Page 224 - ALMExperts 2025 Legal Experts Pages (Western Directory)
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Stock Options                                    ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2025
                                          Fulcrum Inquiry
              STOCK OPTIONS                Renee Howdeshell                       STOCKHOLDER
                                           Los Angeles, CA                          LITIGATION
                                           Phone: (213) 787-4112
                                           E-mail: rhowdeshell@fulcrum .com
                                          (Please see our resume on page 360 for further   Joel G. Block, CPA
                                          details.)                          Bullseye Capital
                                                                             Chief Deal Maker
                                          Phillips, Fractor & Company, LLC.  Bullseye Capital - 834 South
                                           G. Michael Phillips               Perry Street,
                                           Pasadena, CA                      Suite F,  PMB 136,
        Phillips, Fractor & Company, LLC.  Phone: (626) 744-3540             Castle Rock, CO 80104
         G. Michael Phillips               E-mail: contactpfc@rule26 .com    Phone: (818) 917-0670
         3452 E . Foothill Blvd .                                            E-mail: joel@bullseyecap .com
         Suite 220                        (Please see our resume on page 378 for further   Web: http://www .bullseyecap .com
         Pasadena, CA 91107               details.)
         Phone: (626) 744-3540                                               Degrees/Licenses: B .S . Accounting, Major
         E-mail: contactpfc@rule26 .com                                      and Real Estate Finance Minor .
         Web: http://www .rule26 .com                                        California Board of Accountancy - CPA
                                                                             License #: 118277, Issued in 2013
         Profile: Our expert witnesses and consultants                       Colorado Board of Accountancy - CPA
         provide services in economics, finance,                             License . Issued in 1987 (retired) .
         statistics, valuation, forensic accounting,                         Real Estate Broker, California Department of
         data analysis, and computer modeling . We                           Real Estate; First Issued in 1985 . (License #:
         blend active academic careers with real-world                       00896489) .
         experience and modern analytical methods,                           Life and Health - California Department of
         helping us to solve difficult and complex                           Insurance; Licensed since 2002 . (License #:
         problems . Some areas we address include                            0D50987) (retired) .
         complex commercial litigation, intellectual                         Property & Casualty - California Department
         property valuation, trade secrets analysis,                         of Insurance; License issued in April 2002
         contract damages,  lost profits, employment                         (retired) .
         and compensation issues, class actions,                             California Notary License issued in 1986
         discrimination claims, wrongful death,                              (retired) .
         personal injury, toxic torts, construction
         defects, investment issues, accounting issues,                      Profile: Joel is a real world, 30+ year veteran
         business valuation, forecasting, database                           of the private equity and hedge fund business .
         analysis and projects, to name a few .                              He is a professional investor who has been
         Strategically located in Southern California,                       a principal in over 30 syndicated real estate,
         our firm enjoys an international clientele. Visit                   venture capital, and hedge fund transactions
         our website at http://www .rule26 .com for more                     in addition to advising on dozens more . Joel
         information on how we can help address                              is presently CEO of the Bullseye Capital
         economics, statistics, finance, valuation,                          Real Property Opportunity Fund, LLC . Joel
         forensic accounting, and data intensive                             has taught thousands of real estate brokers,
         analysis issues you may face .                                      CPAs, attorneys and investors about raising
                                                                             capital and best practices for structuring
        (Please see our resume on page 378 for further                       group investments . Joel is a nationally
        details.)                                                            recognized expert in Private Placements,
                                                                             Reg D Offerings, Operating Agreements, deal
                                                                             structure, and capital raising approaches with
            STOCK TRANSFERS                                                  both accredited and non-accredited investors .

                                                                             Joel is a persuasive and engaging
                                                                             communicator who naturally demystifies
        Phillips, Fractor & Company, LLC.                                    complex issues and forensics for laymen . As
         G. Michael Phillips                                                 a leader Joel is humble, likable, friendly and
         Pasadena, CA                                                        easy to relate to and was the foreman of a
         Phone: (626) 744-3540                                               successful jury . Joel has made hundreds of
         E-mail: contactpfc@rule26 .com                                      paid presentations to live audiences on topics
                                                                             including real estate, syndication, successful
        (Please see our resume on page 378 for further                       capitalization, crowdfunding, how to work with
        details.)                                                            investors, and entrepreneurship .
                                                                           (Please see our resume on page 342 for further
                                                                           Fulcrum Inquiry
                                                                             Renee Howdeshell
        Joel G. Block, CPA
         Bullseye Capital                                                    Los Angeles, CA
                                                                             Phone: (213) 787-4112
         Chief Deal Maker                                                    E-mail: rhowdeshell@fulcrum .com
         Castle Rock, CO
         Phone: (818) 917-0670                                             (Please see our resume on page 360 for further
         E-mail: joel@bullseyecap .com                                     details.)
        (Please see our resume on page 342 for further

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