Page 88 - ALMExperts 2025 Legal Experts Pages (Western Directory)
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Design Patent Infringement                       ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2025

              DESIGN PATENT                   DIGITAL FORENSICS            Joseph Greenfield
               INFRINGEMENT                                                  Ph.D.
                                                                             Maryman & Associates
        Joel Delman                                                          16000 Ventura Boulevard
         Informed Innovation Inc.                                            Suite 1204
         Los Angeles, CA                                                     Los Angeles, CA 91436
         Phone: (773) 517-1862                                               Phone: (818) 290 3775
         E-mail: joel@informedinnovationinc .com  Steven Burgess             E-mail: [email protected]
                                           Burgess Forensics                 Web: https://http://www .maryman .com
        (Please see our resume on page 349 for further   3421 Empresa Dr Ste B,
        details.)                          San Luis Obispo, CA 93401         Degrees/Licenses: Ph .D . Computer Science
                                           Phone: 805-349-7676
                                           Fax: 805-349-7790                 Profile: Dr. Joseph Greenfield, Ph.D. is the
             DESIGN TESTING &              E-mail: steve@                    Vice President and Chief Forensic Examiner
                                                                             at Maryman & Associates Inc . and an
                  ANALYSIS                 burgessforensics .com             award-winning educator . He is a renowned
                                           Web: http://www .burgessforensics .com
                                                                             computer forensics expert with over 15 years
                                                                             of investigative experience, including cyber
                                           Profile: Since 1985 Steven Burgess has been
        Rapperport Associates, Inc.        a leading computer, digital, email, Internet, and   breach investigations, employee misconduct,
         Daniel Rapperport                 mobile forensic expert witness nationwide and   and email recovery and analysis . He has
         Lexington, MA                     has qualified and testified as expert in Federal,   worked over 1000 cases and analyzed over
                                                                             2000 pieces of digital evidence . He has
         Phone: (781) 862-9001             State, Municipal, Military Courts and Labor   provided expert witness testimony in state,
         Cell: (339) 222-2822              Board in 45 states and countries . Mr . Burgess   federal, and international legal matters .
         E-mail: dan@rapperport .com       is a pioneer of the Data Recovery industry and
                                           is an online storage innovator .
        (Please see our resume on page 379 for further                       He is also an Associate Professor at the
                                                                             University of Southern California, where he
        details.)                          Burgess Forensics deals with a wide range of   authored undergraduate programs in both
                                           clients - federal, state, military, civil & criminal
                                           - plaintiffs, defendants and as a neutral . Steve   cybersecurity and digital forensics .
                                           Burgess is particularly skilled in explaining
                                           the arcane workings of computers, electronic   Joe Sremack
                                           discovery, data structure and forensic   Marcum LLP
                                           methods in lay terms .            New York, NY
                                                                             Phone: (202) 423-9803
                                           Mr . Burgess has personally performed   E-mail: Joe .Sremack@marcumllp .com
                                           recovery, electronic discovery, and forensic
                                           analysis on more than 20,000 computers,   (Please see our resume on page 387 for further
                                           mobile devices and other electronic media .   details.)
                                           Burgess is an accomplished witness in
                                           deposition and on the stand .

                                           Cases have included: Employment Law,   DIGITAL VIDEO
                                           Family Law, Intellectual Property, Software
                                           Design, Criminal Law, CSAM, Fraud,
                                           Military, Law Enforcement, Computer Crime,   Dr. John R. Black
                                           Embezzlement, Contract Dispute, Security   Aragon National
                                           Issues, Murder, Traffic Violation, Class Action,   Redmond, OR
                                           Product Liability, Patent Dispute, Stock   Phone: (503) 707-5107
                                           Manipulation, Medical Devices, Tax Evasion,   E-mail: johnblack@aragonnational .com
                                           Surveillance, Manufacturing, Public Works,
                                           Sabotage, Immigration, Mobile / Cell Phone,
                                           Smart Phones, PDAs, Public Education, Real   (Please see our resume on page 338 for further
                                           Estate, Wrongful Termination, Labor Dispute,   details.)
                                           Insurance, Architecture, Stock Pricing, Stock
                                           Ownership and many more .       Lauren Cole
                                           Please see a few case studies at http://www .  Cole Media
                                           burgessforensics .com/blog
                                                                             Los Angeles, CA
                                                                             Phone: (310) 207-5064
                                          (Please see our resume on page 343 for further   E-mail: lauren@colemediala .com
                                                                           (Please see our complete listing under the
                                          Jim Cook                         following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
                                           Premier Cellular Mapping &      Entertainment Industry)
                                           ...your Wireless Experts...
                                           Ripon, CA
                                           Phone: (209) 606-2665
                                           E-mail: jim@premiercma .com
                                          (Please see our complete listing under the
                                          following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
                                          Cellular Evidence Analysis)

        66                                                        Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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