Page 49 - ALMExperts 2024 Legal Experts Pages (Western Directory)
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ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2024                          Business & Finance

              BUILDING MATERIALS/                         BUS                     BUSINESS & FINANCE
                                             Jack G. Cohen
            Gerald M. Halweg, CTC, CSI, TTA    Cohen Inv, LLC
             TILE INSTITUTE of AMERICA         Westlake Village, CA
             (TIA)                             Phone:  (747) 222-1554
                                               E-mail: Jack@coheninv .com
             Bothell, WA
             Phone: (805) 444-8453           (Please see our resume on page 360 for further   Advisors/Experts @ MCS
             E-mail: DoctorTile1@gmail .com, doctortile@  details.)            Associates
             aol .com                                                           Banking, Finance, Insurance
            blank                                                               & Real Estate Consultants and
             Honolulu, HI
             Phone: (805) 444-8453                       BUSES                  Experts
                                                                                13681 Newport Ave ., Suite 8-387
            (Please see our resume on page 407 for further                      Tustin, CA 92780
            details.)                        Jack G. Cohen                      Phone: (949) 263-8700
                                               Cohen Inv, LLC                   Fax: (949) 263-0770
                                               Westlake Village, CA             E-mail: experts@mcsassociates .com
                                                                                Web: http://www .mcsassociates .com
               BUILDING SCIENCES               Phone:  (747) 222-1554
                                               E-mail: Jack@coheninv .com
                                                                                Degrees/Licenses: Phd’, MBA’, CPA’,
                                                                                CFA’ CPCU’s, CLU’s, MAI/SRA Appraisers,
            L. Fredrick (Fred) Nolta         (Please see our resume on page 360 for further   Insurance / Real Estate/ Securities licenses
             Nolta Consulting                details.)
             San Diego, CA                                                      Profile: Nationwide consulting and expert
             Phone: (858) 232-9299                                              witness company (est . 1973) concentrated
             E-mail: Fred@NoltaConsulting .com         BUSINESS                 exclusively in banking, finance / financial
                                                                                services, insurance, real estate, and related
            (Please see our resume on page 388 for further                      damages /economics / accounting and
            details.)                        Joel G. Block, CPA                 valuations .  Expert Witness services have
                                               Bullseye Capital                 been the primary focus of our services for the
                                                                                past 30+ years, on behalf of both plaintiffs and
                                               Chief Deal Maker                 defendants of all types .
                 BUILDING/HOUSE                Castle Rock, CO
                      REPAIRS                  Phone: (818) 917-0670            Expertise/specialties include: BANKING:
                                               E-mail: joel@bullseyecap .com    Operations / administration,  Depository /
                                                                                checking accounts / check fraud, Regulatory
            L. Fredrick (Fred) Nolta         (Please see our resume on page 357 for further   issues & compliance;  LENDING (all types);
                                                                                Policies / custom / practice, Underwriting,
             Nolta Consulting                details.)                          servicing, foreclosures, workouts:  FINANCE:
             San Diego, CA                   Rhonda Harper, MBA                 Securities, investments & brokerage,
             Phone: (858) 232-9299             Harper Litigation Consulting and   Investment banking, Trusts and  fiduciary
             E-mail: Fred@NoltaConsulting .com                                  issues, bankruptcy;  INSURANCE (all types):   EXPERT CATEGORIES
                                               Research                         Broker/agent duties;  Insurance underwriting,
            (Please see our resume on page 388 for further   Dallas, TX         coverage, claims; actuarial and operations;
            details.)                          Phone: (214) 244-4608            REAL ESTATE: broker/agents duties, Title &
                                               E-mail: rhonda@harperlcr .com    Escrow, Property management / development;
                                                                                DAMAGES & ACCOUNTING, Damages,
             BULLET IDENTIFICATION           (Please see our resume on page 376 for further   Economics / statistics, Valuations/appraisals;
                                             details.)                          Forensic Accounting, Accounting/Audit
                                                                                practices .

            Steven Howard                                                       Consultants/experts include a wide spectrum
             Steve “The Gun Guru” Howard                                        of carefully selected and experienced bankers,
             American Firearms and Munitions                                    lenders and financial industry executives;
             Consulting                                                         educators/academics and former regulators;
                                                                                consultants; underwriters, agents/brokers and
             Lansing, MI                                                        managers from insurance, securities and real
             Phone: (517) 374-9000                                              estate; economists, accountants, real estate
             E-mail: stevethegunguru@gmail .com                                 analysts/developers, escrow/title specialists,
                                                                                appraisers, etc .
            (Please see our complete listing under the
            following area of expertise: Expert Categories:                    (Please see our resume on page 351 for further
            Firearms)                                                          details.)

            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                              27
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