Page 124 - ALMExperts 2024 Mid-Atlantic Directory
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Pharmacology                                                   ALM EXPERTS: Mid-Atlantic Edition 2024

              PHARMACOLOGY                   PODIATRIC SURGERY                 PODIATRIC TRAUMA

        Dr. Joseph S. Bertino Jr.         Richard T. Braver,               Richard T. Braver, DPM, Board
         Clinical Pharmacology            DPM, Board Certified             Certified Podiatric Surgeon
         Consultant                       Podiatric Surgeon                  Director, Active Foot & Ankle
         Bertino Consulting                Director, Active Foot &           Care, LLC
         3078 New Williamsburg Drive       Ankle Care, LLC                   Fair Lawn, NJ
         Schenectady, NY 12303             4-14 Saddle River Rd .            Phone: (201) 791-1881
         Phone: (518) 280-1378             Fair Lawn, NJ 07410               E-mail: drrunusa@gmail .com, robin .drrun@
         E-mail: sbertino@ix .netcom .com  Phone: (201) 791-1881             gmail .com
         Web: http://www .bertinoconsulting .com  Fax: (201) 791-6177      blank
                                           E-mail: drrunusa@gmail .com, robin .drrun@  Riverdale, NJ
         Degrees/Licenses: Pharm .D, Licensed in   gmail .com                Phone: (201) 791-1881
         NY, Diplomate American Board of Clinical   Web: http://www .DrRun .com  E-mail: drrunusa@gmail .com, robin .drrun@
         Pharmacology                                                        gmail .com
                                           44 Route 23 North
         Profile: Dr . Bertino has over 30 yrs .   Riverdale, NJ 07457     (Please see our complete listing under the
         experience in Clinical Pharmacology .   Phone: (201) 791-1881     following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
         His expertise includes medication error   Fax: (201) 791-6177     Foot & Ankle)
         assessment, drug therapeutics, side effects   E-mail: drrunusa@gmail .com, robin .drrun@
         of drugs, drug and alcohol toxicology,   gmail .com
         pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics   Web: http://www .DrRun .com         PODIATRY
         and pharmacogenetics . He has experience
         in the care of adults and children . In addition,   Profile: Providing plaintiff and defense work
         he has substantial experience in community,   as a foot and ankle specialist-podiatric expert
         hospital, ambulatory and nursing home   for all states, with exception of conflict of   Richard T. Braver, DPM, Board
         settings and therefore, he is able to assess   interest . Medical Evaluation and Treatment   Certified Podiatric Surgeon
         standard of care . He provides objective,   of all Podiatric Pains and Injuries including   Director, Active Foot & Ankle
         fully literature referenced review of criminal   diabetic ulcer care, Nerve Injuries, bunion,   Care, LLC
         and civil cases and guides the client on the   toe and other foot/ankle problems along with
         strengths and weaknesses of the case . Dr .   fracture and revision surgical care of the   Fair Lawn, NJ
         Bertino provides either plaintiff or defendant   foot and ankle . Dr Braver performs IME’s   Phone: (201) 791-1881
         support .                         of the Foot & Ankle, Peer Review, Personal   E-mail: drrunusa@gmail .com, robin .drrun@
                                           Injury Evaluation and Treatment, Workers   gmail .com
        Dr. James C. Norris                Compensation Evaluation, Medical Record   blank
         Expert Witness in Toxicology and   and Standard of Care Review, Second   Riverdale, NJ
                                                                             Phone: (201) 791-1881
         Pharmacology                      Opinions, and Expert Witness Testimony .   E-mail: drrunusa@gmail .com, robin .drrun@
                                           He is in practice at a busy podiatric center in
         Benton, AR                        Northern New Jersey and treats Children and   gmail .com
         Phone: (815) 955-5838             Adults and has X-ray on sight .
         E-mail: norristoxicl@earthlink .net                               (Please see our complete listing under the
                                           Dr . Braver has Reconstructive Foot &   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
        (Please see our resume on page 135 for further   Ankle privileges at Hackensack University   Foot & Ankle)
        details.)                          Medical Center in NJ . He is currently the
                                           team podiatrist for several professional
                                           and college sports teams . He also has a   POST TRAUMATIC STRESS
                 PHARMACY                  wealth of knowledge and experience in the   DISORDER
                                           manufacturing and design of shoes/sneakers .
                                           He has offices in Fair Lawn, and Riverdale,
        Dr. Joseph S. Bertino Jr.          NJ .                            Richard J. Frances, M.D.
         Clinical Pharmacology               He is Board Certified in Foot Surgery and also   Psychiatry
         Consultant                        Board Certified in Reconstructive Rearfoot &   New York, NY
         Bertino Consulting                Ankle Surgery by the American Board of Foot   Phone: (212) 861-0570
         Schenectady, NY                   and Ankle Surgery. He is Board Certified in   Cell: 914-217-4417
         Phone: (518) 280-1378             Podiatric Orthopedics and Primary Podiatric   E-mail: rfrancesmd@gmail .com
                                           Medicine by the American Board of Podiatric
         E-mail: sbertino@ix .netcom .com
                                           Medicine .                      (Please see our complete listing under the
        (Please see our complete listing under the                         following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
        following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   (Please see our complete listing under the   Addiction (Psychiatry))
        Pharmacology)                     following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
                                          Foot & Ankle)                    Glen Skoler, Ph.D.
                                                                             Clinical & Forensic Psychology
                                                                             Clinical and Forensic
                                                                             Phone: (240) 605-2988
                                                                             Phone: (240) 605-2988
                                                                           (Please see our resume on page 145 for further

        112                                                       Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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