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October 31, 2012 | Daily Report Online

Paul Hastings deal lawyers join Jones Day with associates

Two mergers and acquisitions partners from Paul Hastings, H. Frank Layson III and Erik Belenky, have joined Jones Day, along with three associates.
5 minute read
January 14, 2010 | Daily Report Online

SEC names new enforcement unit heads

WASHINGTON AP - The Securities and Exchange Commission named six people on Wednesday to lead new investigative units and unveiled a new policy for rewarding prompt cooperation by those with knowledge of misconduct as the agency reorganizes its enforcement efforts.The SEC was scorched by its failure to detect the stunning, long-running fraud by money manager Bernard Madoff despite numerous red flags and credible warnings.
4 minute read
August 05, 2002 | Daily Report Online

In-House Minefield: When Client Fraud is Uncovered

David Hechler [email protected] YORK-As a wave of financial scandals washes over corporate boardrooms, a growing number of in-house lawyers find themselves swept up in the surge. In the past two months, a lawyer's memo was the key evidence jurors pointed to in convicting Enron's auditing firm, Arthur Andersen, of obstruction of justice.
9 minute read
March 26, 2010 | Daily Report Online

'Perdue has the right,' Baker says

The governor wants to sue to stop federal health care reform. The attorney general won't represent him, but he won't stand in his way either.Attorney General Thurbert E. Baker said Thursday that Gov. Sonny Perdue has statutory legal authority to hire his own lawyer to sue the U.S. government, challenging the constitutionally of President Barack Obama's health care plan.
8 minute read
October 09, 2007 | Daily Report Online

Golf movies worth watching

I RENTED A GOLF MOVIE last week: "Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius." It was an entertaining flick and I enjoyed it. Released in 2004 to mixed reviews, the film follows the early life of legendary amateur golfer Bobby Jones played by Jim Caviezel from childhood to the year he won the Grand Slam of golf in 1930 at age 28.
4 minute read
June 26, 2009 | Daily Report Online

Gwinnett's business court is booming

Slammed with a calendar filled with criminal and family law matters, Gwinnett County Superior Court judges knew that lawyers representing clients in commercial-litigation matters were getting frustrated.They made a suggestion to the judges of Gwinnett State Court to create a business court and shift some commercial-litigation matters over to the State Court.
4 minute read
August 14, 2012 | Daily Report Online

Penn State insurance dispute should be heard in Philadelphia, judge says

Following the university's appeal of his decision, a Philadelphia judge has issued an opinion outlining why a dispute between Penn State and its insurance company, stemming from the Jerry Sandusky sex-abuse scandal, should be litigated in Philadelphia.
4 minute read
May 05, 2010 | Daily Report Online

Judge who struck down Day of Prayer in spotlight

5 minute read
December 31, 2008 | Daily Report Online

2008 may make you feel like the biggest loser

If you have a job, it probably feels shaky. If you have a 401k, you can't bear to open the statements. If you bought a house in the last five years, you feel like a sucker unless you were the winning bidder at a foreclosure auction.It's cold comfort to know that the financial crash upended everyone-callused Maine lobstermen, French-manicured San Diego real estate brokers, Rolex-wearing Greenwich hedge-fund managers.
6 minute read
June 25, 2008 | Daily Report Online

In The Trenches: Partner leaves Doffermyre Shields to go solo

Foy R. Devine, a partner at plaintiffs' boutique Doffermyre Shields Canfield Knowles Devine, will launch his own solo practice on July 1."It's an opportunity for me to get back to my roots in the things I enjoy doing the most," said Devine, who gave up a solo practice to become part of Doffermyre Shields Canfield Knowles Devine in 1996.
6 minute read