Page 54 - ALMExperts 2025 National Accident Investigation/Reconstruction & Safety Directory
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Safety                                             ALM EXPERTS: National Accident & Safety Edition 2025
                                           run over, back over, scaffold, ladder, stair,   Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,
                   SAFETY                  step, floor, sidewalk, premises liability, training,   MBA, CFEI, CFII
                                           utility, flaggers, MEWP, whistleblower and
                                           multi-employer.                   President & CEO
                                                                             Real-World Forensic Engineering,
        Mark Franklin                     (Please see our resume on page 64 for further   LLC
         Cove Acre Corp                   details.)                          Lubbock, TX
         Somerset, MA                                                        Phone: (806) 368-9811
         Phone: (508) 479-5337            Brian H. Kleiner, PhD,             E-mail: [email protected]
         E-mail: [email protected]   MBA
        (Please see our resume on page 63 for further   Professor (Emeritus)   (Please see our resume on page 70 for further
        details.)                          of Human Resource
        Chip Darius, OHST, CIT,            at prestigious                   SAFETY (CONSTRUCTION)
        CSHO, CUSP                         California university
         Safety Priority                   551 Santa Barbara Avenue
         Consultants, LLC                  Fullerton, CA 92835             Chip Darius, OHST, CIT, CSHO,
         110 Court St., Suite 1            Phone: (714) 879-9705           CUSP
         Cromwell, CT 06416                Cell: (714) 595-1891              Safety Priority Consultants, LLC
         Phone: (800) 809-0059             Fax: (714) 879-5600               Cromwell, CT
         Cell: (860) 978-9899              E-mail: [email protected],   Phone: (800) 809-0059
         Fax: (860) 760-6264               [email protected]            Cell: (860) 978-9899
         E-mail: [email protected]                                  E-mail: [email protected]
         Web:  Profile: Accomplishments:  MBA and
                                           PhD in Management from UCLA. 1,000+
         Degrees/Licenses: BS, University of CT; MA,   cases as an expert. Former human resource   (Please see our resume on page 64 for further
         University of CT; OHST, Board of Certified   manager for Ford Motor Company. Over
         Safety Professionals; CIT, Board of Certified   100 business and government consulting   Michael Roop
         Safety Professionals; CSHO, OSHA Training   clients. Trained thousands of managers.
         Institute Ed. Center              Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV.   MRE Training & Consulting
                                           500+ high quality professional and academic   Richmond, TX
                                           peer reviewed publications. Have given trial/
         Profile: Chip Darius has over 30 years of                           Phone: (281) 684-6794
         experience in safety and OSHA compliance   arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably   Cell: (281) 684-6795
         consulting & training for industry,   featured in Employment Law Verdicts.   E-mail: [email protected], lsroop@
                                           Profiled in Bender’s California Labor &
         construction, utilities, and emergency                    
         services. He has been a speaker at   Employment Bulletin as a result of successes.
                                           Have received many awards, honors &
         international, national, regional, state and                      (Please see our resume on page 68 for further
         local conferences and seminars and has been   commendations. Rates negotiable.   details.)
         an instructor for the OSHA Training Institute     Specialties: Compliance of organizational
         Region 1 Education Center and Adjunct
         Faculty at Keene State College since 2002,   policies, procedures, and practices with   SAFETY COMPLIANCE
                                           standards of human resources management;
         teaching OSHA standards and policies for
         both construction and general industry.   preventing and investigating complaints
                                           concerning sexual harassment and other
                                           forms of discrimination and harassment;
         Chip is an authorized OSHA Outreach Trainer                       Mark Franklin
         for construction and general industry. He is   ADA, interactive process, reasonable   Cove Acre Corp
                                           accommodation; FMLA, workers’
         an Accident investigation instructor who is                         Somerset, MA
         experienced in: Personal injury, catastrophic   compensation; retaliation, discipline, wrongful   Phone: (508) 479-5337
         injury and fatality cases; Occupational   termination; negligent hiring/retention/  E-mail: [email protected]
                                           supervision; independent contractor vs.
         safety & health regulations, standards
         and compliance; Multi-employer worksites;   employee classification; compensation, wage   (Please see our resume on page 63 for further
                                           & hours, benefits/pensions; performance
         Safety training requirements, failure to train,                   details.)
         and inadequate training matters, and OSHA   evaluation, promotion selections, workforce
         whistleblower issues.             reductions; workplace violence, safety, OSHA.  Chip Darius, OHST, CIT, CSHO,

         His Certifications include: Occupational   (Please see our complete listing under the   CUSP
         Hygiene & Safety Technician, Certified Utility   following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Safety Priority Consultants, LLC
         Safety Professional, Scaffold Competent   Employment)               Cromwell, CT
         Person Trainer, Walkway Auditor Certificate                         Phone: (800) 809-0059
         Holder, Forklift Safety Technician, Machine   Michael Roop          Cell: (860) 978-9899
         Safeguarding Technician, Certified   MRE Training & Consulting      E-mail: [email protected]
         Instructional Trainer, Flagger Instructor NSC/  Richmond, TX
         ATSSA, Work Zone Safety Instructor, and   Phone: (281) 684-6794   (Please see our resume on page 64 for further
         Emergency Care Instructor /Trainer, Mobile   Cell: (281) 684-6795  details.)
         Equipment Operator Trainer (Ives), Fall   E-mail: [email protected], lsroop@
         Protection Equipment Inspector (3M), Traffic        Michael Roop
         Control Technician (ATSSA), Traffic Control
         Design Specialist (ATSSA), Certified Safety   (Please see our resume on page 68 for further   MRE Training & Consulting
         & Health Official (OTIEC), Certified Boom   details.)               Richmond, TX
         and Scissor Lift Operator, Certified Health                         Phone: (281) 684-6794
         and Safety Officer (CFA). He has over 40                            Cell: (281) 684-6795
         years’ experience as an Emergency Medical                           E-mail: [email protected], lsroop@

         Some of his areas of safety expertise include:                    (Please see our resume on page 68 for further
         Safety and Slips Trips Falls, OSHA, accident,                     details.)
         catastrophic injury, death, fall, slip, trip, forklift,
         aerial boom scissor lift, machine, equipment,
         amputation, crush, construction, work zone,
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