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ALM EXPERTS: National Medical Edition 2024                                NON-MEDICAL RESUMES

                  MERRILL M MITLER, Ph.D. • Forensic Examination
                  351 Middleton Place Chapel Hill, NC 27516-4249   (240) 447-9123   [email protected]

                  WORK EXPERIENCE
                  2016 –    Scientific Consultant, Commonwealth Health Research Board, Commonwealth (State) of Virginia.
                  1983 –    Private Practice, Neuropharmacology Consultation and Forensic Examination.
                  2002 – 2013  Program Director, NINDS, NIH and NIH Office of the NIH Director.
                  2010 – 2012  Chairman, Program Leadership Committee, National Institutes of Health.
                  1983 – 2004  Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego.
                  1983 – 2003  Professor, Department of Neuropharmacology, Scripps Research Institute, San Diego.
                  1983 – 2002  President, Wakefulness-Sleep Education and Research Foundation, Inc.
                  1983 – 2001  Member, Scripps Clinic Medical Group.
                  1978 – 1983  Research Professor of Psychiatry, State University of New York at Stony Brook.
                  1981 – 1983  Research Scientist, Long Island Research Institute, State of New York.
                  1977 – 1978  Administrative Director, Sleep Disorders Program, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto.
                  1973 – 1977  Associate Director, Stanford University Sleep Research Center, Palo Alto.          NON-MEDICAL RESUMES
                  1972 – 1978  Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Stanford University, Palo Alto.

                  1996        American Board of Forensic Medicine (Identification Number 828).
                  1994        American Board of Forensic Examiners (Identification Number 107).
                  1991        American Board of Sleep Medicine (Certificate Number 013).
                  1983        California State Psychology (License Number PA 7767).
                  1982        New York State Psychology (License Number 007055).

                  Clinical Sleep Medicine  1977   Sleep Medicine, Stanford University, Palo Alto.
                  Postdoctoral Training   1973   Sleep Research, Department of Psychiatry, Stanford University, Palo Alto.
                  Ph.D.            1970   Michigan State University, East Lansing [Developmental Psychology].
                  M.A.             1969   Michigan State University, East Lansing [Developmental Psychology].
                  B.A.             1967   University of Wisconsin, Madison [Political Science and Psychology].

                  Mitler, E.A. and Mitler M.M. 101 Questions About Sleep and Dreams, Edition6W, Available at
               Solana Beach, California:
                        Wakefulness-Sleep Education and Research Foundation, 2000.
                  Mitler, M.M., Miller, J.C., Lipsitz, J.J., Walsh, J.K. and Wylie, C.D. The sleep of long-haul truck drivers, The New
                        England Journal of Medicine, 1997, 337, 755-761. PMCID PMC2430925.
                  Mitler, M.M. and Miller, J.C. Methods of testing for sleepiness. Behavioral Medicine, 1996, 21, 171-183. PMCID:
                  Mitler, M.M. and Miller, J.C. Some practical considerations and policy implications of studies of sleep patterns.
                        Behavioral Medicine, 1996, 21, 184-185. PMCID: PMC2507871.
                  Mitler, M.M., Carskadon, M.A., Czeisler, C.A., Dement, W.C., Dinges, D.F. and Graeber, R.C. Catastrophes, sleep
                        and public policy: Consensus report. Sleep, 1988, 11, 100-109. PMCID: PMC2517096.
                  Mitler, M.M., Hajdukovic, R.M., Shafor, R., Hahn, P.M. and Kripke, D.F. When people die: cause of death versus
                        time of death. The American Journal of Medicine, 1987, 82, 266-274. PMCID: PMC2701164.
                  Anch, A.M., Browman, C.P., Mitler, M.M. and Walsh, J.K. Sleep: A Scientific Perspective, Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-
                        Hall, 1988.
                  Mitler, M.M. Some developmental observations on the effects of prolonged deprivation of low-voltage, fast-wave
                        sleep in the deermouse, Peromyscus maniculatus bairdi. Developmental Psychobiology, 1971, 4, 293-311.
                        PMCID: PMC2440510.

                  Consultation in Neuropharmacology
                  Forensic Examination in Transportation and Industrial Litigation
                  Research Administration and Policy
                  Principal Investigator in university-based biomedical research projects.

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