Page 85 - ALMExperts 2024 Legal Experts Pages (Western Directory)
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ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2024                                   Damages

            Fulcrum Inquiry                                                         DAMAGE MODELS
             Renee Howdeshell
             707 Wilshire Blvd .
             Suite 2050                                                        Fulcrum Inquiry
             Los Angeles, CA 90017           Phillips, Fractor & Company, LLC.  Renee Howdeshell
             Phone: (213) 787-4100             G. Michael Phillips              Los Angeles, CA
             Fax: (213) 891-1300                                                Phone: (213) 787-4100
             E-mail: rhowdeshell@fulcrum .com  3452 E . Foothill Blvd .         E-mail: rhowdeshell@fulcrum .com
             Web: http://www .fulcrum .com     Suite 220
                                               Pasadena, CA 91107              (Please see our resume on page 373 for further
             Degrees/Licenses: CPA, CFE, ASA, MBA,   Phone: (626) 744-3540     details.)
             CMA, ABD/Masters in Economics     E-mail: contactpfc@rule26 .com
                                               Web: http://www .rule26 .com    Mark C. Higgins, ASA
             Profile: Our analysis, research and unique                         President
             presentation techniques provide an unequaled   Profile: Our expert witnesses and consultants
             track record in successful court cases and   provide services in economics, finance,   Higgins, Marcus & Lovett, Inc.
             client recoveries . We are led by David Nolte,   statistics, valuation, forensic accounting,   Los Angeles, CA
             Renee Howdeshell, and Nicole Liska, with a   data analysis, and computer modeling . We   Phone: (213) 617-7775
             depth of professional resources to deliver on   blend active academic careers with real-world   E-mail: mhiggins@hmlinc .com
             near-term deadlines, serving all industries   experience and modern analytical methods,
             nationwide . Our expertise encompasses   helping us to solve difficult and complex   (Please see our complete listing under the
             economic damages analyses, lost profit &   problems . Some areas we address include   following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
             disgorgement studies, intellectual property   complex commercial litigation, intellectual   Business Valuation)
             claims, business & intangible asset valuations,   property valuation, trade secrets analysis,
             fraud investigations, statistics, forensic   contract damages,  lost profits, employment
             accounting, royalty audits, class action   and compensation issues, class actions,   DAMAGES
             certification & damages, injury & employment   discrimination claims, wrongful death,
             damages and more . We thoughtfully   personal injury, toxic torts, construction
             incorporate technology for thorough results at   defects, investment issues, accounting issues,
             a more reasonable cost and provide free initial   business valuation, forecasting, database   Eric F. Forister
             consultations .                   analysis and projects, to name a few .   Managing Director
                                               Strategically located in Southern California,
                                               our firm enjoys an international clientele. Visit   Econ One Research, Inc.
            (Please see our resume on page 373 for further                      550 S . Hope St ., Suite 800
            details.)                          our website at http://www .rule26 .com for more
                                               information on how we can help address   Los Angeles, CA 90071
                                               economics, statistics, finance, valuation,   Phone: (213) 612-7529
            Mark C. Higgins, ASA               forensic accounting, and data intensive   E-mail: eforister@econone .com
             President                         analysis issues you may face .   Web: https://http://www .econone .com/staff-
             Higgins, Marcus & Lovett, Inc.                                     member/eric-forister/
             Los Angeles, CA                 (Please see our resume on page 392 for further
             Phone: (213) 617-7775           details.)                          Degrees/Licenses: B .S . Mathematics/
             E-mail: mhiggins@hmlinc .com                                       Economics, UCLA;
                                             Zivetz, Schwartz & Saltsman CPA’s  Ph .D . Business Administration (Field:
            (Please see our complete listing under the   Lester J. Schwartz, CPA/CFF  Economics), Stanford GSB
            following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Valencia, CA                                        EXPERT CATEGORIES
            Business Valuation)                Phone: (310) 826-1040            Profile: Dr . Eric Forister is an expert
                                               E-mail: less@zss .com            economist with testifying experience
                                                                                on market definition, market power, and
                                                                                damages . His expertise includes applying
                                             (Please see our resume on page 411 for further   advanced statistical techniques to datasets,
                                             details.)                          synthesizing information from documents,
                                                                                and designing and evaluating surveys . He
                                                                                focuses on relevant questions to tackle
                                              DAMAGE CREDIT MODELS              complex issues with an efficient and effective
                                                                                style of communication . Dr . Forister also has
                                                                                extensive experience consulting on issues
                                             Doug Minor                         including royalty rates, irreparable harm,
                                               Easy Credit Relief Inc.          sampling, survey design, common impact, and
                                                                                materiality . He is a Managing Director at Econ
                                               Westlake Village, CA             One and can be reached for more information
                                               Phone: 8182610170                upon request . Learn more at https://http://
                                               Alt . Phone: (818) 261-0170      www .econone .com/staff-member/eric-forister/ .
                                               Toll Free Phone: (800) 679-1505
                                               E-mail: doug@easycreditrelief .com  Fulcrum Inquiry
                                                                                Renee Howdeshell
                                             (Please see our complete listing under the
                                             following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Los Angeles, CA
                                             Credit Reporting)                  Phone: (213) 787-4100
                                                                                E-mail: rhowdeshell@fulcrum .com
                                                                               (Please see our resume on page 373 for further

            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                              63
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