Page 177 - ALMExperts 2024 National Medical Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: National Medical Edition 2024                                     MEDICAL RESUMES

                                    Dr. Alan J. Lipman, J.D., Ph.D.

                                    1010 Wisconsin Avenue N .W .
                                    The Waterfront Center, Georgetown
                                    Washington, DC 20007
                                    Phone: (202) 423-6153/ Fax: (202) 861-6832
                                    lipmana@georgetown .edu

                EXPERT:                                       • Explanations of White Collar Criminal Behavior
                • Violent Behavior                            • Causes of Youth and Adult Violent Behavior
                • Domestic Verbal, Physical & Sexual Abuse    • Depression and Bipolar Disorder
                • PTSD, Trauma, & Infliction of Emotional Distress  • Evaluation of Competence to Stand Trial
                • Causes of Homicide, Assault, Rape           • Psychosis and Insanity Evaluations
                • Disorders Related to Workplace Issues / Firings   • Asylum Applications and Evaluations
                • Disorders Related to Marital and Divorce Issues   • Custody Evaluations

                AREAS OF EXPERTISE:                           SUMMARY AND EXPERIENCE:
                Violent Behavior                              Over 20 years expertise in both Psychology and Law
                Domestic, Child & Elder Abuse                 Professor, Georgetown University; The George
                Causes of Youth & Adult Violent Behavior        Washington University, The George Washington      MEDICAL RESUMES
                Causes of Homicide, Assault, Rape               University Medical Center
                Disorders Related to Marriage & Divorce       Over 20 years’ experience in: Violence, Abuse, PTSD,
                Disorders Related to Workplace Issues           Homicide, Psychosis, Depression, Insanity, Bipolar,
                Post Traumatic Stress Disorder                  Divorce, White Collar Crime, School Crimes
                 Causes of White Collar Crime & Behavior      Positions at Yale Psychiatric Institute, Hospital of the
                School/College/University Violence Involved-    University of Pennsylvania .
                -Students, Staff and Professionals            Founder and Executive Director: Center at Georgetown for
                Depression and Bipolar Disorder                 the Study of Violence .
                Psychosis and Insanity Evaluations            Co-Chair, Academic Advisory Council and Director of Research,
                Evaluation of Competence to Stand Trial         White House Campaign Against Youth Violence .
                Infliction of Emotional Distress
                Asylum Applications and Evaluations           Consultant to U .S . Department of Health and Human Services
                Custody Evaluations                           Consultant, U .S . Department of State
                Psychological Disorders                       15 Publications in Scientific Journals
                Anxiety Disorders                               Editorial Board, American Criminal Law Review
                Causes and Effects of Terrorism
                                                              Editorial Board, Violence and Gender

                                                              National On-Air and In-Print Expert: CNN, BBC, NBC, CBS,
                                                                ABC News, MSNBC, Washington Post, New York Times, Los
                EDUCATION AND TRAINING:                         Angeles Times, Le Point, Associated Press .

                J .D . Georgetown University Law Center       Founder, Washington Psychotherapy, Private Practice,
                Ph .D . Temple University, Philadelphia, PA     Georgetown, Washington, DC .
                M .A . Temple University, Philadelphia, PA    Expert Peer Reviewer: American Psychological Association

                Research Associate: University of Pennsylvania,   Invited Member, Peer Review College, United Kingdom National
                Philadelphia, PA                                Economic and Social Research Council
                Research Associate, Yale Psychiatric Institute,
                New Haven, CT
                 B .A . University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT

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