Page 132 - ALMExperts 2024 Legal Experts Pages (Western Directory)
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Hazard Analysis & Control                        ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2024
        Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA
         Professor (Emeritus) of Human     HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS              HAZARDOUS MATERIALS-
         Resource Management                                                        CHEMICALS
         at prestigious California
         university                       Meyer R. Rosen, CPC, CChE, FAIC,
         Fullerton, CA                    FRSC                             Scott L. Turner
         Phone: (714) 879-9705             President                         Truck Accident & Incident
         Cell: (714) 595-1891              Interactive Consulting, Inc.      Experts, LLC
         E-mail: bkleinerphdmba@gmail .com,
         bkleiner@fullerton .edu           Bonita Springs, FL                Naples, FL
                                           Phone: (239) 221-8161             Phone: Toll Free: (844) 974-1870
                                           Cell: (516) 459-2050              Cell: (931) 213-4398
        (Please see our complete listing under the   E-mail: meyer .rosen@chemicalconsult .com
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:                      E-mail: slturner@slturnerconsulting .com
        Employment)                                                        blank
                                          (Please see our resume on page 397 for further   Randolph, NJ
                                          details.)                          Phone: Toll Free: (844) 974-1870
        Mark I. Levy, MD, D.L.F.A.P.A.                                       Cell: (931) 213-4398
         Medical Director                 Scott L. Turner                    E-mail: slturner@slturnerconsulting .com
         Forensic Psychiatric Associates   Truck Accident & Incident       blank
         (           Experts, LLC                      Sioux City, IA
         Covina, CA                        Naples, FL                        Phone: Toll Free: (844) 974-1870
                                                                             Cell: (931) 213-4398
         Phone: (415) 388-8040             Phone: Toll Free: (844) 974-1870  E-mail: slturner@slturnerconsulting .com
         E-mail: forensics@fpamed .com     Cell: (931) 213-4398
                                           E-mail: slturner@slturnerconsulting .com  blank  Cheyenne, WY
        (Please see our resume on page 429 for further                       Phone: Toll Free: (844) 974-1870
        details.)                         blank  Randolph, NJ                Cell: (931) 213-4398
                                           Phone: Toll Free: (844) 974-1870  E-mail: slturner@slturnerconsulting .com
        Diane Judith Weiss                 Cell: (931) 213-4398
         Diane Judith Weiss                E-mail: slturner@slturnerconsulting .com  blank  Albuquerque, NM
         435 North Bedford Drive Suite    blank                              Phone: (844) 974-1870
         404                               Sioux City, IA                    Cell: (931) 213-4398
         Beverly Hills, CA 90210           Phone: Toll Free: (844) 974-1870  E-mail: slturner@slturnerconsulting .com
         Phone: (310) 273 8448             Cell: (931) 213-4398
         Fax: (310) 550 6824               E-mail: slturner@slturnerconsulting .com  (Please see our resume on page 408 for further
         E-mail: dr .dianeweiss@gmail .com  blank                          details.)
         Web: http://drdianeweiss .com     Cheyenne, WY
                                           Phone: Toll Free: (844) 974-1870
         Degrees/Licenses: M .D ., M .P .H ., BA  Cell: (931) 213-4398      HAZARDOUS MATERIALS-
                                           E-mail: slturner@slturnerconsulting .com
         Profile: I am a Board Certified Psychiatrist,   blank                     GASES/FUMES
         a Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric   Albuquerque, NM
         Association, an evaluator and treater of   Phone: (844) 974-1870
         patients for more than 35 years . During this   Cell: (931) 213-4398  C.J. Abraham,
         time in my private practice, I have worked as   E-mail: slturner@slturnerconsulting .com  P.E., DFE, Ph.D., JD, DEE, FRSC,
         an expert witness providing litigation support .
         I also have extensive experience in Worker’s   (Please see our resume on page 408 for further   FTI, IH, CChem, ChE, CPC
         Compensation doing examinations as an IME,   details.)              Scientific Advisory Services, LTD
         AME, and QME, unbiased, as well as for both                         Great Neck, NY
         the defense and plaintiff sides . I am able to                      Phone: (516) 482-5374
         get to the bottom of each case, particularly in   HAZARDOUS MATERIALS  Cell: (516) 974-7565
         terms of my ability to connect with people . I                      E-mail: cjabraham1@aol .com
         work hard, and emphasize thoroughness with
         much detail .                                                     (Please see our resume on page 349 for further
                                          C.J. Abraham,                    details.)
        (Please see our resume on page 447 for further   P.E., DFE, Ph.D., JD, DEE, FRSC,
        details.)                          FTI, IH, CChem, ChE, CPC
                                           Scientific Advisory Services, LTD          HAZMAT
                                           Great Neck, NY
           HAZARD ANALYSIS &               Phone: (516) 482-5374                TRANSPORTATION
                  CONTROL                  Cell: (516) 974-7565
                                           E-mail: cjabraham1@aol .com
                                                                           Larry E. Miller
                                          (Please see our resume on page 349 for further   Pacific Coast Motor Carrier
        David D. Hunter                   details.)                          Safety Institute
         David D. Hunter, Consulting                                         La Verne, CA
         Arborist, LLC                    Michael J. Kosnett, MD, MPH,       Phone: (909) 720-4368
         Forest Grove, OR                 FACMT                              E-mail: pcmcsinstitute@gmail .com
         Phone: (503) 319-0380             Denver, CO
         E-mail: daviddhunterarborist@live .com  Phone: (303) 571-5778     (Please see our complete listing under the
                                           E-mail: michael .kosnett@ucdenver .edu  following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
        (Please see our resume on page 381 for further                     Accident Investigation-Trucks)
        details.)                         (Please see our complete listing under the
                                          following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
                                          Medical Toxicology)

        110                                                       Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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