Page 136 - ALMExperts 2024 Mid-Atlantic Directory
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NON-MEDICAL RESUMES                                            ALM EXPERTS: Mid-Atlantic Edition 2024

                                            Curt M. Freedman, PE, CEM, CEA, LEED AP
                                                         President, CMF Engineering, Inc.
                                                     24 Ridge Road Longmeadow, MA 01106
                                                     413-567-1175 [email protected]

           Areas of Expertise:
           • Accident Investigation       • Failure Analysis              • Solar Panels
           • Accident Reconstruction      • Forensic Engineering          •  Solar Glare Evaluation: Vehicle Accident
           • Air Infiltration Investigations  • Furnaces (All Types)       Causation
           • Arc Flash                    • HVAC                          • Sprinkler Systems
           • Boilers / Chillers           • Insulation                    • Structural Engineering
           • Building freeze Investigations  • Lighting                   •  Vinyl Siding: Melting due to Reflected
           • Cannabis HVAC                • Mechanical Engineering        Sunlight
           • Carbon Monoxide              • Natural Gas Transmission      • Utilities Rates
           • Construction Defects         • Pinch Point Accidents         • Water Filters / Tanks
           • Construction Defects & Resolution  • Plumbing                • Wells
           • Construction Design          • Propane/gas Leak Investigations  • Window Solar Fires
           • Electrical Engineering       • Sewers
           Professional Experience:
           C.M.F. Engineering, Inc., Longmeadow, MA, President. (1985- Present)
             Professional experiences include energy management, HVAC design and controls, water and utility conservation, plumbing design,
             boiler design, chiller design, and building systems evaluation, structural/mechanical inspections for real estate property assessments,
             mechanical systems’ sound attenuation, forensic engineering, expert witness testimony, and energy/utility intervention.

           Teaching Experience:
           Western New England College, Springfield, MA, Adjunct Professor (2004-Present)
             Instruct materials science laboratory, energy management, and alternative energy
             2010:  First professor in the nation to successfully include the Certified Energy Manager (CEM) Exam as part of an engineering
                 classroom as sponsored by the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE).
           Consult for Vermont ski industry:
           Provided detailed utility rate analysis for Bromley, Ascutney, Suicide Six, Magic, and Stratton to develop a more competitive special
           contract with Central Vermont Public Service
             •  2005: Provided expert testimony to the Vermont Public Service Board and the Department of Public Service to establish special
               contracts for Ascutney Mountain and Magic Mountain in the Central Vermont service territory
             •  2004: Successfully established energy conservation, on-site generation, and load management programs for Bromley Mountain.

           States of Engineering Registration:
             •  Arizona              •  Illinois            •  New Hampshire       •  Pennsylvania
             •  California           •  Maine               •  New Jersey          •  Rhode Island
             •  Colorado             •  Maryland            •  Nevada              •  Vermont
             •  Connecticut          •  Massachusetts       •  New York            •  Virginia
             •  Florida              •  Michigan            •  North Carolina      •  Wisconsin
             •  Hawaii               •  Minnesota           •  Ohio
           Professional Organization Affiliations:
             •  Certified Energy Manager (CEM) as endorsed by the Association of Energy Engineers
             •  Certified Energy Auditor (CEA) as endorsed by the Association of Energy Engineers
             •  LEED Accredited Professional as endorsed by the U. S. Green Building Council
             •  The National Academy of Forensic Engineers (NAFE), Senior Member
             •  The National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE), Member
             •  The International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI), Member
             •  The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Member
             •  The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), Member
             •  Tau Beta Pi (τβπ) - The Engineering Honor Society

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