Corporate Counsel

Five Ways Legal Technology Can Help Navigate Knowledge Management

Legal technology provides several advantages to firms, giving them the ability to capture legal knowledge, collaborate with colleagues and share knowledge and opinions in real time.
5 minute read

The Recorder

The Intersection of the California Consumer Privacy Act and California's Preexisting Consumer Protection Statutes

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) contains an explicit prohibition, along with implicit safe harbors, likely to limit certain Unfair Competition Law and/or Consumer Legal Remedies Act claims related to the use or disclosure of information subject to the CCPA.
6 minute read

New York Law Journal

Succession: Appellate Term Case Highlights Tenant Deceptions

In their Rent Regulation column, Warren Estis and Jeffrey Turkel discuss recent succession cases including 'CBU Assocs., Inc. v. Forray,' where the First Department, Appellate Term observed that an occupant, through a "persistent and systematic pattern of deception," can waive succession rights. They note that the rule in the Second Department is "somewhat more tenant-friendly."
10 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Appellate Answers on Motion Practice

Should I be worried if my Appellate Division motion was filed the same as a trial court motion?
6 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Navigating the Changing Seas of E-Discovery Ethics: Key Considerations for Counsel

As technology continues to pervade every facet of life and business, the scope of the lawyer's ethical duty of competency has swelled to encompass technology's burgeoning role in litigation.
6 minute read

Corporate Counsel

The Elements of Proxy Style

If the information and disclosure provided to shareholders is concise and focused, then it will be more useful, and the more useful the materials, the more likely that shareholders will meaningfully participate in the process.
5 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Ethics Forum: Questions and Answers on Professional Responsibility

I represent a client in a fairly high-profile criminal case. There has been some adverse publicity in the newspapers and on the internet about my client, which may be the results of leaks from the District Attorney's Office, elsewhere or from origins not known. I want to respond to those leaks. Can I do so ethically?
10 minute read

Corporate Counsel

The Role of Corporate Counsel Under the Business Roundtable's New Purpose

Thanks to the Business Roundtable, the purpose of corporations is expanding, and it is only natural that boards and officers will turn to the versatile corporate counsel for guidance.
5 minute read

Corporate Counsel

How Outside Counsel Can Build Better Bonds With In-House Clients

Two experienced general counsels explain their formula for how outside counsel can establish, sustain, and grow the critical relationship with the general counsel and the in-house team.
9 minute read

New York Law Journal

Realty Law Digest

In his Realty Law Digest, Scott E. Mollen discusses "Bd. of Managers, 28 Cliff St. Condo v. Maguire;" "Bay Sun Realty Inc. v. Li," and "Westchester Plaza Holdings v. Sherwood."
14 minute read

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