Page 315 - ALMExperts 2025 Legal Experts Pages (Western Directory)
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ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2025                                Orthopedics

                                             Dr. Clive M. Segil M.D,              ORTHOPEDIC TRAUMA
                                             F.R.C.S, F.A.C.S
                                               Orthopaedic Surgeon
                                               17777 Ventura Blvd ., Suite 230  Elite Medical Experts
            Edward W. Younger, III, M.D.       Encino, CA 91316                 Bentley Burton
             Medical Director                  Phone: (818) 342-5490            CEO
             MRK Medical Consultants           Fax: (818) 342-5412              Tucson, AZ
                                               E-mail: drsegil@drsegil .com
             11249 Gold Country Blvd . #165    Web: http://www .DrSegil .com    Phone: (877) 670-5592
             Gold River, CA 95670                                               Toll Free Phone: (877) 670-5592
                                                                                E-mail: strategists@elitemedicalexperts .com
             Phone: (916) 863-7301             Degrees/Licenses: M .B, B .Ch University of
             Fax: (916) 863-7206               the Witwatersrand South         (Please see our resume on page 408 for further
             Toll Free Phone: (800) 403-1647    Africa (equivalent to M .D .)
             E-mail: eyounger@mrkmedconsultants .com  F .R .C .S . Edinburgh   details.)
             Web: http://www .mrkmedconsultants .com  F .A .C .S .
                                               Licensed in California and Nevada  Dr. Clive M. Segil M.D, F.R.C.S,
             Degrees/Licenses: MD degree, California                           F.A.C.S
             & Nevada licensure, Diplomate American   Profile: Dr . Segil is an outstanding Board   Orthopaedic Surgeon
             Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, American   Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon with an   Encino, CA
             Medical Association, California Medical   international reputation for over 40 years .  He   Phone: (818) 342-5490
             Association, Western Orthopedic Association .   is a Fellow of The Royal College of Surgeons   E-mail: drsegil@drsegil .com
             MD, DO, DPT, DPM, DC, RN, PHN, PE, PhD,   Edinburgh and a Fellow of the American
             MBA                               College of Surgeons.  He testifies for defense   (Please see our complete listing under the
                                               and plaintiff cases with an unbiased, erudite,   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
             Profile: MRK Medical Consultants, a   understandable and logical argument to   Orthopedic Surgery)
             physician-owned firm for fifty years, has   support the facts and evidence . Expert in
             pioneered a truly client-centered approach to   Workers Compensation .
             medical legal services . Our staff physicians
             are happy to provide telephone review of the   Dr . Segil understands completely the forensic   ORTHOPEDICS
             merits of your case to assist     system and is comfortable and confident in
             you in deciding whether to proceed, and if so,   presentation and trial appearance, and is not
             to direct you to the best medical specialist to   intimidated by court proceedings . He has   Elite Medical Experts
             meet your needs .                 vast experience in all aspects of Orthopaedic   Bentley Burton
                                               Surgery and is still very active in practice . He
             We have long-standing relationships with   is on the staff of St John’s Hospital in Santa   CEO
             our expert witnesses and are proud to stand   Monica, Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre, is Past   Tucson, AZ
             behind the work they do . We offer experts in   Assistant Clinical Professor of Orthopaedic   Phone: (877) 670-5592
             more than thirty different specialties and sub-  Surgery University of Southern California,   Toll Free Phone: (877) 670-5592
             specialties, which allows us to offer seamless   Past Clinical chief of Orthopaedic Surgery   E-mail: strategists@elitemedicalexperts .com
             service for complex litigation and multi-injury   Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre, and is a lecturer
             accidents . We work with both plaintiff and   and visiting professor in Japan, South Africa,   (Please see our resume on page 408 for further
             defense litigators in personal injury and   England, Canada, Israel, and China .   details.)
             medical malpractice cases .
                                               Dr. Segil has offices in Encino, Century City,   John E. Handelsman, MD, FRCS,
             MRK consultants provide opinions regarding   Glendale, Lancaster, Lawndale, Rancho   MCh Orth
             the relationship between symptoms, findings,   Cucamonga, Los Angeles and Northridge .
             and causation . Upon request, consultants   He is licensed in California and Nevada and   Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery
             can also provide opinions regarding patient   performs Independent Medical Evaluations   Larchmont, NY
             prognosis, need for proposed surgical   throughout Los Angeles as well as Las Vegas .   Phone: (914) 260-2751
             procedures, and future medical care . We   Available at short notice, he is amicable and   Alt . Phone: (914) 834-1699
             are able to provide medical record reviews,   easy to get on with, with a sense of humour .   E-mail: jhandelsman14@gmail .com
             independent medical exams, medical   Attorneys have been impressed by his record
             billing audits, deposition testimony, trial and   of winning most cases following his expert   (Please see our complete listing under the
             arbitration testimony .           testimony .                     following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
                                                                               Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery)
             Our centrally located corporate office is near   Please visit his website, http://www .DrSegil .
             Sacramento, California . We also have satellite   com .           Noah Kaufman MD                    MEDICAL EXPERTS
             offices in Bakersfield, Chico, Clovis, Eureka,                     Board Certified Emergency
             Lafayette, Los Angeles, Modesto, Monterey,   Sheldon Simon MD
             Napa, Oakland, Redding, Reno, San Diego,                           Medicine Expert
             San Jose, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara   Providence, RI          Loveland, CO
             and Santa Rosa. We also have offices in   Phone: (917) 816-3883    Phone: (330) 701-4614
             Las Vegas and Reno, Nevada; and Phoenix/  E-mail: ssimon9466@gmail .com  E-mail: noah@kaufmanmedicalgroup .com
             Scottsdale, Prescott and Tucson, Arizona .
                                             (Please see our complete listing under the   (Please see our resume on page 413 for further
            (Please see our resume on page 417 for further   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   details.)
            details.)                        Orthopedic Malpractice)
                                                                               Dr. Clive M. Segil M.D, F.R.C.S,
                                                                                Orthopaedic Surgeon
                                                                                Encino, CA
                                                                                Phone: (818) 342-5490
                                                                                E-mail: drsegil@drsegil .com
                                                                               (Please see our complete listing under the
                                                                               following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
                                                                               Orthopedic Surgery)

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