Page 18 - ALMExperts 2024 National Medical Directory
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Domestic Violence                                           ALM EXPERTS: National Medical Edition 2024

           DOMESTIC VIOLENCE                   DRIVER FATIGUE                DRIVER PERFORMANCE/
        Washington                        Merrill M. Mitler, Ph.D.
        Psychological and Legal            Forensic Examination            Merrill M. Mitler, Ph.D.
        Expert Consulting:                 351 Middleton Place               Forensic Examination
        Violent Behavior, Abuse,           Chapel Hill, NC  27516            Chapel Hill, NC
        and Psychological                  Phone: (240) 447-9123             Phone: (240) 447-9123
                                           E-mail: mmitler@
        Disorders                          mitlerforensics .com              E-mail: mmitler@mitlerforensics .com
         Dr. Alan J. Lipman, Ph.D., J.D.   Web:  http://www .mitlerforensics .com/  (Please see our resume on page 137 for further
         Founder and Director              Degrees/Licenses: Clinical Sleep Medicine   details.)
         1010 Wisconsin Ave ., N .W .      1977 Sleep Medicine, Stanford University,
         The Waterfront Center, Georgetown  Palo Alto .; Postdoctoral Training 1973 Sleep
         Washington, DC 20007              Research, Department of Psychiatry, Stanford   DRIVER QUALIFICATIONS/
         Phone: (202) 423-6153             University, Palo Alto .; Ph .D . 1970 Michigan
         Fax: (202) 861-6832               State University, East Lansing [Developmental   HOURS OF SERVICE
         E-mail: lipmana@georgetown .edu   Psychology] .; M .A . 1969 Michigan State
         Web: http://www .gcsv .org/html/director .html  University, East Lansing [Developmental
                                           Psychology] .; B .A . 1967 University of   Merrill M. Mitler, Ph.D.
         Degrees/Licenses: Ph .D ., J .D .  Wisconsin, Madison [Political Science and   Forensic Examination
                                           Psychology] .                     Chapel Hill, NC
         Profile: Leading Georgetown Doctor,                                 Phone: (240) 447-9123
         Georgetown J .D ., Professor . Over 20 years’   Profile: Dr . Merrill Mitler is a forensic   E-mail: mmitler@mitlerforensics .com
         experience . Expertise in Violent Behavior;   examiner and expert in the physiology of sleep
         Causes of Youth & Adult Homicide; Assault;   and fatigue with over 20 years of experience   (Please see our resume on page 137 for further
         Disorders Related to Marriage & Divorce   consulting on and testifying in more than   details.)
         Issues and to Workplace Issues/Firings;   200 cases in which driver or worker fatigue
         Depression, Bipolar, PTSD and Anxiety   was alleged to be a causal factor . He worked
         Disorders; Evaluation of Psychosis & Insanity;   on such prominent cases as those arising
         Explanations of White Collar Crime; Domestic,   from the Exxon Valdez grounding and the   DRUG &
         Child, & Elder Abuse; Asylum Applications &   death of Libby Zion . Dr . Mitler has a Ph .D .   PHARMACEUTICAL
         Evaluations; Custody Evaluations . Professor   in Psychology and Postdoctoral Certificate   TESTING
         at Georgetown University, The George   in Developmental Psychobiology of Sleep
         Washington University, positions at Yale   and Traffic Accident Investigation and has
         Psychiatric Institute and The Hospital of the   practiced Psychology in New York and
         University of Pennsylvania . Co-Chair, White   California .       Michael J. Kosnett, MD, MPH,
         House Campaign Against Youth Violence;                            FACMT
         Academic Advisory Council; Consultant, U .S .   Dr . Mitler served on the faculties of Stanford   Denver, CO
         Dept . of Health and Human Services, U .S .   University, The State University of New   Phone: (303) 571-5778
         Department of State . Expert Peer Reviewer,   York Stony Brook, the Department of   E-mail: michael .kosnett@ucdenver .edu
         American Psychological Association; Named   Neuropharmacology at The Scripps Research
         to Peer Review College of United Kingdom   Institute and the Department of Psychiatry   (Please see our complete listing under the
         National Economic and Social Research   at The University of California, San Diego .   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
         Council. 15 publications in scientific journals;   For 11 years, he was the Program Director   Medical Toxicology)
         Editorial Board, American Criminal Law   for Sleep and Circadian Rhythms Research
         Review, Editorial Board, Violence and Gender .   at NIH’s National Institute for Neurological   Joshua Sharlin, Ph.D.
         National On-Air and In-Print Expert for the   Diseases and Stroke . He holds the following
         Washington Post, New York Times, BBC,   Board Certifications: American Board of   Sharlin Consulting
         NBC, ABC, CBS News, MSNBC, CBS News   Sleep Medicine, American Board of Forensic   Stevensville, MD
         60 Minutes, Los Angeles Times, Associated   Examiners, American Board of Forensic   Phone: (410) 231-8900
         Press, and many more .            Medicine .                        E-mail: jsharlin@pipeline .com

        (Please see our resume on page 165 for further   Additional areas of expertise include:   (Please see our resume on page 138 for further
        details.)                          Fatigue, Driver Fatigue, Hours of Service,   details.)
                                           Sleep Deprivation, Sleep Disorders, Traffic
                                           Accidents, Trucking Accidents, Shift Work,
                DRAM SHOP                  Operator Fatigue in Industrial Accidents,   DRUG ANALYSIS
                                           Pilot Fatigue in Aviation and Crew Fatigue in
                                           Maritime Operations .
        Daniel E. Buffington, PharmD, MBA                                  Daniel E. Buffington, PharmD, MBA
         Clinical Pharmacology Services   (Please see our resume on page 137 for further   Clinical Pharmacology Services
         & Am Institute of Pharmaceutical                                    & Am Institute of Pharmaceutical
         Sciences                                                            Sciences
         Clinical Pharmacology Services,                                     Clinical Pharmacology Services,
         Inc.                                                                Inc.
         Tampa, FL                                                           Tampa, FL
         Phone: (813) 983-1500                                               Phone: (813) 983-1500
         Cell: (813) 679-0792                                                Cell: (813) 679-0792
         E-mail: [email protected], danbuffington@                          E-mail: [email protected], danbuffington@
         cpshealth .com                                                      cpshealth .com
        (Please see our resume on page 145 for further                     (Please see our resume on page 145 for further
        details.)                                                          details.)

        6                                                         Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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