Page 164 - ALMExperts 2024 Legal Experts Pages (Western Directory)
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Legal Services                                   ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2024
                                          Harry Bims, Ph.D., EE
        Mitchell Lee Lathrop               Protocomm Systems, LLC           LEGAL SERVICES EXPERT
         Law Office of Mitchell            1314 Chilco Street                        WITNESS
                                           Menlo Park, CA 94025
         L. Lathrop                        Phone: (650) 283-4174
         One America Plaza                 Fax: (650) 838-9393
         600 West Broadway, Suite 500      E-mail: harrybims@me .com       Harry Bims, Ph.D., EE
         San Diego, CA 92101-3357                                            Protocomm Systems, LLC
         Phone: (619) 955-5951             Degrees/Licenses: B .S ., Computer and   Menlo Park, CA 94025
         Alt . Phone: (619) 985-8262       Systems Engineering; M .S ., Ph .D ., Electrical   Phone: (650) 283-4174
         Fax: (619) 566-4034               Engineering                       Fax: (650) 838-9393
         E-mail: mllathrop@earthlink .net                                    E-mail: harrybims@me .com
         Web: http://www .LathropADR .com  Profile: Harry Bims, Ph .D ., EE, is a
                                           technology expert covering the leading data   Degrees/Licenses: B .S ., Computer and
         Degrees/Licenses: B .S . (Engineering); J .D .   networking protocols (mostly wireless) at the   Systems Engineering; M .S ., Ph .D ., Electrical
         Licensed to practice law in California, the   edge of the internet, and  holds twenty-one US   Engineering
         District of Colombia and New York  patents in network architecture and protocols
                                           for wireless communications .     Profile: Harry Bims, Ph .D ., EE, is a
         Profile: Expert on insurance and reinsurance,                       technology expert covering the leading data
         and professional responsibility of lawyers .   Dr . Bims provides expert witness support   networking protocols (mostly wireless) at the
         Expertise includes insurance coverage,   services for telecommunications-related   edge of the internet, and  holds twenty-one US
         policy interpretation, claim handling, excess &   intellectual property litigation . These services   patents in network architecture and protocols
         surplus lines, standard of care and standard   include deposition and court testimony, expert   for wireless communications .
         of conduct for brokers and agents, treaty and   reports, and infringement research, for patent,
         facultative reinsurance, and standard of care   copyright, and trade secret litigation matters .   Dr . Bims provides expert witness support
         and standard of conduct for lawyers .  He has 20+ years of telecommunications   services for telecommunications-related
                                           industry experience .  Dr . Bims is a subject   intellectual property litigation . These services
        (Please see our complete listing under the   matter expert in the following areas:   include deposition and court testimony, expert
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:                      reports, and infringement research, for patent,
        Insurance)                         * Digital signal processing       copyright, and trade secret litigation matters .
                                           * MAC and PHY layer protocol      He has 20+ years of telecommunications
                                           implementations                   industry experience .  Dr . Bims is a subject
              LEGAL SERVICES               * Wireless communication protocols - e .g .,   matter expert in the following areas:
                                           IEEE 802 .11, LTE, Bluetooth, IEEE 802 .15,
                                           IEEE 802 .16, ReFLEX              * Digital signal processing
                                           * Wired communication protocols - DSL,   * MAC and PHY layer protocol
        Howard J. Goldfarb                 DOCSIS, Ethernet, and dialup modem   implementations
         Goldfarb and Associates           protocols                         * Wireless communication protocols - e .g .,
         Rehabilitation Consultants                                          IEEE 802 .11, LTE, Bluetooth, IEEE 802 .15,
         South Pasadena, CA               (Please see our resume on page 393 for further   IEEE 802 .16, ReFLEX
         Phone: (626) 441-9687            details.)                          * Wired communication protocols - DSL,
         E-mail: goldfarbassociates@yahoo .com                               DOCSIS, Ethernet, and dialup modem
        (Please see our resume on page 374 for further
        details.)                                                          (Please see our resume on page 393 for further


                                                                           Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,
                                                                           MBA, CFEI, CFII
                                                                             President & CEO
                                                                             Real-World Forensic Engineering,
                                                                             Lubbock, TX
                                                                             Phone: (806) 368-9811
                                                                             E-mail: info@expertengineering .com
                                                                           (Please see our resume on page 395 for further

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