Page 324 - ALMExperts 2025 Legal Experts Pages (Western Directory)
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Prescribing Errors                               ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2025
                                           1454-1456 .
                                           Horowitz, L .M ., Rosenberg, S .E ., et al .
        Saul  Rosenberg, Ph.D.             (1988) . Inventory of Interpersonal Problems:   PRESCRIBING ERRORS
         PTSD and                          Psychometric properties and clinical
         Psychological                     application . Journal of Consulting and Clinical
         Injuries, University              Psychology, 56, No .6, 885-892 .  Dominic Saladino, PharmD, MS,
         of California, San               (Please see our resume on page 421 for further   CPPS, CPHQ
                                                                             Medication Safety Consulting
         Francisco                        details.)                          Solutions LLC
         5625 College Ave ., Suite 216D
         Oakland, CA 94618                Diane Judith Weiss, MD,            Springfield, OR
         Phone: (415) 925-3086            MPH                                Phone: (458) 221-8264
         Alt . Phone: (415) 924-1151                                         E-mail: medication_safety_consulting_
         E-mail: saulrosenbergphd@gmail .com  9663 Santa Monica Boulevard,   solutions@protonmail .com
                                           Suite 782
         Web: https//wwwsulrosenbergphd .com
                                           Beverly Hills, CA 90210         (Please see our complete listing under the
                                           Phone: (310) 273 8448           following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
         Degrees/Licenses: Post-Doctoral Fellowship   Fax: (310) 550 6824
         in Clinical Psychology, University of California,   E-mail: dr .dianeweiss@gmail .com  Pharmacy Malpractice)
         San Francisco - Mount Zion Hosp ., 1978;   Web: http://www .drdianeweiss .com
         Certificate in Psychoanalysis, San Francisco
         Psychoanalytic Institute . 1999; Doctorate                           PRESCRIPTIONS (PAIN
         in Clinical Psychology, Bowling Green   Degrees/Licenses: M .D ., M .P .H ., BA  MEDICINE)
         State University, 1975; Internship, Clinical
         Psychology, 1973—1974, State Univ . of New   Profile: Dr . Weiss has over 40 years’
         York Upstate Medical University .   experience in psychiatry, with decades
                                           providing expert witness litigation support,   Jennifer E. Souders, M.D.
         Licensed Psychologist in California since   including IMEs regarding psychiatric aspects   Souders Independent Medical
         1978 .                            of sexual/gender-based/racial harassment,   Consultations, PLLC
                                           employment law and/or accidents related to
         Profile: Saul Rosenberg, PhD, is a nationally   Personal Injury and Workers’ Compensation   Seattle, WA
                                                                             Phone: (206) 227-0828
         recognized authority in the assessment   issues . Dr . Weiss is well known for her   E-mail: jensouders@comcast .net
                                           comprehensive, fact-based, persuasive
         and treatment of psychological injuries . His
         recent publication, Forensic Assessment   reports .               (Please see our complete listing under the

         of Psychological Injury Claims, reviews the                       following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
         state of the science and provides practice   Dr . Weiss’ unique ability to establish
         guidelines for evaluating claims of emotional   exceptional rapport with clients allows for   Medical Toxicology)
                                           thoughtful, thorough examinations, leaving
         distress, mental disorders and related
         functional impairments .          no stone unturned . As everything affects
                                           the psyche, her keen attention to detail with
                                                                                PRESSURE ULCERS
         Dr . Rosenberg’s research at the Department   complex medical-legal records enables her to
         of Psychiatry, University of California, San   integrate highly complex psychiatric histories
                                           and concepts, coming to evidence-based
         Francisco, (UCSF) has been published in                           Lily Daniali, MD FACS
         leading peer-reviewed journals and textbooks .   opinions, and providing high-caliber, usable   Echelon Expert Advisors
                                           medical-legal reporting and testimony .
         He has co-authored psychological tests
         and structured interviews which are used                            , CO
         internationally . He has conducted more than   Dr. Weiss is a Board Certified Psychiatrist,   Phone: (720) 788-2904
                                           a Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric
         375 Independent Mental Exams (IMEs) for                             E-mail: ldaniali@gmail .com
         both plaintiff and defense. He has testified   Association, in private practice since 1988,
                                           whose experience is predominantly related
         before congress on the assessment of PTSD                         (Please see our resume on page 404 for further
         in veterans . His areas of expertise include:    to the psychiatric aspects of sexual, gender,   details.)
                                           or racial harassment; Posttraumatic Stress
                                           Disorder; anxiety; depression; and personality
         • Psychological injures                                           Benson Pulikkottil, MD, FACS
                                           disorders. Dr. Weiss is well-traveled, fluent   , CO
                                           in both English and Spanish, and holds a
         • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and                          Phone: (720) 788-3203
         Stressor-Related Disorders        Master’s Degree in Public Health, and a BA in   E-mail: benpul@gmail .com, assistant@
                                           Scandinavian Languages, facilitating robust   echelonexpertadvisors .com
                                           connections with people from all walks of life .
         • Employment discrimination, wrongful
         termination                                                       (Please see our resume on page 419 for further
                                          (Please see our resume on page 426 for further   details.)
         • Testamentary capacity, undue influence, will   details.)

         • Symptom validity, exaggeration and                                PREVENTIVE MEDICINE

         His publications include:                                         Arash Bereliani
                                                                             M.D., M.S,  F.A.C.C.
         Rosenberg, S .E ., et al . (2024) . Forensic                        Beverly Hills, CA
         Assessment of Psychological Injury Claims .                         Phone: (310) 383-1844
         In Young, G ., et al (Eds .), Handbook of                           E-mail: bereliani .a .md@gmail .com
         Psychological Injury and Law . Springer .
                                                                           (Please see our resume on page 400 for further
         Rosenberg, S .E . (2014) . Posttraumatic Stress                   details.)
         Disorder . In M .J . Aminoff & R .B . Daroff (Eds .)
         Encyclopedia of Neurological Sciences, 2nd
         Ed . Elsevier .

         Rosenberg, S . E ., et al . (1986) . A method
         for establishing the reliability of statements
         from psychodynamic case formulations . The
         American Journal of Psychiatry, 143, No . 11,
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