The Recorder

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Today's Headlines Create Opportunities for Change for Employers

Instead of hunkering down in fear or denial, employers can and should view this moment as an opportunity to address long-standing issues, improve diversity, and create lasting, positive change.
8 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Ethics Forum: Questions and Answers on Professional Responsibility

Prosecutors, whether they are assistant district attorneys or U.S. Attorneys or assistant attorney generals, are all bound by the Rules of Professional Conduct, at least when they practice in Pennsylvania. The Rules of Professional Conduct are really quite stringent in terms of responsibilities of a prosecutor.
21 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Putting Terror Out of Business by Cutting Off Its Funding Stream

Nitsana Darshan-Leitner is an Israeli lawyer who argues that there is no such thing as the lone wolf terrorist. The lone wolf depends upon substantial financial resources of the terrorist groups which recruit them, encourage their murderous ways, and teach them the craft necessary to take down Western society.
6 minute read

The Recorder

How to Get the Dirt From a Reference Check (Part 2: Pre-Call Prep)

Speaking with a candidate's references provides an employer with a unique opportunity to gain more insight into the person they're about to hire. But many employers don't see it this way. Their referencing experience has given them a different opinion—based on unhelpful vanilla, cookie-cutter feedback and in some cases, no feedback at all.
7 minute read

The Recorder

On Appeals: Effective Letters to the Higher Court

If you've ever wondered why federal appellate court judges bother to write dissents, especially dissents from the denial of rehearing en banc (“dissentals”), read the recent U.S. Supreme Court case of 'Kernan v. Cuero', where the Court observed that, “The Ninth Circuit denied rehearing en banc over the dissent of seven judges.”
11 minute read

Connecticut Law Tribune

A Gentler Approach to Ethics Enforcement

In a recent article in the ABA Journal, Carolyn Elefant suggested that ethics rules on advertising and fee splitting are hampering efforts by solos and small firm lawyers to compete in a rapidly changing technological environment.
9 minute read

Connecticut Law Tribune

Four Tips for Avoiding Problem Clients

The challenge, of course, is to screen out the problem clients without significantly impacting the attorneys' business and financial needs.
6 minute read

The Recorder

How to Bypass the BS and Get the Dirt From Candidate Reference Checks (Part 1)

In an employer's ideal world, a candidate's references would provide a treasure trove of information … from the minutiae of their legal experience to the skeletons in their closet.
6 minute read

Corporate Counsel

Putting Your Litigation Story Into Action

In this final part of a four-part series, explore the various ways you and your outside counsel can use your company's litigation story.
28 minute read

Texas Lawyer

A Slap at Employment Law? A Look at the Impact of Texas Citizens Participation Act in 2017

In the last year, Texas courts have pursued an expansive view of the Texas Citizens Participation Act (TCPA), a law that, generally speaking, is designed to protect the free expression rights of ordinary citizens.
5 minute read


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