Page 28 - ALMExperts 2025 Legal Experts Pages (Western Directory)
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Accidental Shootings                             ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2025
        Institute of Risk & Safety Analyses  Meyer R. Rosen, CPC, CChE, FAIC,
         Kenneth Solomon PhD              FRSC                             John Tyson JD, PE
         5324 Canoga Ave                   President                         Senior Consulting
         Woodland Hills, CA 91364          Interactive Consulting, Inc.
         Phone: (818) 348-1133             Bonita Springs, FL                Engineer
         Fax: (818) 348-4484                                                 AR Tech Forensic
         E-mail: kennethsolomon@mac .com   Phone: (516) 459-2050             Experts Inc.
         Web: http://www .irsa .us         Cell: (239) 221-8161
                                           E-mail: meyer .rosen@chemicalconsult .com  18075 Ventura Blvd .
                                                                             Suite 209
         Degrees/Licenses: PhD, Post PhD, PE
                                          (Please see our resume on page 381 for further   Encino, CA 91316
                                          details.)                          Phone: (818) 317-1964
         Profile: Kenneth Solomon (Chief Scientist)                          Fax: (818) 344-3777
         & highly-qualified diverse eng’r staff provide                      E-mail: johntysonpe@aol .com
         thorough accident reconstruction, bio-                              Web: https://johntysonpe .com
         mechanic assessment, human factors
         assessment, 3D scans, simulations, technical                        Degrees/Licenses: BS Eng Mech ., MS
         consultation, product testing & transportation,                     Eng; J .D .; Reg . Prof . Engineer; Licensed
         industrial & recreational accidents for civil &                     Engineering Contractor; Fellow American
         criminal cases in the following areas:    David C. Wells            Board Forensic Examiners; Diplomate
                                                                             American Board Forensic Engineering &
         * Accident Reconstruction         The ACES Inc.                     Technology
         * Biomechanics                    1228 Coronado Pl .
         * Human Factors                   Edmonds, WA 98020                 Profile: Perform  digital scanning and 3D
         * Safety                          Phone: (425) 678-0016             modeling, animation of vehicles, roadways,
         * Accident Prevention             Cell: (425) 327-5526              equipment,  landscaping and buildings .
         * Adequacy of Warnings            Fax: (425) 835-0908
         * Construction Defect             E-mail: The-aces@comcast .net     Accident Reconstruction: Vehicle accident
         * Failure Analysis                Web: http://www .the-acesinc .com  reconstruction, computer simulations and
         * OSHA Compliance                                                   animation . Auto, pedestrian, bicycle, trucking
         * Premises Liability              Degrees/Licenses: AA Degree in Law   accidents . Occupant kinematics .
         * Product Integrity / Testing     Enforcement
         * Computer Simulations            Accredited Collision Reconstructionist:   Premises Liability: Slip/Trip and Fall .
         * Drone Use                       ACTAR #1912                       Coefficient of Friction testing. Lighting.
         * CDR Downloads                                                     Stairways/Ramps/Handrails . Building Code
         * 3D Scans                        Profile: Retired from the King County   analysis . Consulting expert to numerous
                                           Sheriff’s Offices after 33 years, 23 years   cities, buildings, theme parks, restaurant,
         Auto * Bicycle * Bus * Chair * Diving   in Major Investigations / Major Accident   supermarket and hotel chains .
         Elevator * Escalator * Forklift * Gate    Investigations . Accredited through ACTAR
         Golf Cart + Course * Hwy Design   #1912 . Considerable experience with over 950   Industrial accidents: Machine Guarding .
         Ladder * Loading Dock * Motorcycle   on-scene investigations of live collision scenes   Safety . Design/failure analysis . Product
         Press * Rollercoaster * Safety Guards   and over 3500 private consulting cases . More   Failure; Furniture, appliances . Human Factors/
         Scaffolding * Seatbelts + Airbags    than 200 homicide scenes documented and   Visibility . Over 8000 cases in 34 years of
         Slip/Trip + Fall * Spas * Stairs    diagrammed . Private consulting since 2006 .   Forensic Investigation . Extensive Expert trial
         Swimming Pool Design + Safety     Extensive expert testimony experience at the   experience . Court appointed expert criminal
         Tractors * Trailers * Trucks      Municipal, District, Superior and Federal Court   cases .
                                           levels . Former President of WATAI 2010-
         * Defense & Plaintiff             2021 (Washington Association of Technical
         * Civil & Criminal                Accident Investigators) . Board member
         * Educational Seminars            for WREX 2016 - World Reconstruction   ACCIDENTAL SHOOTINGS
         * Litigation & Non-litigation     Exposition . Immediate responses available
         * Mediation/Arbitration Services   (24/7) to scenes and or vehicle inspections
         * Court Testimony (all staff) >2200x’s  anywhere in the western U .S . Full accident   Dr. John R. Black
                                           reconstruction and consulting services for   Aragon National
        (Please see our resume on page 368 for further   all levels of collisions . Crash data retrieval   Redmond, OR
        details.)                          for all Bosch supported vehicles, Hyundai,
                                           Kia and Tesla vehicles . Collision forces / low   Phone: (503) 707-5107
                                                                             E-mail: johnblack@aragonnational .com
        Rapperport Associates, Inc.        speed vehicle impact analysis . Electronic
         Daniel Rapperport                 mapping using a Faro 3D Laser Scanner and   (Please see our resume on page 338 for further
                                           UAV’s with multiple diagramming programs .
         Lexington, MA                     Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (drones) routinely   details.)
         Phone: (781) 862-9001             used for aerial photography of scenes and
         Cell: (339) 222-2822              or vehicle documentation . Currently working
         E-mail: dan@rapperport .com       defense, plaintiff and criminal cases . We work
                                           closely with other experts in related fields
        (Please see our resume on page 379 for further   such as forensic mechanical inspections,
        details.)                          traffic engineering, roadway design and bio-
                                           mechanics . Phone consultation available at
        Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,   any time .
        MBA, CFEI, CFII
         President & CEO                  (Please see our resume on page 390 for further
         Real-World Forensic Engineering,   details.)
         Lubbock, TX
         Phone: (806) 368-9811
         E-mail: info@expertengineering .com
        (Please see our resume on page 380 for further

        6                                                         Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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