Page 115 - ALMExperts 2024 National Medical Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: National Medical Edition 2024                                          Pharmacology
                                                                               Michael D Reed, PharmD, FCCP,
               PHARMACOLOGICAL               Daniel E. Buffington,             FCP,  FPPA
                   MECHANISMS                PharmD, MBA                        Academic Consultants, LLC
                                               Clinical Pharmacology            75 West Orange Hill Circle
                                               Services &                       Chagrin Falls, OH 44022
                                                                                Phone: (216) 926-1424
            Jeffry B. Lansman, PhD             Am Institute of                  E-mail: mreedxx0@yahoo .com
             UCSF School of Medicine           Pharmaceutical
             San Francisco, CA                                                  Degrees/Licenses: BS, PharmD, Licensed,
             Phone: (415) 378-7105             Sciences                         Diplomate American Board of Clinical
             E-mail: jeff .lansman@ucsf .edu   Clinical Pharmacology Services,   Pharmacology
            (Please see our complete listing under the   6285 Fowler Avenue     Profile: Dr . Reed has over 40 years’
            following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Tampa, FL 33617   experience in pediatric and adult Clinical
            Pharmacology)                      Phone: (813) 983-1500            Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacology, Clinical
                                               Cell: (813) 679-0792             Toxicology and drug research in animals
                                               Fax: (813) 983-1501              and humans, focused on optimal, safe
                 PHARMACOLOGY                  E-mail: [email protected], danbuffington@  pharmacotherapeutics . He has received
                                               cpshealth .com                   multiple prestigious awards . With over 200
                                               Web: http://www .cpshealth .com  clinical and scientific publications, 50+
                                                                                book chapters and his program leadership
            Dr. Joseph S. Bertino Jr.                                           and direct patient care responsibilities, his
             Clinical Pharmacology             Degrees/Licenses: Doctor of Pharmacy   expertise encompasses the spectrum of
                                               (PharmD); Master of Business Administration
             Consultant                        (MBA); Pharmacy Practice Residency, and   FDA approved, recreational, and herbal
             3078 New Williamsburg Drive       Clinical Pharmacology Fellowship  drug, alcohol use/abuse, analgesia/sedation,
             Schenectady, NY 12303                                              poisoning/toxicology — focusing on drug
             Phone: (518) 280-1378             Profile: Over 30 years of experience as   safety/error assessment, drug effects/adverse
             E-mail: sbertino@ix .netcom .com  expert witness in healthcare law pertaining to   drug effects, drug/food interactions, applied
             Web: http://www .bertinoconsulting .com  clinical pharmacology, toxicology, pharmacy   pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and
                                               and medical malpractice, substance use   pharmacogenomics in all facets of drug use
             Degrees/Licenses: Pharm .D, Licensed in   disorders, aggravating & mitigation factors,   in the individual, community and hospital
             NY, Diplomate American Board of Clinical   long term care, and child custody . Objective   settings, underscoring his ability to address
             Pharmacology                      and intense review of case materials with   standard of care for pharmacy and medical
                                               guidance on both the strengths and weakness   prescribing/medical management . Dr .
             Profile: Dr . Bertino has over 30 yrs .   during case development . criminal, civil,   Reed provides an evidenced-based critical,
             experience in Clinical Pharmacology .   patents, regulatory, and intellectual property   comprehensive assessment of the strengths
             His expertise includes medication error   experience . Consultant to clinical and forensic   and weaknesses of civil and criminal cases . Dr
                                                                                Reed has provided expert witness services to
             assessment, drug therapeutics, side effects   laboratories, law enforcement, local, military,
             of drugs, drug and alcohol toxicology,   state and federal agencies . Faculty at the   individual/firms, local and state government,
                                                                                and federal attorneys representing plaintiffs
             pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics   University of South Florida’s Colleges of
             and pharmacogenetics . He has experience   Medicine and Pharmacy with several other   and defendants . Additional experiences
             in the care of adults and children . In addition,   academic affiliations.   include NIH, FDA and State Committee
                                                                                memberships/consultantships, consultant to
             he has substantial experience in community,
             hospital, ambulatory and nursing home   * Pharmacology & Toxicology   clinical/forensic laboratories and is currently
                                                                                an Editor-in-Chief of a major pharmacy/
             settings and therefore, he is able to assess   * Standard of care for pharmacy and medical
             standard of care . He provides objective,   (prescribing and medication management)   pharmacology Journal .
             fully literature referenced review of criminal   * Causation (related to pharmacology and     *Pediatric and Adult Drug Therapeutics &
             and civil cases and guides the client on the   toxicology)
             strengths and weaknesses of the case . Dr .   * Criminal and Civil experience   Misadventures

             Bertino provides either plaintiff or defendant   * DUI
             support .                         * Substance Use Disorders        *Clinical Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacology,
                                               * Psychopharmacology             Clinical Toxicology & Poison Control

                                             (Please see our resume on page 145 for further   *Marketed, Over-the-Counter, Recreational,
                                             details.)                          Herbal Drug Use/Misuse

                                                                                *Full Spectrum Expertise across Drug/Toxin
                                             Joseph Allen Hirsch, PhD, PsyD     Classes/Therapeutic Areas
                                               New York, NY                                                       MEDICAL EXPERTS
                                               Phone: (888) 495-8210            *Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics,
                                               E-mail: josephhirsch1@icloud .com  Pharmacogenomics, Pharmacometrics

                                             (Please see our resume on page 158 for further   *Strong Academic and Clinical Credentials —
                                             details.)                          Journal Editor-in-Chief

                                             Merrill M. Mitler, Ph.D.           *Standard of Care - Drug Dispensing,
                                               Forensic Examination             Prescribing, Administration, Use
                                               Chapel Hill, NC
                                               Phone: (240) 447-9123            *Drug Development, Clinical Trials, Drug
                                               E-mail: mmitler@mitlerforensics .com  Labeling Expertise
                                             (Please see our resume on page 137 for further

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