Page 118 - ALMExperts 2024 Mid-Atlantic Directory
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Epidemiology                                                   ALM EXPERTS: Mid-Atlantic Edition 2024

                                           * Interaction of Smoking and Workplace   Jeffrey Stone D.O., MPH, FCCWS
               EPIDEMIOLOGY                Hazards                           Wound Care Consultants

                                           * Railroad Exposures and FELA Rules   Plano, TX
                                                                             Phone: (214) 265-9408

        David F. Goldsmith,                * Industrial Laundry & Mold Hygiene   E-mail: jstone@wound .com
        MSPH, PhD, LLC                     Assessment                      (Please see our complete listing under the
         George Washington                   * PFAS/PFOS, Epidemiology & Polices   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
         University                                                        Bedsores/Pressure Ulcers Prevention & Care)
         9504 Crosby Road                  * Covid-19 and Workers Compensation
         Silver Spring, MD 20910
         Phone: (202) 549-1019             Dr . Goldsmith was a member of the World   FDA MEDICAL DEVICE
         Fax: (301) 589-8825               Health Organization (WHO) International   REGULATION
         E-mail: dgoldsmi@gwu .edu         Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) panel
         Web: http://www .OccupationalEpi .com  assessing the carcinogenicity of silica . He
                                           served on the Institute of Medicine panel on
         Degrees/Licenses: MSPH, PhD in    Gulf War veterans .             Alan P. Schwartz
         Epidemiology from the University of North    In 2006, he was Chair of a peer-reviewed   Executive Vice President
         Carolina, Chapel Hill             panel on asbestos remediation methods for   mdi Consultants, Inc.
                                           the U .S . EPA . In 2014, he was a Fulbright
         Profile: Dr . David F . Goldsmith is an   Fellow of the University of Manitoba,   Great Neck, NY
                                                                             Phone: (516) 482-9001
         experienced consultant providing   Winnipeg, Canada, and in 2017 was a   E-mail: alan@mdiconsultants .com, diane@
         epidemiology services as an expert witness   Fulbright Specialist at Ateneo de Manila   mdiconsultants .com
         for both plaintiffs and defense attorneys . He   University in Philippines . He is the Principal
         is an expert in general causation assessment,   Epidemiologist for the Railroad Union Health   (Please see our complete listing under the
         asbestos and silica dust exposures, water   study since 2016 . He is past president of
         contamination, firefighter exposures, male and   Workplace Health Without Borders - US   following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
                                                                           FDA Regulatory Affairs)
         female mesh, hazardous military exposures,   Branch . He was the past president of Fulbright
         pesticides, PFAS, Covid-19, and railroad   Association National Capital Area Chapter .
         litigation .                                                      Steve Silverman
         He has been qualified as an occupational and   EPIDEMIOLOGY (CANCER)  The Silverman Group
         environmental health expert in proceedings                          Silver Spring, MD
         before both federal and state courts . Dr .                         Phone: (301) 213-5780
         Goldsmith has testified at Daubert hearings,                        E-mail: stevesilverman@silverman-group .com
         California Proposition 65 hearings, and at   David F. Goldsmith, MSPH, PhD,
         numerous deposition and trial appearances .    LLC                (Please see our resume on page 144 for further
         He has worked for clients in: California,   George Washington University  details.)
         Oregon, Nevada, Texas,  Illinois, Ohio,   Silver Spring, MD
         Florida, North Carolina, Mississippi, Puerto   Phone: (202) 549-1019
         Rico, Maryland, Washington DC, Delaware,   E-mail: dgoldsmi@gwu .edu
         West Virginia, New York, Virginia, Montana,                         FDA NEW DRUG REVIEW/
         Nebraska, Louisiana, Missouri, Pennsylvania,                        APPROVAL PROCEDURES
         New Jersey, and Connecticut . He has   (Please see our complete listing under the
         overseas medical/legal consulting experience;   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
         as well as Native American tribal experience .
                                                                           Alan P. Schwartz
         His areas of expertise include:   Dr. James C. Norris               Executive Vice President
                                           Expert Witness in Toxicology and   mdi Consultants, Inc.
         * Occupational/Environmental Epidemiology,   Pharmacology           Great Neck, NY
         including Veterans’ Disability Appeals   Benton, AR                 Phone: (516) 482-9001
                                           Phone: (815) 955-5838             E-mail: alan@mdiconsultants .com, diane@
         * Urogynecological Mesh, including Male   E-mail: norristoxicl@earthlink .net  mdiconsultants .com
                                          (Please see our resume on page 135 for further   (Please see our complete listing under the
         * Health Hazards of Silica, including Silicosis                   following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
         and Lung Cancer, and Auto-Immune Diseases   details.)             FDA Regulatory Affairs)

         * Histoplasmosis, Coal Workers, and Other
         Respiratory Diseases and Tuberculosis (TB)   FAMILY MEDICINE

         * Environmental and Community Fracking
         Sand Emissions                   Dr. Steven D. Kamajian, D.O.,
                                          C.M.D, F.A.C.O.F.P.
         * World Trade Center Exposures and Chronic
         Health Risks                      Montrose, CA
                                           Phone: (805) 807-0616 - Office
         * Mothers’ Drug Use and Birth Defects   Cell: (818) 957-2007
                                           E-mail: drstevenkamajian@gmail .com,
         * Many Workplace Cancer Risks, Including   dosteven@msn .com
         Solvents, Diesel Exhaust, Wood Dusts,
         Pesticides, Welding Fumes, Benzene, Crude   (Please see our complete listing under the
         Oil Clean-up, Spray Paints, Agent Orange,   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
         Camp Lejeune, and Quartz countertops .   Medical Chart Review)

         * Firefighting and Cancer Causation

         * Naturally-Occurring Asbestos, Lead,
         and Asbestos Sampling and Abatement in
         Construction .

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