The Seventh Circuit Struggles With Applying 'Monell'

Under a federal statute, Section 1983 of the Civil Rights Act of 1871, individuals may sue state officials for violations of constitutional rights.
6 minute read

New York Law Journal

Why Businesses Get Sued, and What You Can Do About It: Part III

This series outlines the most common ways businesses and their owners get sued and what can be done to minimize that risk. This final post focuses on COVID-19 related lawsuits.
6 minute read

New York Law Journal

Revisiting Justice Stevens' Dissent in 'Fedorenko v. U.S.'

Justice John Paul Stevens, who would have turned 100 in April, passed away one year ago this July. His 2019 autobiography discussed his position in many of his cases. One case not mentioned was 'Fedorenko v. United States.' The decision's significance and concomitant symbolism warrant revisiting Stevens' dissent.
9 minute read

New York Law Journal

Ahead to the Past: The Evolution of New Rules of Engagement in the Age of Social Inflation and Nuclear Verdicts

Part one in a three-part series discussing the different angles of the nuclear verdict/social inflation dilemma in New York.
17 minute read

International Edition

The Key Role of Security in Law Firm Video-Conferencing

Pre-pandemic, legal proceedings were highly paper-based, but all of that needs to be managed virtually now.
5 minute read

New York Law Journal

In Search of the Elusive "Reasonable Consumer"

A discussion of how the "reasonable consumer" test is supposed to work and how some courts have applied it to dismiss claims at the pleading stage while others have decided that "reasonable consumer" questions can't be judged until later in the case. Appellate guidance has been scattered, but there are some common threads in the court decisions.
8 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Ethics Forum: Questions and Answers on Professional Responsibility

I am a judge and I have received a subpoena to testify in a pending civil suit. Can I testify or should I move to quash the subpoena?
7 minute read

New York Law Journal

Litigation Funding Opinion for Infants in Med Mal Cases

Alternative litigation financing for infants in birth injury medical malpractice cases in New York levels the playing field.
11 minute read

Sixth Circuit Delineates Ballot-Access Rights Under COVID-19

COVID-19 has tested the bounds of political power and constitutional law like nothing else, and that trial is on full display in the Sixth Circuit.
8 minute read

International Edition

How the Regeneron v Kymab Case Sets the Tone for UK Patent Law

Drug developer Kymab won its case in the U.K. Supreme Court against New York biotechnology giant Regeneron in June.
5 minute read

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