The Recorder

#MeToo Wave Has Employers (and Their Insurers) Running for Cover 

Following the wave of attention garnered by high-profile cases involving sexual harassment and assault allegations against supervisors, employers are seeking out whatever help they can to prevent similar conduct from occurring under their watch.
6 minute read

The Recorder

Court Finds State's Drought Efforts Violated Jurisdiction and Due Process

Water districts secured a win in the first stage of challenges to curtailments.
5 minute read

Corporate Counsel

ALSPs Coming-of-Age Is Putting In-House Counsel in the Driver Seat of Industry Restructuring

Given lawyers' predilection for precedent, the probability of a corporation outsourcing to an ALSP depends on the number of corporations who've already done so.
8 minute read

The Recorder

Business Intelligence Finally Knocking at the Legal Department Door

Legal departments are expected to do more with less and are now charged with better controlling and reducing costs, continuously evaluating and improving processes, and wherever possible, retaining and re-using historical data and knowledge.
5 minute read

The Recorder

Bedsworth: More Brussel Sprouts, Please

A deep dive on a European Court of Justice ruling finding that bridge is NOT a sport and what the ruling means to our appellate judge columnist.
9 minute read

The Recorder

Breaking Into the Bay Area Corporate Legal Market—a Primer

No major metropolitan area in the United States is as ripe for the legal profession as the San Francisco Bay Area.
6 minute read

The Recorder

Be on Your Game: How to Crush Your Phone Interview

The phone interview is the first mile marker in the job interview marathon. It's a special situation because it's not face-to-face and relies more heavily on the imagination.
5 minute read

The Recorder

Can You Impeach With RFA Denials? – Victaulic Company's $55 Million Dollar Question

A recent appellate decision confirmed that the prohibition on using Request For Admission denials or responses to contention interrogatories at trial cannot be circumvented by laying an impeachment trap for witnesses.
6 minute read

The Recorder

Should You Accept a 'Quasi-Legal' Job Offer?

Generally speaking, lawyers who take “quasi-legal” paths experience a tough time getting back in the pure legal fast lane. But making the switch is not impossible. Here are several factors to consider.
4 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Ethics Forum: Questions and Answers on Professional Responsibility

I represented a client on a minor matter and I missed the statute of limitations. The value of the case is about $4,000 or $5,000. I brought the client in and reached an agreement to settle the case for the client for $3,500 with a release from liability. The client is happy. Did I do anything wrong?
8 minute read


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