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Group Homes                                      ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2025
                                           fpamed employs the two-part IME model, with   School of Medicine, UCSF . He is also on the
               GROUP HOMES                 the forensic (neuro) psychologist administering   faculty at the San Francisco Psychoanalytic
                                                                             Institute .  He is now also Adjunct Associate
                                           (neuro) psychological testing, followed by the
                                           forensic psychiatrist performing the medical   Professor of Psychiatry at Stanford University
                                           evaluation and delivering evidence-based   School of Medicine .  Together with the Bar
        Mark I. Levy, MD, D.L.F.A.P.A.     opinions on the relevant referral questions .   Association of San Francisco, Dr . Levy
         Medical Director                  Subspecialty expertise includes Mass   helped establish a CLE program for attorneys
         Forensic Psychiatric Associates   Torts, PI, PTSD, Employment, Probate/Will   focusing on psychology and the law . He has
         (           Contests, Child/Adolescent Evaluations,   also been a faculty member, lecturer and
                                           Traumatic Brain Injuries, Substance Abuse/
                                                                             panelist in CLE programs sponsored by the
         Covina, CA                        Addiction, Psych Policies & Procedures,   University of California, Hastings School of
         Phone: (415) 388-8040             Boundary Violations and Criminal   Law, College of Advocacy, the California
         E-mail: forensics@fpamed .com     Competencies .                    State Bar Association, Northern California
                                                                             Association of Defense Council and the
        (Please see our resume on page 414 for further   The fpamed team specializes in the following   Defense Research Institute . He has been
        details.)                          areas:                            interviewed widely by the professional, print
                                                                             and broadcast media . His practice website is
                                           * Psychological Trauma (PTSD)     http://www .fpamed .com
                  HEALTH)                  * Employment Discrimination & Harassment    (Please see our resume on page 414 for further

                                           * Psychiatric Disability

                                           * Violence Risk Assessment             GUARDIANSHIP

                                           * Sexual & Psychological Abuse          (PSYCHIATRY)

                                           * Harassment & Stalking
                                                                           Gregory P Brown, M.D.
                                           * Psychiatric Ethics & Malpractice    Gregory P Brown, M.D. Prof.

                                           * Wrongful Death                  Corp.
                                                                             Henderson, NV
                                           * Patient Abandonment             Phone: (702) 232-3256
        Mark I. Levy, MD,                    * Professional Confidential     E-mail: gbrown@gregorypbrownmd .com
        D.L.F.A.P.A.                                                       (Please see our complete listing under the
         Medical Director                  * Boundary Violations (sexual or financial   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
         Forensic Psychiatric              improprieties between therapists and patients)    Psychiatry)
         Associates (http://                 * Criminal & Civil Competency Evaluations    Mark I. Levy, MD, D.L.F.A.P.A.                                                     Medical Director
         440 N . Barranca Ave ., #1946     * Civil Commitment
         Covina, CA 91723                                                    Forensic Psychiatric Associates
         Phone: (415) 388-8040             * Right to Treatment              (
         Fax: (415) 634-2400                                                 Covina, CA
         E-mail: forensics@fpamed .com     * Right to Refuse Treatment       Phone: (415) 388-8040
         Web: http://www .fpamed .com                                        E-mail: forensics@fpamed .com
                                           * Detection of Malingering
         Degrees/Licenses: M .D ., Physician &                             (Please see our resume on page 414 for further
         Surgeon (California) 1971; (Hawaii) 2004;   * Insanity Defense    details.)
         (North Carolina) 2014; (New York) 2023;
         Certification, Psychiatry, American Board of   * Mass torts
         Psychiatry & Neurology, 1981; Qualification in
         Forensic Psychiatry, 1999 & 2009  * Mutliplaintiff Psychiatric Assessment

         Profile: When cases hinge on complex   Attorneys trust Forensic Psychiatric
         psychiatric issues, legal professionals turn to   Associates for their credible, scientifically
         Forensic Psychiatric Associates (http://www .  grounded reports and their ability to deliver
         fpamed .com/ 415 .388 .8040) and Dr . Mark   clear, compelling testimony that withstands
         Levy for authoritative insights and expert   the scrutiny of cross-examination . With a
         testimony. Led by Dr. Levy, a board-certified   commitment to integrity and responsiveness,
         forensic psychiatrist with over 40 years of   Dr . Levy and his team work closely with legal
         experience, Forensic Psychiatric Associates   professionals to ensure timely, reliable results .
         (“fpamed”) is dedicated to providing the   Visit fpamed .com to learn how their services
         highest level of forensic psychiatric and   can add essential value to your case .
         psychological services to support attorneys in
         civil, criminal, and family law cases .    More on Dr. Mark Levy:

         fpamed’s nationwide team of 34 experts is   Dr . Levy has been practicing clinical
         composed of:                      Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry and
         • 23 board-certified forensic psychiatrists,    Psychoanalysis for more than forty-five
           including                       years . Since the early 1980s he has provided
            • Five board-cerfitied child/adolescent    Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs),
              psychiatrists                consultation and testimony in civil matters in
            • Three board-certified addiction    more than 500 medical-legal cases (plaintiff
              psychiatrists                and defense) and has testified in state and
            • Two neuropsychiatrists       federal courts on sixty-two occasions .
         • Ten forensic psychologists/neuropsychologists
         • One autism expert .             Since 1976, Dr . Levy has been on the clinical
                                           faculty of the Department of Psychiatry,

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