Page 68 - ALMExperts 2025 National Accident Investigation/Reconstruction & Safety Directory
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Medical Toxicology ALM EXPERTS: National Accident & Safety Edition 2025
including medical malpractice matters. He also
MEDICAL TOXICOLOGY offers consultation regarding transportation SLEEP DISORDERS
accidents, including the role potentially played
by alcohol, drugs, and toxic substances.
He participates in risk assessment and risk
Michael J. Kosnett, MD, management, risk communication, and Merrill M. Mitler, Ph.D.
MPH, FACMT medical surveillance. In addition to seeing Forensic Examination
4495 Hale Parkway, Suite 301 patients in his clinical practice, he has lectured 351 Middleton Place
Denver, CO 80220-6204 extensively worldwide. Dr. Kosnett has 34 Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Phone: (303) 571-5778 years of experience as a testifying expert Phone: (240) 447-9123
E-mail: michael.kosnett@ in federal and state courts. E-mail: mmitler@
Web: Web:
resources/directory/directory-profile/Kosnett- OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE
Michael-UCD34642 Degrees/Licenses: Clinical Sleep Medicine
1977 Sleep Medicine, Stanford University,
Profile: Dr. Kosnett has 34 years’ Michael J. Kosnett, MD, MPH, Palo Alto.; Postdoctoral Training 1973 Sleep
experience as a physician board certified Research, Department of Psychiatry, Stanford
in medical toxicology, occupational FACMT University, Palo Alto.; Ph.D. 1970 Michigan
medicine, and internal medicine. His Denver, CO State University, East Lansing [Developmental
national and international activities have Phone: (303) 571-5778 Psychology].; M.A. 1969 Michigan State
included President, American College of E-mail: [email protected] University, East Lansing [Developmental
Medical Toxicology; Committee on Toxicology, Psychology].; B.A. 1967 University of
National Academies of Science, Engineering (Please see our complete listing under the Wisconsin, Madison [Political Science and
and Medicine; NIOSH Board of Scientific following area of expertise: Medical Experts: Psychology].
Counselors; CDC Advisory Committee on Medical Toxicology)
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention; EPA Profile: Dr. Merrill Mitler is a forensic
Science Advisory Board panels (lead in air, examiner and expert in the physiology of sleep
water, dust); Consultant and Temporary OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY and fatigue with over 20 years of experience
Advisor to the World Health Organization consulting on and testifying in more than
(arsenic in drinking water; chelation of heavy 200 cases in which driver or worker fatigue
metals); Agency for Toxic Substances and was alleged to be a causal factor. He worked
Disease Registry (ATSDR) expert panels (lead Evidence Solutions, Inc. on such prominent cases as those arising
biomonitoring; hair analysis); and toxicology Tucson, AZ from the Exxon Valdez grounding and the
consultant to US Air Force Science Advisory Phone: (866) 795-7166 death of Libby Zion. Dr. Mitler has a Ph.D.
Board, the US Navy Naval Air Command, and E-mail: clientservices@evidencesolutions. in Psychology and Postdoctoral Certificate
the US Army Public Health Center. He is a com, [email protected] in Developmental Psychobiology of Sleep
member of the Impairment Advisory Board of and Traffic Accident Investigation and has
the National Safety Council. (Please see our resume on page 65 for further practiced Psychology in New York and
details.) California.
Dr. Kosnett was the 2016 Recipient of the
American College of Medical Toxicology Dr. Mitler served on the faculties of Stanford
Matthew J. Ellenhorn Award (career PHARMACOLOGY University, The State University of New
achievement award in recognition of York Stony Brook, the Department of
“extraordinary contributions to the field of Neuropharmacology at The Scripps Research
medical toxicology.”) Merrill M. Mitler, Ph.D. Institute and the Department of Psychiatry
at The University of California, San Diego.
Dr. Kosnett has been an Attending Physician Forensic Examination For 11 years, he was the Program Director
for the Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Chapel Hill, NC for Sleep and Circadian Rhythms Research
Center (1995 - present) and the San Francisco Phone: (240) 447-9123 at NIH’s National Institute for Neurological
Bay Area Poison Control Center (1989 - 1994). E-mail: [email protected] Diseases and Stroke. He holds the following
With funding from the Colorado Department Board Certifications: American Board of
of Public Health and Environment and the (Please see our resume on page 67 for further Sleep Medicine, American Board of Forensic
National Institute on Drug Abuse he has been details.) Examiners, American Board of Forensic
engaged in research investigating the impact Medicine.
of cannabis use on driving performance and
impairment. He has offered consultation Additional areas of expertise include:
to the State of Colorado and other parties Fatigue, Driver Fatigue, Hours of Service,
regarding child resistant packaging, dosage Sleep Deprivation, Sleep Disorders, Traffic
limits and labeling for marijuana products, the Accidents, Trucking Accidents, Shift Work,
pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of Operator Fatigue in Industrial Accidents,
cannabinoids, and marijuana driving under the Pilot Fatigue in Aviation and Crew Fatigue in
influence (DUI) assessment. Maritime Operations.
Academic Affiliations: Associate Clinical (Please see our resume on page 67 for further
Professor, Division of Pulmonary Sciences details.)
and Critical Care Medicine, Department of
Medicine, University of Colorado School
of Medicine, and the Department of SLEEP MEDICINE
Environmental and Occupational Health,
Colorado School of Public Health. Dr. Kosnett
received a BS degree in molecular biophysics
and biochemistry from Yale University, an Merrill M. Mitler, Ph.D.
MD degree from the University of California, Forensic Examination
San Francisco, and an MPH degree in Chapel Hill, NC
environmental health sciences from the Phone: (240) 447-9123
University of California, Berkeley. E-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Kosnett offers consultation and expert (Please see our resume on page 67 for further
services regarding complex occupational, details.)
environmental and pharmaceutical cases,
58 Visit our website at