Mozley, Finlayson & Loggins LLP), Atlanta, Valerie Pinkett, (Guideone Insurance), Des Moines, for appellee.
Case Number: A19A0292
Court Affirms Order Dismissing Claims Against Foster Parents by Biological Parents of Dead Child, Approving of Trial Court's Conclusion That Sovereign Immunity Barred Claims Against Foster Family