New York Law Journal

Mentoring The Right Way: Safeguarding Boundaries

Instituting norms that prioritize mentoring could yield significant payoffs for law firms in regard to attorney job performance, job satisfaction, and commitment to the firm as demonstrated in this article.
8 minute read

International Edition

The Three Barriers Preventing Law From Finding and Nurturing Black Talent

The UK legal industry appears to be missing this opportunity to embrace the benefits that come with more diversity, says a former Magic Circle Black lawyer.
6 minute read

The Recorder

Blockchain Boost: The Sharing Economy Comes to Computing

Just as Airbnb has allowed hosts to monetize an unused spare bedroom or Vrbo allows owners to directly access the market for vacation rentals, a sharing economy for digital resources would allow individuals, corporations, governments and schools to mitigate their infrastructure outlays.
7 minute read

New York Law Journal

New Regulations Demand Due Process for Campus Sexual Misconduct Cases

An analysis of some of the more groundbreaking and controversial changes in the new Title IX regulations, including the authors' opinions on the regulations' likely successes and shortcomings ahead of their implementation on Aug. 14, 2020.
9 minute read

International Edition

Partnerships in Crisis: How to Survive

There is plenty of incentive to stick together for now but as cashflow dries up new opportunities may open up for some partners.
5 minute read

New York Law Journal

Realty Law Digest

Scott E. Mollen discusses "Suncore Group v. 1660 1ST LLC," "IndyMac Federal Bank FSB v. Parekh," and "1901 Hennessy LLC v. Vicente."
17 minute read

New York Law Journal

Proposed Regulations for Section 1031 Exchanges

Due to a 2017 change to I.R.C. section 1031, some taxpayers will now owe tax with respect to exchanged personal property. In their Real Estate Financing Column, Ezra Dyckman and Aaron Gaynor discuss how new proposed regulations and other parts of the 2017 changes to the tax law mitigate the consequences to exchanging taxpayers.
6 minute read

New York Law Journal

What To Do When You Get a Subpoena

In anticipation of expected COVID-19-related fraud and other investigations, it is critical for counsel to know how best to respond to subpoenas and other information requests from local and state entities.
5 minute read

International Edition

Impending Disputes Boom: Firms Should Make Intelligence Providers Work Smarter

Direct communication with data providers will be crucial in the coming months.
5 minute read

International Edition

Third-Party Funding: What You Need to Know

The legal industry expects that the fallout from the global COVID-19 pandemic will accelerate the use of third-party funding worldwide. Here are 15 things to know.
9 minute read

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