Page 94 - ALMExperts 2024 Legal Experts Pages (Western Directory)
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Drug Toxicology (Drug Testing)                   ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2024
        Dr. James C. Norris
         Expert Witness in Toxicology and     DRUGS CHEMISTRY                      E-COMMERCE
         Benton, AR
         Phone: (815) 955-5838            Dr. James C. Norris              Peter Kent Consulting
         E-mail: norristoxicl@earthlink .net
                                           Expert Witness in Toxicology and   Peter Kent Consulting, LLC
                                           Pharmacology                      Denver, CO
        (Please see our resume on page 390 for further                       Phone: (720) 771-3246
        details.)                          Benton, AR
                                           Phone: (815) 955-5838             E-mail: Peter@PeterKentConsulting .com
                                           E-mail: norristoxicl@earthlink .net  (Please see our resume on page 384 for further
            DRUG TOXICOLOGY               (Please see our resume on page 390 for further   details.)
              (DRUG TESTING)              details.)
                                                                               EARNINGS ANALYSIS
        Dr. James C. Norris                     DUE DILIGENCE
         Expert Witness in Toxicology and       (INVESTMENTS)
         Pharmacology                                                      Fulcrum Inquiry
         Benton, AR                                                          Renee Howdeshell
         Phone: (815) 955-5838            Michael N. Christiansen            Los Angeles, CA
         E-mail: norristoxicl@earthlink .net  Civis Principia LLC            Phone: (213) 787-4100
                                                                             E-mail: rhowdeshell@fulcrum .com
                                           Henderson, NV
        (Please see our resume on page 390 for further   Phone: (310) 503-0377
        details.)                          E-mail: mc@civisprincipia .com  (Please see our resume on page 373 for further
        Rodney G. Richmond, MS, PharmD,   (Please see our complete listing under the
        BCGP, FASCP                       following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
         The Mackenzie Group, LLC         Corporate Governance)
         Searcy, AR
         Phone: (304) 612-9045
         E-mail: rrichmond@mackenziegroup .org  DUE DILIGENCE (IP)
        (Please see our resume on page 436 for further
        details.)                         Harry Bims, Ph.D., EE
                                           Protocomm Systems, LLC
                                           Menlo Park, CA
              DRUG WARNINGS                Phone: (650) 283-4174
                                           E-mail: harrybims@me .com
        Michael J. Kosnett, MD, MPH,      (Please see our resume on page 393 for further
        FACMT                             details.)
         Denver, CO
         Phone: (303) 571-5778
         E-mail: michael .kosnett@ucdenver .edu        DUI
        (Please see our complete listing under the
        following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   Michael J. Kosnett, MD, MPH,
        Medical Toxicology)
                                           Denver, CO
                                           Phone: (303) 571-5778
          DRUGS & CONTROLLED               E-mail: michael .kosnett@ucdenver .edu
                                          (Please see our complete listing under the
                                          following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
        Rodney G. Richmond, MS, PharmD,   Medical Toxicology)
        BCGP, FASCP
         The Mackenzie Group, LLC                      DWI
         Searcy, AR
         Phone: (304) 612-9045
         E-mail: rrichmond@mackenziegroup .org
                                          Dr. James C. Norris
        (Please see our resume on page 436 for further   Expert Witness in Toxicology and
        details.)                          Pharmacology
                                           Benton, AR
                                           Phone: (815) 955-5838
                                           E-mail: norristoxicl@earthlink .net
                                          (Please see our resume on page 390 for further

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