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Wound Analysis                                   ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2025
                                           1454-1456 .

        Saul  Rosenberg, Ph.D.             Horowitz, L .M ., Rosenberg, S .E ., et al .
         PTSD and                          (1988) . Inventory of Interpersonal Problems:
         Psychological                     Psychometric properties and clinical
         Injuries, University              application . Journal of Consulting and Clinical
                                           Psychology, 56, No .6, 885-892 .
         of California, San                                                Jeffrey Stone D.O., MPH,
         Francisco                        (Please see our resume on page 421 for further   FCCWS
         5625 College Ave ., Suite 216D   details.)                          Wound Care
         Oakland, CA 94618                                                   Consultants
         Phone: (415) 925-3086                                               9720 COIT RD, STE 220 PMB
         Alt . Phone: (415) 924-1151           WOUND ANALYSIS                197
         E-mail: saulrosenbergphd@gmail .com                                 Plano, TX 75025
         Web: https//wwwsulrosenbergphd .com                                 Phone: (214) 265-9408
                                          Lily Daniali, MD FACS              E-mail: jstone@wound .com
         Degrees/Licenses: Post-Doctoral Fellowship                          Web: http://www .wound .com
         in Clinical Psychology, University of California,   Echelon Expert Advisors
         San Francisco - Mount Zion Hosp ., 1978;   , CO                     Profile: Dr. Stone’s field of practice is
         Certificate in Psychoanalysis, San Francisco   Phone: (720) 788-2904  Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine . A
         Psychoanalytic Institute . 1999; Doctorate   E-mail: ldaniali@gmail .com  past president of the Texas Affiliate of the
         in Clinical Psychology, Bowling Green                               American Diabetes Association, Dr . Stone
         State University, 1975; Internship, Clinical   (Please see our resume on page 404 for further   received his medical degree from the College
         Psychology, 1973—1974, State Univ . of New   details.)              of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific and
         York Upstate Medical University .                                   a Master of Public Health from Harvard
                                          Benson Pulikkottil, MD, FACS       University . He completed a residency in
         Licensed Psychologist in California since   , CO                    aerospace medicine and a fellowship in
         1978 .                            Phone: (720) 788-3203             hyperbaric medicine and wound care at
                                           E-mail: benpul@gmail .com, assistant@  the U .S . Air Force School of Aerospace
         Profile: Saul Rosenberg, PhD, is a nationally   echelonexpertadvisors .com  Medicine at Brooks Air Force Base . Dr .
         recognized authority in the assessment                              Stone started his medical practice in Dallas
         and treatment of psychological injuries . His   (Please see our resume on page 419 for further   in 1992 after serving our country for twelve
         recent publication, Forensic Assessment   details.)                 years in the Army . He left as a Major . He was
         of Psychological Injury Claims, reviews the                         credited with developing the U .S, Army’s
         state of the science and provides practice                          Hyperbaric Medicine Program. He is certified
         guidelines for evaluating claims of emotional   Jeffrey Stone D.O., MPH, FCCWS  in Hyperbaric Medicine and board certified
         distress, mental disorders and related   Wound Care Consultants     in Aerospace Medicine . He is a Diplomat
         functional impairments .          Plano, TX                         and Fellow of the American Academy of
                                           Phone: (214) 265-9408             Wound Care Management, and a Certified
         Dr . Rosenberg’s research at the Department   E-mail: jstone@wound .com  Wound Specialist . He has published articles
         of Psychiatry, University of California, San                        on hyperbaric oxygenation, decompression
         Francisco, (UCSF) has been published in   (Please see our complete listing under the   sickness, the diabetic foot and wound care .
         leading peer-reviewed journals and textbooks .   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   His most recent peer reviewed article was in
         He has co-authored psychological tests   Bedsores/Pressure Ulcers Prevention & Care)  November 2019 . He has served as hyperbaric
         and structured interviews which are used                            consultant to the Department of Veterans
         internationally . He has conducted more than                        Affairs Medical Center, Dallas, Texas;
         375 Independent Mental Exams (IMEs) for   WOUND CARE                Poison Control Center of North Dallas and
         both plaintiff and defense. He has testified                        Department of Health and Human Services
         before congress on the assessment of PTSD                           Office of General: Office of Evaluation and
         in veterans . His areas of expertise include:                       Inspections . Dr . Stone is also available for
                                          Lily Daniali, MD FACS              peer reviews, legal reviews, and medical
         • Psychological injures           Echelon Expert Advisors           malpractice reviews . Dr . Stone is the Past
                                           , CO                              Medical and Fellowship Director for the
         • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and   Phone: (720) 788-2904  Hyperbaric Medicine Unit at the Institute for
         Stressor-Related Disorders        E-mail: ldaniali@gmail .com       Exercise and Environmental Medicine at
                                                                             Texas Health Presbyterian Dallas . He is one of
         • Employment discrimination, wrongful   (Please see our resume on page 404 for further   the first 60 physicians in the U.S.A. to receive
         termination                      details.)                          his certification in Wound Care. He has been
                                                                             active in hyperbaric medicine since 1985 and
         • Testamentary capacity, undue influence, will   Benson Pulikkottil, MD, FACS  has trained many physicians in the field. He
         contests                                                            has over thirty-seven years of experience in
                                           , CO                              wound care and hyperbaric medicine .
         • Symptom validity, exaggeration and   Phone: (720) 788-3203
         malingering                       E-mail: benpul@gmail .com, assistant@  (Please see our complete listing under the
                                           echelonexpertadvisors .com      following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
         His publications include:                                         Bedsores/Pressure Ulcers Prevention & Care)
                                          (Please see our resume on page 419 for further
         Rosenberg, S .E ., et al . (2024) . Forensic   details.)
         Assessment of Psychological Injury Claims .
         In Young, G ., et al (Eds .), Handbook of   Kent C. Sasse, MD, MPH, FACS,
         Psychological Injury and Law . Springer .   FASMBS
                                           Nevada Surgical Associates
         Rosenberg, S .E . (2014) . Posttraumatic Stress
         Disorder . In M .J . Aminoff & R .B . Daroff (Eds .)   Reno, NV
         Encyclopedia of Neurological Sciences, 2nd   Phone: (775) 848-3233
         Ed . Elsevier .                   Cell: (707) 597-2999
                                           E-mail: drsasse@nevadasurgical .com,
         Rosenberg, S . E ., et al . (1986) . A method   Drksasse@yahoo .com
         for establishing the reliability of statements
         from psychodynamic case formulations . The   (Please see our resume on page 422 for further
         American Journal of Psychiatry, 143, No . 11,   details.)

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