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MEDICAL RESUMES                                             ALM EXPERTS: National Medical Edition 2024

                                                  Harold Bursztajn
                                         ACCREDITED PSYCHIATRY & MEDICINE
                                      HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL ALUMNI & FACULTY

                                            CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS  02138
                                            (617) 492-8366   FAX (617) 441-3195
                                            E-MAIL:  [email protected]
                                           WEB SITE:

                Areas of     Ÿ Malpractice & informed consent
                Expertise:    Ÿ Criminal justice & diminished capacity
                                             Capital crimes & death penalty
                             Ÿ Employment:  disability (ADA), worker's compensation, discrimination & harassment
                             Ÿ Malingering, misattribution, & medical mimics
                             Ÿ Emotional & physical damages:  conscious pain & suffering, PTSD
                             Ÿ Neuropsychiatry, brain injury, & pain management
                             Ÿ Suicide assessment and prevention
                             Ÿ Substance.Abuse.and.addiction
                             Ÿ Psychopharmacology
                             Ÿ Product liability & toxic tort:  individual & class actions
                             Ÿ Family issues:  divorce & custody, testamentary capacity, undue influence
                                              Ÿ Fitness for professional duty including teaching, clinical, and legal
                             Ÿ Professional ethics and boundary maintenance
                             Ÿ Forensic psychiatric autopsy
                             Ÿ Daubert-informed evaluations of opposing experts’ methodology

                Firm/Expert      Harold J. Bursztajn, M.D., Harvard Medical School Co-Founder of the Program in Psychiatry and
                             the Law and Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, is active in patient care, teaching, and
                             research.  He is President of the American Unit of the UNESCO Bioethics Chair. Recognized by his
                             colleagues as a doctor’s doctor and a doctor’s teacher, his numerous honors include the
                             prestigious Harvard Medical School Award for Excellence in Mentoring.  His range of special
                             interests includes informed medical decision making, neuropsychiatric impairments, pain
                             management, malpractice prevention, and medical product liability.  He consults to plaintiff and
                             defense counsel, insurance companies, and state and federal agencies as an expert in general and
                             forensic psychiatry, informed consent, and professional ethics.  He also has nationwide experience
                             as a distinguished expert qualified to testify in state and federal courts.

                Education/     Dr. Bursztajn is an honors graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Medical
                Training:    School.

                Presentations/    In addition to his clinical practice involving patient care, he has published numerous
                Publications:     articles and chapters in standard texts in medicine, medical decision making, clinical
                             ethics, psychiatry, neuropsychiatry, and forensic psychiatry.

                             He has also authored a number of books, including:
                                Ÿ "Divided Staffs, Divided Selves: A Case Approach to Mental Health Ethics"
                                Ÿ "Medical Choices, Medical Chances: How Patients, Families and Physicians
                                  Can Cope with Uncertainty"
                                Ÿ "Decision Making in Psychiatry and the Law"
                              Ÿ "Psychiatric Ethics” for UNESCO Chair in Bioethics

                Comments:    A complete curriculum vitae and local and national references are available by
                             request or can be accessed at  All inquiries are confidential.

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