Page 36 - ALMExperts 2025 National Egineering Directory
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Electrical Power                                        ALM EXPERTS: National Engineering Edition 2025
                                          H. Landis Floyd II               H. Landis Floyd II
            ELECTRICAL POWER               Electrical Safety Group Inc.      Electrical Safety Group Inc.
                                           Elkton, MD                        35 Gina Court
                                           Phone: (302) 547-4298             Elkton, MD 21921
        Dr. B. Michael Aucoin, D.Engr., P.E.,   E-mail: [email protected]  Phone: (302) 547-4298
        PMP-Retired                       (Please see our complete listing under the   Fax: (302) 378-5788
                                                                             E-mail: [email protected]
         President, Electrical Expert, Inc.  following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Web: http://www .electricalsafetygroup .com
         Electrical Engineering Litigation   Electrical Safety)
         Support                                                             Degrees/Licenses: BS Electrical
         College Station, TX              Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,   Engineering, PE, CSP, CESCP, CUSP, CMRP,
                                                                             CRL, Life Fellow IEEE
         Phone: (979) 695-8585            MBA, CFEI, CFII
         Cell: (979) 450-0995              President & CEO                   Profile: Mr . Floyd retired from DuPont in 2014,
         E-mail: aucoin@elec-exp .com
                                           Real-World Forensic Engineering,   after a 45 year career in engineering and
        (Please see our resume on page 83 for further   LLC                  safety . For more than 30 years, Mr . Floyd’s
                                                                             responsibilities focused on electrical safety in
        details.)                          Lubbock, TX                       the construction, operation and maintenance
                                           Phone: (806) 368-9811             of industrial and commercial facilities
        Thomas H. Burtness, PE, BSEE,      E-mail: info@expertengineering .com  worldwide . This included safety management
        CFEI                              (Please see our resume on page 96 for further   systems, competency renewal, work practices,
         Burtness Engineering Services    details.)                          and the application of technologies critical to
         White Heath, IL                                                     electrical safety performance . He is an adjunct
                                                                             professor in Advanced Safety Engineering and
         Phone: (217) 687-4450                                               Management at the University of Alabama at
         Alt . Phone: (217) 898-8000         ELECTRICAL POWER                Birmingham . Mr . Floyd has provided expert
         E-mail: tom@burtnesseng .com
                                                    PLANTS                   witness services since 2005 . He is an expert
        (Please see our resume on page 86 for further                        in electrical engineering, workplace electrical
                                                                             safety, electric shock, arc flash, electrical
        details.)                                                            safety management, electrical safety program,
                                          Dr. B. Michael Aucoin, D.Engr., P.E.,   electrical codes and standards, OSHA and
        H. Landis Floyd II                PMP-Retired                        MSHA regulations, NFPA70E, National
         Electrical Safety Group Inc.      President, Electrical Expert, Inc.  Electrical Code, National Electrical Safety
         Elkton, MD                        Electrical Engineering Litigation   Code, electrical injury, electrocution, electrical
         Phone: (302) 547-4298             Support                           reliability, electrical maintenance, electrical
         E-mail: [email protected]                                    construction, occupational electrical safety,
                                           College Station, TX               safe electrical work practices, electric power
        (Please see our complete listing under the   Phone: (979) 695-8585   systems, electrical testing instruments, and
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Cell: (979) 450-0995  overhead power lines .
        Electrical Safety)                 E-mail: aucoin@elec-exp .com
                                                                             Additional website: http://www .linkedin . com/
        Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,   (Please see our resume on page 83 for further   in/hlandisfloyd
        MBA, CFEI, CFII                                                    Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,
         President & CEO                  H. Landis Floyd II               MBA, CFEI, CFII
         Real-World Forensic Engineering,   Electrical Safety Group Inc.     President & CEO
         LLC                               Elkton, MD                        Real-World Forensic Engineering,
         Lubbock, TX                       Phone: (302) 547-4298             LLC
         Phone: (806) 368-9811             E-mail: [email protected]
         E-mail: info@expertengineering .com                                 Lubbock, TX
                                          (Please see our complete listing under the   Phone: (806) 368-9811
        (Please see our resume on page 96 for further   following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   E-mail: info@expertengineering .com
        details.)                         Electrical Safety)
                                                                           (Please see our resume on page 96 for further
                                          John Riley                       details.)
            ELECTRICAL POWER               J Riley Consulting, LLC
               ENGINEERING                 Prairie Village, KS                 ELECTRICAL SHOCK
                                           Phone: (913) 638-5071
                                           E-mail: jrileyconsulting@cs .com
        Thomas H. Burtness, PE, BSEE,     (Please see our complete listing under the   Dr. B. Michael Aucoin, D.Engr., P.E.,
        CFEI                              following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   PMP-Retired
         Burtness Engineering Services    Mechanical Engineering)            President, Electrical Expert, Inc.
         White Heath, IL                                                     Electrical Engineering Litigation
         Phone: (217) 687-4450
         Alt . Phone: (217) 898-8000         ELECTRICAL SAFETY               Support
         E-mail: tom@burtnesseng .com                                        College Station, TX
                                                                             Phone: (979) 695-8585
        (Please see our resume on page 86 for further   Thomas H. Burtness, PE, BSEE,   Cell: (979) 450-0995
        details.)                                                            E-mail: aucoin@elec-exp .com
                                           Burtness Engineering Services   (Please see our resume on page 83 for further
                                           White Heath, IL                 details.)
                                           Phone: (217) 687-4450
                                           Alt . Phone: (217) 898-8000
                                           E-mail: tom@burtnesseng .com
                                          (Please see our resume on page 86 for further

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