New York Law Journal

New York's Latest Legislative Session: What Passed, What Didn't, What's Next

Some of the more significant developments in the 2019-2020 legislative session.
13 minute read

New York Law Journal

Election 2020: Will Estate Planning Ever Be the Same?

If next year the Democratic Party controls the Senate, the House of Representatives, and the White House, we are certain to see new tax legislation. Now is the time to develop a contingency plan that can be implemented this fall depending on the outcome of the November election.
8 minute read

New York Law Journal

Planning Around NY's Estate Tax Cliff—Because a Pandemic Is Enough To Worry About

A review of the current New York Estate Tax regime, with a renewed warning of the dreaded "cliff" and a discussion of how intelligent and flexible planning can help provide security, savings and sometimes even the elimination of the New York estate tax.
8 minute read

New York Law Journal

Tackling 'In Terrorem' Clauses in Trusts and Wills

Recent developments in the use and enforceability of in terrorem clauses in New York, including tips on what practitioners can do to boost their enforceability.
8 minute read

Corporate Counsel

The Human-Centered Skills Fundamental for Lawyers

What are the ideas and skills that lawyers might need to develop today to be prepared for tomorrow?
6 minute read

New York Law Journal

Particularized Pleading of Underlying Illegal Acts in the Second Circuit

A discussion of the Second Circuit securities case, 'Gamm v. Sanderson Farms' which provides companies responding to allegations of securities fraud based on failure to disclose illegal conduct ammunition to support a motion to dismiss.
8 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Ethics Forum: Questions and Answers on Professional Responsibility

I am a suspended lawyer who wants to apply for reinstatement. I cannot remember if I filed a certificate of compliance after I notified my clients of my suspension. Is that a problem?
10 minute read

New York Law Journal

Win Your Commercial Arbitration by Using Section 7 of FAA

How can you prove your case/defenses in a commercial arbitration when there is no enforceable mechanism to compel a non-party to produce discovery?
8 minute read

New York Law Journal

Court Holds Interlocutory Orders Appealable After Judgment

'Knapp v. Finger Lakes NY' presents a cogent analysis of the not uncommon confluence of statutes and case law on the appealability of an interlocutory order that is issued after entry of the judgment. A background review of the applicable law is helpful.
9 minute read

International Edition

Will On-The-Job Lawyer Training Take A Back Seat Post-COVID?

Linklaters' global head of learning and a manager at Slaughter and May have shared their predictions on the impact of the lockdown on law firms' training initiatives.
5 minute read


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