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February 05, 2009 | Daily Report Online

Home of man linked to 1982 Tylenol deaths searched

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. AP - Federal agents taking a second look at the murders of seven people who swallowed tainted Tylenol capsules in 1982 have searched the home of a one-time leading suspect in the still-unsolved case.FBI agents from Boston and Chicago were seen Wednesday removing boxes and a computer from the condominium owned by James W.
5 minute read
March 11, 2009 | Daily Report Online

Heed the warnings

7 minute read
July 18, 2013 | Daily Report Online

ABA May Ditch Law School Student-To-Faculty Ratio Rule

The American Bar Association's rules governing the size of law school faculties may soon be a thing of the past.
5 minute read
March 27, 2009 | Daily Report Online

Windows blocked on judge-picking process

The day after President Barack Obama took office, he said that open government would be a touchstone of his administration."The way to make government accountable is make it transparent so that the American people can know exactly what decisions are being made, how they're being made, and whether their interests are being well served," Obama told a gathering of senior staff and cabinet secretaries.
8 minute read
October 13, 2008 | Daily Report Online

Families awarded $400M in terror suit

The order from a federal judge in Washington began eerily-unlike any other announcement of the conclusion in a civil liability case. "It was a sunny day somewhere in Iraq and a light wind blew the long curtains into the room through the open door. A group of men clad in total black, faces covered, stood on a Persian rug facing a camera.
9 minute read
June 07, 2013 | Daily Report Online

LawJam 2013: It's All In The Name For Mikey Mel & The JDs

I started this band in my basement the summer before I started law school at UGA. I was the only member of the band. I knew I would always be a member of my band, so I put my name on it. I figured that if anyone else would join the band, they should be separated from me with an ampersand.
5 minute read
June 12, 2013 | Daily Report Online

Monsanto agrees not to sue over traces of modified seeds

Monsanto Co. won't have to face a challenge to its patents on genetically modified seeds after a U.S. appeals court affirmed a decision to throw out a lawsuit filed by organic farmers and seed sellers.
7 minute read
May 14, 2004 | Daily Report Online

Respond to 5 Rulings, Hopefuls Told

Steven H. [email protected] Christian Coalition of Georgia's survey of judicial candidates quotes passages from the majority and dissenting opinions in key U.S. Supreme Court decisions and asks candidates with which philosophy they most agree. The survey names the authors of dissents, but not of majority opinions.
5 minute read
May 24, 2011 | Daily Report Online

Both parties wrong on tax breaks for Big Oil

Senate Democrats want to eliminate a tax break for the five biggest multinational oil companies. Republicans oppose the idea on the grounds that rescinding a tax break qualifies as a tax increase. Both parties are missing the boat. By confining their disagreement to select deductions for a few oil producers, lawmakers are squandering an opportunity to examine all forms of tax breaks and make a real dent in the deficit.
5 minute read
April 10, 2008 | Daily Report Online

PoGo lobbyist spars with former firm

When Harry Sporidis decided to leave the Washington Group last year, everyone seemed to be on good terms. His boss, CEO Susan Molinari, wished him luck and said she wanted to make his transition smooth. Sporidis says she told him to call her every Tuesday with the hottest gossip, and they planned to have lunch the third Thursday of each month.
6 minute read

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