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Cataract Surgery ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2024
as an expert in state and federal courts in the
CATARACT SURGERY United States, as well as the state supreme CAUSATION ANALYSIS
court (Oberlandesgericht) of Germany, and
has never been disqualified.
Andrew F. Calman MD References, including AmLaw 100 attorneys Kenneth “Kenny” Stein, MD
PhD and major corporate clients, are available Emergency Medicine, Critical
Premier Eyecare of upon request . Care Medicine, Internal Medicine
San Francisco (Please see our resume on page 416 for further & Personal Injury (Causation)
Ophthalmology Expert details.) St . Louis, MO
Witness Phone: (314) 495-7009
E-mail: kennystein1@gmail .com
2480 Mission St ., Suite 212 Elite Medical Experts
San Francisco, CA 94110 Tucson, AZ (Please see our resume on page 442 for further
Phone: (650) 270-9683 Phone: (877) 670-5592 details.)
Alt . Phone: (415) 648-3600 Toll Free Phone: (877) 670-5592
Fax: (415) 648-0719 E-mail: strategists@elitemedicalexperts .com
E-mail: acalmanmd@gmail .com
Web: http://www .premier-eyecare .com (Please see our resume on page 422 for further CEREBRAL PALSY
Degrees/Licenses: B .S . in Molecular
Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University, Jay Rudd, MD PCEO Sheldon Simon MD
1982 EyeWitness, PLLC Providence, RI
M .S . in Molecular Biophysics and Phone: (917) 816-3883
Biochemistry, Yale University, 1982 6841 Cooper Point Rd, NW E-mail: ssimon9466@gmail .com
M .D ., University of California, San Francisco, Olympia, WA 98501
1989 Phone: (360) 791 8404 (Please see our complete listing under the
Ph .D . in Microbiology and Immunology, E-mail: drrudd345@gmail .com following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
University of California, San Francisco, 1989 Orthopedic Malpractice)
California Physician and Surgeon License, Degrees/Licenses: MD - Jefferson Medical
1990-present College, Philadelphia PA
Residency in Ophthalmology, University of BS - Kinesiology UCLA
California, San Francisco, 1990-1993 CEREBROVASCULAR
Board Certified, American Board of Profile: Comprehensive Cataract and DISEASE
Ophthalmology, 1994, recertified 2004 and Refractive Surgeon, with 23+ years of clinical/
2014 . surgical
experience . Over 20,000 restorative ocular
Profile: Past President of the California surgeries performed and has developed a Arash Bereliani
Academy of Eye Physicians and Surgeons, reputation for excellent surgical outcomes and M.D., M.S, F.A.C.C.
and Associate Clinical Professor at UC-San patient rapport . Patient education is Beverly Hills, CA
Francisco, Yale-educated Dr . Andrew F . integral to his success as a surgeon, often Phone: (310) 383-1844
Calman provides comprehensive expertise having to explain complex medical E-mail: bereliani .a .md@gmail .com
in ophthalmology . Experience includes conditions to anxious and apprehensive
tort cases emphasizing ocular injuries, patients . Excellent communication skills (Please see our resume on page 414 for further
complications of cataract surgery, and failure allows him to effectively educate those without details.)
to diagnose and/or treat, for both plaintiffs extensive medical knowledge .
and defendants, as well as complex corporate Tyla DiMaria RN, MSN, CCM,
patent and antitrust litigation regarding CNLCP
ophthalmic pharmaceuticals and devices . Dr . He graduated manga cum laude from
Calman is a board-certified ophthalmologist Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia and Best Life Care Solutions
who helped pioneer modern techniques in completed residency training at Wills Eye Carlsbad, CA
cataract surgery, was involved in making Hospital (Top 3 Residency Program for past Phone: (760) 201 6591
state and national guidelines and coverage 30 years) . He then completed a one-year E-mail: tyla@bestlifecaresolutions .com
policies on cataract surgery, and has trained Fellowship in Cornea and Refractive
cataract surgeons at two of the nation’s Surgery at the University of Utah’s John A . (Please see our resume on page 421 for further
finest ophthalmology residency programs. Moran Eye Center . details.)
His private practice in comprehensive
ophthalmology also includes glaucoma,
diabetic retinopathy, retinal vascular disease, To complement his clinical practice, he has CHEMOTHERAPY
and other non-surgical problems of the retina, been principal investigator in multiple
as well as cornea, external disease and FDA studies, demonstrating precision and
neuro-ophthalmic disorders . close attention to detail . He is board
certified by the American Board of Judy L Schmidt MD FACP
Attorneys who have worked with Dr . Calman Ophthalmology (ABO - MOC) and a Charter Quality Cancer Care
whether in small injury cases or complex Fellow of the World College of Refractive Missoula, MT
patent litigation, have praised his outstanding Surgery and Visual Sciences (newly Phone: (808) 281-5189
responsiveness, deposition and trial skills . Dr . established board of Refractive Surgery . He E-mail: qualitycancercare@gmail .com
Calman’s detailed and thoroughly researched has served on the WA State Society
reports frequently result in prompt settlements . Board (WAEPS) for the past three years, and (Please see our resume on page 440 for further
He has served as an Ophthalmology Expert currently serves on the Northwest details.)
for the Medical Board of California, and Momentum Health Partners ACO Board .
developed national eye care policy with the
Medicare Carrier Advisory Committee and (Please see our resume on page 438 for further
the American Academy of Ophthalmology . details.)
In addition to experience with injury and
malpractice cases, he is also familiar with
Hatch-Waxman Paragraph IV disputes, inter
partes review, biosimilars, and antitrust issues
concerning pharmaceuticals and medical
devices. He has testified approximately 28
times in deposition or trial, has been qualified
254 Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness