Page 26 - ALMExperts 2025 National Egineering Directory
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Construction and Engineering ALM EXPERTS: National Engineering Edition 2025
Rapperport Associates, Inc. Dr . Hastak has authored and co-authored
Daniel Rapperport Prof. Makarand (Mark) over 235 publications related to process
Lexington, MA Hastak, PhD, PE, improvement, project controls, capital
rehabilitation planning, strategic planning
Phone: (781) 862-9001
Cell: (339) 222-2822 MS(Law), CCP, CRIS, and decision-making based on his work .
He has co-authored a widely used book on
E-mail: dan@rapperport .com FASCE, NAC Infrastructure Planning, Engineering, and
Principal Consultant Economics published by McGraw-Hill (2006
(Please see our resume on page 95 for further Hastak Consulting and 2015) . He has served on the Education
Services, LLC Board of the Association for Advancement of
Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE, 8639 Bay Colony Drive Cost Engineering (AACE) (2004-16) where
he edited two books, Skills and Knowledge
MBA, CFEI, CFII Indianapolis, IN 46234 of Cost Engineering (2015, 6th Ed) and CCP
Phone: (765) 430-1981
President & CEO E-mail: hastak@gmail .com Certification Study Guide (2016, 2nd Ed).
Real-World Forensic Engineering, Web: engineering .purdue .edu/CEM Litigation Support - Dr . Hastak offers
LLC expert witness services and has given expert
Lubbock, TX Degrees/Licenses: • PhD Civil Engineering/ deposition several times in the last years . His
Construction Engineering and Management,
Phone: (806) 368-9811 Purdue University (Indiana) services include case reviews, written reports,
E-mail: info@expertengineering .com depositions, and trial testimony as needed . He
has provided consulting and expert witness
• MS (Law), Pritzker School of Law,
(Please see our resume on page 96 for further Northwestern University (Illinois) services on 37 cases including expert review,
details.) reports, depositions (11), and trial/evidence
• Advanced Certificates in (1) Strategic HR deposition (4) . Also, he is a registered
Cale Robertson Management, (2) Financial Management, and Domestic Relations Mediator in Indiana .
Robertson Engineering (3) Exec Leadership – (Please see our resume on page 91 for further
Investigations, LLC (REI) 2014 – Cornell Univ (NY); (4) 30-Hour details.)
Mesilla Park, NM OSHA Hazard Recognition Training for the
Construction Industry (2019)
Phone: (575) 644-9595
E-mail: [email protected]
• MS Civil Engineering/Construction
Engineering and Management, University of
(Please see our complete listing under the Cincinnati (Ohio)
following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
Forensic Engineering) • BE Civil Engineering, Nagpur University
Canney Brook Forensic Engineers
R Craig Williams PE CFEI CFII Profile: Dr . Hastak is Professor at the Lyles
BSME MSAE PhD(abd) School of Civil and Construction Engineering
Dover, NH at Purdue University . He recently completed
Phone: (603) 742-7200 his term as the Associate Dean of Engineering
E-mail: solutions@canneybrook .com for Facilities and Planning in Indianapolis
as well as the Dernlan Family Head of
Construction Engineering and Management
(Please see our resume on page 100 for further at Purdue University . Dr . Hastak has assisted
the construction industry for the past 35 years
through consulting, research, teaching, and
service to the community . Prof . Hastak is
CONSTRUCTION AND recognized around the world as a scholar in
ENGINEERING construction engineering and management
with specific expertise in profitability of
construction companies, disaster risk
reduction, infrastructure management, cost
Dr. John Bryant control, project management decision-making,
PH.D., P.G., P.E., CPG, D.GE, safety and risk management, factory-built
M.ASCE, F.PTI housing, contracts, warranties, modular
Bryant Consultants construction, and strategic planning . He
is a licensed Professional Engineer (PE),
Carrollton, TX a Construction Risk Insurance Specialist
Phone: (972) 713-9109 (CRIS), and a Certified Cost Professional
E-mail: jbryant@geoneering .com (CCP) . As a Fellow of the American Council
on Education (cohort of 2013-14) at Cornell
(Please see our resume on page 85 for further University his work focused on the various
details.) facets of Hybrid RCM budget, engaged
institution, and Public-Private Partnership
in academia . He is the current President of
the International Council for Research and
Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB)
(https://cibworld .org/) . As an academic, he has
worked on numerous Construction Industry
Institute (CII) projects over the past 30 years .
He has served as the Academic Advisor to the
CII Downstream and Chemicals Committee
(DCC), UT Austin, TX and presently serves as
the Academic Advisor to the Building and Real
Estate (BRE) Department of the Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, Hong Kong . He is an
elected member of the National Academy
of Construction (NAC) and a Fellow of the
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) .
16 Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness