Corporate Counsel

Protecting Confidential Information When Sheltering in Place

As employers adjust their policies to maintain business operations and enable workers to work from home, they should also take steps to mitigate the risks of trade secret misappropriation.
7 minute read

Daily Business Review

Feds Crack Down on Hoarding of Scarce Materials and Price Gouging Due to COVID-19

A federal crackdown under the Defense Production Act is aimed at preventing market manipulation, hoarding and price gouging on health and medical supplies.
5 minute read

International Edition

Will COVID-19 Pave The Way For Better Lawyer Work-Life Balance?

"Lawyers may feel a powerful effect from not having to commute each day and having more time with family," says the head of flexi-lawyer service Vario.
5 minute read

The American Lawyer

How to Work With Your Coronavirus-Related Stress: 3 Keys for Fostering Post-Traumatic Growth

"You are now being given the opportunity to step back from it all, and do an audit of your life, your priorities and your patterns," Rebecca Simon Green and Jarrett Green.
13 minute read

The American Lawyer

Covid-19 Recovery Playbook: Managing a Law Firm in the First Phase of the Crisis

Managing the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on law firm business will come in many stages. The consultants in LawVision's strategy group created a playbook on what key leaders across a firm should do in each stage of that process. This is the first article in a series outlining those steps, by phase.
12 minute read

The American Lawyer

Thoughts on Alternatives to Canceling Summer Programs

Since writing that summer programs should be canceled, Hugh Simons has heard of alternative suggestions such as shortened programs or advance pay. He offers his take on those options.
3 minute read

Sixth Circ. Title IX Ruling Speeds the Day When Schools Are Liable to Victims and Harassers

Public colleges and universities must walk a fine line between failing to address appropriately all complaints of sexual harassment and failing to afford due process to the alleged harassers.
5 minute read

The American Lawyer

How Coronavirus-Related Stress Can Lead to Personal Growth and a More Meaningful Life

In this first of two articles on post-traumatic growth, law firm well-being consultants Rebecca Simon Green and Jarrett Green explain the science behind turning a stressful event into a chance to improve your life.
9 minute read

Corporate Counsel

The GC's Role in Managing the Board/Management Dynamic During Times of Crisis

Crises such as the current pandemic present significant, novel challenges for the company's general counsel, including but not limited to helping to manage the board/management dynamic.
5 minute read

International Edition

Five Financing Options for Law Firms in Challenging Times

Some ways of improving a law firm's financial situation are tried and tested, others are more novel.
5 minute read

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