Page 62 - ALMExperts 2024 Legal Experts Pages (Western Directory)
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Claims Handling Standards of Care                ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2024
        Pauline Thomas, CRM, CIC, ARM,    David E. Pilcher, CPCU, ARM, AIC,   Rhonda Harper, MBA
        CISR                              AAI                                Harper Litigation Consulting and
         Principal                         Risk Management, Insurance,       Research
         Effective Risk Management         Claims, and Litigation Support    Dallas, TX
         Costa Mesa, CA                    Services                          Phone: (214) 244-4608
         Phone: (949) 251-1500             Monrovia, CA                      E-mail: rhonda@harperlcr .com
         E-mail: EffectivRM@aol .com       Phone: (626) 533-5679
                                           E-mail: david@davidpilcher .com  (Please see our resume on page 376 for further
        (Please see our complete listing under the                         details.)
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   (Please see our resume on page 396 for further
        Insurance)                        details.)                        David E. Pilcher, CPCU, ARM, AIC,
        Robert J. Worth, Professional Law                                    Risk Management, Insurance,
        Corporation                              CLAIMS MADE                 Claims, and Litigation Support
         dba Law Offices of Robert J.                                        Services
         Worth                                                               Monrovia, CA
         Attorney-at-Law                  Robert M. Anderson                 Phone: (626) 533-5679
         Calabasas, CA                     The Anderson Edge                 E-mail: david@davidpilcher .com
         Phone: (818) 222-2433             Newport Beach, CA
         Toll Free Phone: (800) 978-1529 (California   Phone: (949)  645-6842  (Please see our resume on page 396 for further
         Only)                             E-mail: bob@theandersonedge .com  details.)
         E-mail: robert@robertworthlaw .com,
         worth4law@aol .com               (Please see our resume on page 353 for further
                                          details.)                                CLEANROOMS
        (Please see our complete listing under the
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
        Insurance Practices & Standards)       CLAIMS ON TITLE             William R. Acorn, P.E., DFE,
                                              INSURANCE POLICY             FASHRAE, CFLC
             CLAIMS HANDLING                                                 Acorn Consulting Services, LLC
           STANDARDS OF CARE              Jack G. Cohen                      HVAC * REFRIGERATION
                                                                             SYSTEMS * PIPING
                                           Cohen Inv, LLC                    SYSTEMS * PLUMBING
                                           Westlake Village, CA
        Robert M. Anderson                 Phone: (747) 222-1554             SYSTEMS * CLEANROOMS *
         The Anderson Edge                 E-mail: Jack@coheninv .com        SEMICONDUCTOR FACILITIES *
         Newport Beach, CA                                                   DATA CENTERS * WORKPLACE
         Phone: (949)  645-6842           (Please see our resume on page 361 for further   EXPOSURE
         E-mail: bob@theandersonedge .com  details.)
                                                                             Phone: (602) 888-7250
        (Please see our resume on page 353 for further
        details.)                              CLAIMS REVIEWS              (Please see our resume on page 350 for further
        Guy O. Kornblum
         A Professional Law Corporation   David E. Pilcher, CPCU, ARM, AIC,   CLOTHES & TEXTILES
         San Francisco, CA                AAI
         Phone: (415) 440-7800 ext . 2     Risk Management, Insurance,
         Cell: (415) 730-3485
         E-mail: gkornblum@kornblumlaw .com  Claims, and Litigation Support   C.J. Abraham,
                                           Services                          P.E., DFE, Ph.D., JD, DEE, FRSC,
        (Please see our complete listing under the   Monrovia, CA            FTI, IH, CChem, ChE, CPC
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Phone: (626) 533-5679  Scientific Advisory Services, LTD
        Claims Handling)                   E-mail: david@davidpilcher .com   Great Neck, NY
                                                                             Phone: (516) 482-5374
        Mitchell Lee Lathrop              (Please see our resume on page 396 for further   Cell: (516) 974-7565
         Law Office of Mitchell L. Lathrop  details.)                        E-mail: cjabraham1@aol .com
         San Diego, CA
         Phone: (619) 955-5951                                             (Please see our resume on page 349 for further
         Alt . Phone: (619) 985-8262             CLASS ACTION              details.)
         E-mail: mllathrop@earthlink .net
        (Please see our complete listing under the   Fulcrum Inquiry
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
        Insurance)                         Renee Howdeshell
                                           Los Angeles, CA
                                           Phone: (213) 787-4100
                                           E-mail: rhowdeshell@fulcrum .com
                                          (Please see our resume on page 373 for further

        40                                                        Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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