Page 156 - ALMExperts 2025 Legal Experts Pages (Western Directory)
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Land Use Planning                                ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2025


        Phillips, Fractor & Company, LLC.  Ron D. Kammeyer,                Ron D. Kammeyer, CLARB
         G. Michael Phillips              CLARB                              Kammeyer & Associates, Inc.
         Pasadena, CA                      Kammeyer &                        San Jacinto, CA
         Phone: (626) 744-3540             Associates, Inc.                  Phone: (951) 371-2444
         E-mail: contactpfc@rule26 .com                                      Cell: (951) 537-8585
                                           156 S . Ramona Blvd .             E-mail: ronkammeyer@aol .com
                                           San Jacinto, CA 92583
        (Please see our resume on page 378 for further   Phone: (951) 371-2444  blank
        details.)                                                            Corona, CA
                                           Cell: (951) 537-8585              Phone: (951) 371-2444
                                           E-mail: ronkammeyer@aol .com      Cell: (951) 537-8585
                                           Web: http://www .kammeyer .com
            LANDLORD/TENANT               blank                              E-mail: ronkammeyer@aol .com
                  DISPUTES                 2837 Kellogg Ave                (Please see our resume on page 369 for further
                                           Corona, CA 92881
                                           Phone: (951) 371-2444           details.)
                                           Cell: (951) 537-8585
        Jared Booth, SIOR, CCIM, MBA       E-mail: ronkammeyer@aol .com
         Executive Vice President          Web: http://www .kammeyer .com           LANDSCAPE
         Colliers International                                                   MANAGEMENT
         Salt Lake City, UT                Degrees/Licenses: Landscape Architecture
         Phone: (801) 573-5959             - California; Hawaii; Nevada; British Columbia,
         E-mail: jared .booth@colliers .com  Canada                        Ron D. Kammeyer, CLARB
        (Please see our complete listing under the   Profile: Ron Kammeyer has decades   Kammeyer & Associates, Inc.
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   of professional Landscape Architectural   San Jacinto, CA
        Commercial Real Estate Practices)  experience in research, design, construction   Phone: (951) 371-2444
                                           documents, construction, observation, and   Cell: (951) 537-8585
        James H. Cantrell, CPM®, CAM       maintenance . His award winning company,   E-mail: ronkammeyer@aol .com
         Cantrell Associates               Kammeyer & Associates, Inc ., established in   blank  Corona, CA
                                           1966, was awarded the ASLA ”Centennial
         San Francisco, CA                 Medallion” (only awarded every 100 years) .   Phone: (951) 371-2444
         Phone: (415) 956-6000             Ron is professionally licensed in California,   Cell: (951) 537-8585
         Cell: (415) 244-5927              Nevada, Hawaii, and Canada, and has current   E-mail: ronkammeyer@aol .com
         E-mail: jimcha@pacbell .net       projects under design or construction . He
                                           holds a BS degree in Landscape Architecture   (Please see our resume on page 369 for further
        (Please see our resume on page 345 for further   and has served over the years as a guest   details.)
        details.)                          professor at UCLA . Ron’s experience since
                                           licensure in 1982 results in high quality
        Jack G. Cohen                      standard practice of the industry allowing the   LANDSCAPING
         Cohen Inv, LLC                    involved parties to accurately assess the loss,
                                           advance successful claims, and/or mitigate
         Westlake Village, CA              liability .
         Phone: (747) 222-1554                                             Ron D. Kammeyer, CLARB
         E-mail: Jack@coheninv .com
                                           For the last twenty-five years, he has provided   Kammeyer & Associates, Inc.
                                           expert testimony in depositions, J .A .M .S .,   San Jacinto, CA
        (Please see our resume on page 348 for further   Superior Court, and other legal venues related
        details.)                          to all facets of Landscape Architecture ie .   Phone: (951) 371-2444
                                                                             Cell: (951) 537-8585
                                           construction, grading, drainage, irrigation, and   E-mail: ronkammeyer@aol .com
        Steven D. Epcar, CPM®              plant material in all fields - Parks, Recreation,
         S. D. Epcar and Associates        Shopping Centers, Industrial Parks, Housing   blank  Corona, CA
         Granite Bay, CA                   Apartments, Plazas, and Memorial Parks et al .   Phone: (951) 371-2444
         Phone: (916) 899-6218                                               Cell: (951) 537-8585
         Cell: (650) 773-5482              Kammeyer has integrated Expert Testimony   E-mail: ronkammeyer@aol .com
         E-mail: steven@stevenepcar .com   and Consultancy into his Landscape
                                           Architectural firms practice.   (Please see our resume on page 369 for further
        (Please see our resume on page 357 for further                     details.)
        details.)                         (Please see our resume on page 369 for further
                                                                                   LANHAM ACT

                                                                           J. Michael Keyes
                                                                             Consumer Survey Expert
                                                                             Dorsey & Whitney
                                                                             Seattle, WA
                                                                             Phone: (206) 903-8757
                                                                             E-mail: keyes .mike@dorsey .com
                                                                           (Please see our resume on page 371 for further

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