Page 169 - ALMExperts 2024 National Medical Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: National Medical Edition 2024                                     MEDICAL RESUMES

                                                                                       Dr. Jay S. Grossman, D.D.S.
                                                                                        Professor of Dental Medicine
                                                                              General, Cosmetic, Laser, & Implant Dentistry
                                                                                  (a) 11980 San Vicente Blvd., Suite 507
                 Dental Expert Witness for Malprac�ce, Injury, and QME                      Brentwood, CA 90049
                                                                                            (p) 310 – 820 –  0123
                              As of Oct. 2023, I have reviewed over 1000 cases as a dental expert for malpractice,   (w)
                                 injury, and peer review, averaging approximately 48% for the plaintiff
                                             and 52% for the defense.                (e) [email protected]
                                          I have been deposed over150 times,
                                         have been in Superior Court over 75 times,
                                       and have never been disquali�ied by a trial judge.
                                       At least 95% of my time is spent in patient care.
                              I can be counted on for being ethical, competent, prepared, and analytical, as well as
                                    articulate at depositions, arbitrations, and court appearances.
                                                                 2019    NYU Strusser’ Award
                 2019 – present     Adjunct Professor, Cariology & Comprehensive Care – NYU College of Dentistry
                 1992 – present     Assistant Clinical Professor (Volunteer) at UCLA School of Dentistry   for outstanding contributions in improving public health
                            Lecturing and supervising students in a clinic and classroom setting,       2018  Senator Ted Lieu Town Hall speaker on Veterans Day
                            supervising externship program               Small business award, Senator Ben Allen
                 2012 – 2018          Clinical Professor of Dental Medicine  2015  letters of Commendation for Homeless Not Toothless from:
                            Western University College of Dental Medicine    US Navy, Several LA Councilmembers, Mayor of Los Angeles,
                            Set up off campus facilities for pediatric externships that currently treat   Senators from CA, President Obama, First Lady Michelle
                            15,000 children/year for free                   Obama
                 1991- Present      General, Cosmetic, Laser & Implant Dentistry   2014                        The Jewish Journal Mensch List
                            Private Practice Brentwood CA serving over 15,000 patients on a   2014 - present     Named “Super Dentist” by peers and featured in LA Magazine
                            fee-for-service basis                2011 - present     Noble Bio Care, Bronze Award: Excellence in Implant Dentistry
                 1989 – 1991         Lieutenant, United States Navy, Long Beach CA  2009                        Invisalign summit �inalist; delivered more than 25,000 trays
                            General dentistry, Endodontics, emergency medicine/triage  1992 – present    Homeless Not Toothless founder,
                                                                            providing over $10 Million in pro-bono treatment to over
                 EDUCATION                                                  124,000 Veterans, Foster children and the underserved,
                                                                            a 501©3 Corp
                 1988 – 1989         New York University College of Dentistry   1998 – Present    Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation Instructor   MEDICAL RESUMES
                                                                 2011                        Philanthropic Award
                            Advanced Education in General Dentistry (AEGD)
                                                                            presented by Sharon Stone on behalf of  Valley Faith Council,
                 1984 – 1988         New York University College of Dentistry, DDS degree    Philanthropic Award presented by Cancer Support Community,
                                                                            City of Los Angeles Commendation by  Senators Barbara Boxer,
                                                                            Dianne Feinstein and Councilwoman  Janice Hahn
                 LICENSURE                                       2010 – present    Best Cosmetic Dentist Award in So. Cal by 5W
                                                                 2009 – present    Talk of the Town Award in excellence in patient satisfaction
                 2019    New Mexico License #DD5223              2004 – present    Member FBI Citizens Academy
                 2013    Florida Expert Witness Certi�icate #DNEW34 (exp. Oct 2022)    2003  Department of Defense acknowledgment for Homeless Not
                 2003    Nevada State License #4541                         Toothless placed in over 20 national magazines
                 1990    California State License #38686         1993    American Dental Association Community Preventative Award
                 1988    New York State License #41901
                 1988    National Dental Board                   PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS
                            which allows me to opine in 42 states on the standard of care when
                            combined with the licensure of NERB, CA, NV, NM and an expert certi�icate   2019 – present    QME certi�ied by the VA Hospital for IME’s
                            in FL.
                                                                 2018 – present    American Legion
                                                                 2015 – present    Doctors Choice Award & Best of LA Award
                 PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION                        2013 -  present    American Academy of Cosmetic Orthodontics
                                                                 2000 – present    Medical Disciplinary Committee, Delta Dental
                 2021    Paul Newman award for treating Veterans   1995 – present    Expert Witness, Reviewed over 1,000 cases
                 2020    NYU Changemaker Award                   1995 – 2008         Peer Review Committee, California Dental Association
                 2020    Mayor Garcetti, letter commendation     1989 – present    Member of California Dental Association
                            10,000 days of pro bono services to the underserved   1984 – Present    Member of American Dental Association
                 2017-2022           Nominated as one of America’s Best Dentists:
                            As determined by peers, patients, research by nominating committee,
                            background, experience, years in practice, online ratings, and reviews.
                                                   DENTAL EXPERT WITNESS FEES
                 Review of Records, phone consultation, correction of my deposition:
                      $850/hour, minimum 4 hours ($3400 retainer)
                 Deposition, IME:
                      $850/hour (billed in 20 min increments) plus travel at same rate, minimum 2 hours All outstanding invoices must be satis�ied prior to depositions or trial
                 No Show or less than 7-day cancellation of IME or Deposition:
                      Flat rate of $1500
                 Trial or Arbitration:
                      $8500 for any part of day + prep and phone conversations with the attorney. Must be paid 14 business days prior to trial or arbitration, no refund for
                      cancellation, rescheduling or settlement within 14 days of date due to my inability to rebook patients in this short period of time. If travel out-of-state
                      is required, at least 1 additional day will be charged plus travel expenses. I will book my own transportation and hotel once paid. The typical
                      cost for out-of-state travel is $20,000 for 1 day on the stand, hotel, air/travel and prep.
                                                        WEB ADDRESSES
                 Dr. Grossman Web site:                Current Expert CV, W9 & testimonials:  News Releases:
                                             Click on “expert CV and testimony for current CV”  Click on "Media coverage / write ups" for an up to date list
                                                                              of over 290 write ups, & articles authored, TV/radio
                                                                              interviews & awards.
                                                                                                    Oct 2023
            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                             157
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