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November 20, 2008 | Daily Report Online

It isn't a TARP without troubled assets to cover

Every time Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson updates us on the government's efforts to stabilize the financial system and announces the latest twist in the Troubled Asset Relief Program, I get a sinking feeling in my stomach. I know he will introduce a host of new acronyms for new lending facilities to rescue new asset classes from new and anticipated distress.
5 minute read
November 02, 2006 | Daily Report Online

High court will test 2005 tort law

THE STATE SUPREME COURT has agreed to hear a challenge to a part of last year's tort law changes that required medical-malpractice plaintiffs to waive the privacy in their medical records when they file claims.The high court said it would review one of two July decisions by the Court of Appeals of Georgia that struck down the provision as conflicting with a federal statute guarding the confidentiality of patient information.
5 minute read
August 27, 2007 | Daily Report Online

On The Rise: W. Scott Ortwein

When Stephen A. Hellrung, senior vice president, general counsel and secretary of Marietta-based Graphic Packaging Corp., called Alston Bird last year for help on a complex $655 million merger, he was surprised that the firm recommended W. Scott Ortwein.Hellrung admits his skepticism that someone so young could handle the work, but after watching him in action, he began to trust the choice.
3 minute read
June 26, 2013 | Daily Report Online

Pro Bono Team Wins Habeas For Death Row Man

The first time Dykema Gossett lawyer Patrick Hickey worked on a pro bono death penalty case in Georgia, it was the late 1980s, and he was an associate at the firm.
5 minute read
October 20, 2011 | Daily Report Online

New iPhone faster and smarter than last model

There's no way to tell the difference between Apple Inc.'s new iPhone 4S and the previous model. Until you turn it on. In a week of using the 4S, I found so many new things under the hood that, with a few cosmetic changes, the company could legitimately have called it "iPhone 5" and no one would have blinked.
5 minute read
April 17, 2006 | Daily Report Online

Lucky sports fan cries 'foul' when Atlanta History Center drops the ball - literally

By Greg Land, Staff Reporter A North Carolina man has accused the Atlanta History Center of dropping the ball when it came to keeping a local sports artifact safe at home. Now he wants more than peanuts.On April 4, 1997, Charles "Chuck" Austin was in the right-field stands with his family during the Atlanta Braves' home opener when Braves outfielder Michael Tucker swatted one towards them.
4 minute read
March 14, 2013 | Daily Report Online

Circus sues animal rights critics, claiming defamation

Atlanta-based UniverSoul Circus is suing critics who claimed its elephant handler mistreats one of the animals appearing in the circus.
4 minute read
January 13, 2010 | Daily Report Online

E-discovery costs heaped on plaintiff

In an action that electronic discovery experts say may signal a sea change in how legal costs are apportioned after trial, a federal judge in Atlanta has ordered the losing company in a patent infringement action to pay more than $268,000 in costs to its opponents for the services of a computer consultant hired to fulfill broad discovery demands.
9 minute read
September 21, 2004 | Daily Report Online

Rep. Gingrey's Med-Mal Win Doesn't Soften Reform Stance

4 minute read
August 31, 2007 | Daily Report Online

Big issues arise in tiny technology

5 minute read