Texas Lawyer

The First Amendment, COVID-19 and the Freedom to Practice Religion

The rough and tumble of First Amendment litigation. That's what the Founders wanted, with their unshakable belief that the best antidote to bad ideas are better ones. A good reminder of what we stand for in hard times.
6 minute read

Texas Lawyer

Self-Driving Cars and the Future of Personal Injury Law

Self-driving cars are under high scrutiny, but we shouldn't ignore the impact they will have on the world once the world accepts their innovative technology.
5 minute read

The Recorder

Cybersecurity Challenges for Remote Law Firms

Employees working from home are particularly vulnerable to phishing scams due to human errors and often have weak security protocols on their Wi-Fi networks, allowing hackers easier access to the network's traffic.
5 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Ethics Forum: Questions and Answers on Professional Responsibility

I am a young attorney who will be representing my law school friend in an attorney disciplinary trial. How should one prepare for such a case?
11 minute read

New York Law Journal

Relief for Condominium Sponsors Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

In her Ask the Former Regulator column, Erica F. Buckley addresses some limited relief afforded to condominium sponsors under certain executive orders signed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
5 minute read

The American Lawyer

Ten Ways to Avoid a Repeat of the Diversity Recession

With 10,000-strong of its trainees in the market, the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity is hopeful this recession will have less of an impact on minorities than the Great Recession. LCLD president Robert Grey recaps what leaders of member organizations are doing to make sure that's the case.
6 minute read

Property Casualty 360

Workplace safety during civil unrest

Businesses need to have a policy on what to do if the worst case happens and rioters besiege their business.
4 minute read

Texas Lawyer

The Current State of IP During the Pandemic: A Q&A With Patterson + Sheridan's Bruce Patterson

Bruce Patterson, a partner at Patterson + Sheridan, spoke with Texas Lawyer about the state of intellectual property law during the COVID-19 pandemic, and what we can expect once the virus is vanquished.
7 minute read

Texas Lawyer

Tapping Recovery in Texas

By providing nonrecourse funding for a variety of commercial claims, funding is a tool that can ease the financial burden for companies and law firms alike and provide a path forward for good claims to reach the courthouse.
6 minute read

The Recorder

All Legal Resumes Should Be 1 Page … Right?

There are no hard-and-fast rules around the resumé page length. So if you need an extra page or two to articulate all about you that is great, by all means take it.
3 minute read

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