Daily Business Review

Redeveloping Real Estate After Natural Disasters: Challenges, Strategies and Opportunities

The increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters—including wildfires, hurricanes, floods, droughts, tornadoes, and extreme temperatures—poses significant challenges for all stakeholders in real estate: developers, owners, tenants, lenders, government agencies, and policymakers.
6 minute read

Daily Business Review

Calif. Fires Should Serve as a Reminder to Fla.’s Commercial Landlords and Tenants Not to Be Complacent

All property owners must be prepared to protect their property and investment before the catastrophe arrives. The number-one risk management strategy is proper planning.
6 minute read

Daily Business Review

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Commercial Real Estate Transactions

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing various industries, and commercial real estate is no exception.
5 minute read

Daily Business Review

The Hidden Risks and Benefits of Investing in a Condo-Hotel or Branded Condominium Unit

Once a branded condo or condo-hotel hits the market, investors line up for their opportunity to own an exclusive unit on South Florida’s skyline, however, due to said exclusivity, investors often have limited time to review complex governing documents, potentially overlooking important obligations related to their unit ownership.
9 minute read

Daily Business Review

Senior Housing Spotlight: As Market Rebounds, Complex Legal Transactions Remain

For owners looking to capitalize on market demand and maximize their outcomes—whether through a traditional sale or a more complex transaction—taking stock of the right legal, property, operational and market strategies and how those work together is key.
7 minute read

Daily Business Review

Effective Termination Strategies in Today’s Troubled Condo Market

Just when offers from developers were gaining traction as a potential exit strategy for those in aging communities with necessary recertification repairs as well as high assessment and insurance increases, the appellate decision has hampered one of the procedures being used by associations to enhance their ability to terminate a condominium. The ruling has made strategic and creative approaches from developers and unit owners more vital than ever.
7 minute read

Daily Business Review

AI and Land Use—a Perfect Match in Real Estate Heaven

The capabilities of AI are boundless, and its effects promise to introduce new dimensions to the present land use planning regimes. Yet, despite these benefits, human expertise, and the human perspective in land use remain indispensable.
7 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

EB-5 Immigration Investor Program: a Win-Win Program, or Is It?

Each country has its own business sensibilities, many of which are more focused on interpersonal relationships or norms that do not always line up with the United States' more formalistic business practices.
6 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Pa. High Court to Decide Whether Flight in a High Crime Area Can Result in an Investigative Stop

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court will decide whether unprovoked flight from the police in a high crime area provides police with the requisite reasonable suspicion to conduct an investigatory detention.
6 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Gertrude Stein Is Right On Again

In McAleer v. Geisinger Medical Center, the defendants were successful in having the Montour County Common Pleas Court dismiss on summary judgment the claim of Michael and Elaine McAleer because the claim involved the theory that when a doctor selects an inappropriate procedure for a patient, out of several alternatives, that choice can amount to negligence.
7 minute read


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