The Recorder

Recent US Federal Court Ruling Permits Discovery in Aid of CIETAC Proceeding

The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California has permitted a party in an international commercial arbitration to take depositions and obtain documents from third parties for use in arbitration administered by the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) in Beijing.
10 minute read

New York Law Journal

Realty Law Digest

Scott E. Mollen, a partner at Herrick, Feinstein, discusses "Surfair Equities Inc. v. Marin," "6914 Ridge Blvd LLC v. Delao" and " W. 8th St. Assocs. LLC v. Ortiz."
17 minute read

New York Law Journal

CARES Act Provisions May Benefit Real Estate Owners

On March 27, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was signed into law. The Act includes many provisions aimed at mitigating the economic impact of the coronavirus outbreak, such as cash rebates to individuals and loans and tax credits to businesses. However, the Act also contains several modifications and technical corrections to the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that could significantly benefit real estate owners.
5 minute read

International Edition

The Thorny Issue of AI Use by Law Firms – Being a Luddite vs. Being Held Liable

What are the thorniest issues when it comes to the use of AI by lawyers?
5 minute read

Corporate Counsel

Video Interview Tips Specifically for In-House Counsel

To be clear, we all absolutely HATE video interviewing. Outside recruiters like me, internal HR folks, and especially the actual hiring manager CEOs and GCs … none of us want this. And so a strong preference to wait for the traditional process has become an added reason, beyond macro conditions, to kick the hiring can down the road.
3 minute read

The Recorder

What to Expect from COVID-19 Related Workers' Compensation Claims

Workers to Face Challenges: The vast majority of California workers will face a higher hurdle to establish workers' compensation claims for workplace exposure to COVID-19.
7 minute read

International Edition

Remote Working Means We Need Clarity on the Validity of Electronic Signatures

The uncertainty means significant disputes could emerge on cross border transactions.
5 minute read

The Recorder

All of a Sudden, Everyone Loves the Tenth Amendment

Long relegated to a quiet corner full of dusty academics like us, the Tenth Amendment has roared back into public life recently, with noted conservative and liberal luminaries alike relying on it to rebut the current administration's absurd initial claim that federal authority can countermand state quarantine orders.
7 minute read

Corporate Counsel

The Fine Line Between 'Cutting Red Tape' and Throwing Out the Play Book

To most readers, the Wall Street Journal's recent article about Robert Kraft's efforts quickly to obtain N95 masks from China for Massachusetts hospitals was a story of a seemingly heroic act. While we too were able to appreciate that aspect of the story, what really stood out to us were all of the FCPA red flags.
4 minute read

The American Lawyer

What To Do About the First-Year Class of 2020?

Hugh A. Simons argues that the incoming first-year associate class for the fall of 2020 should be deferred. He offers historical perspectives from the Great Recession and guidance on when and how to implement these decisions.
10 minute read

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