Page 188 - ALMExperts 2024 National Medical Directory
P. 188

MEDICAL RESUMES                                             ALM EXPERTS: National Medical Edition 2024

               ELLIOTT M. STEIN, M.D.,

               Telephone: (415) 672-9352

               Available to do legal and forensic consultation, record review, and assessments concerning psychiatric issues in older individuals,
               including issues of testamentary capacity, contested wills and trusts, competency, family conflicts, undue influence, memory
               disorders, dementia, Alzheimer's Disease, delirium, Medicare, and other aging and psychiatric related issues concerning
               medications, treatments, hospitals, nursing homes, independent and assisted living facilities.

               I am a specialist in the evaluation and treatment of Older Adults including depression, anxiety, stress disorders, psychosis,
               relationship problems, cognitive functioning, dementia, confusion and memory problems, insomnia, and other mental and
               emotional problems which occur in the second half of life.

               Available to work with attorneys representing plaintiff or defense.

               I am Clinical Professor Clinical Professor (Voluntary) of Psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco. Psychiatric
               Consultant to San Francisco Towers CRCC Life Care Community (2020-present). Previously Clinical Psychiatrist in the
               Geriatric Psychiatry program, San Francisco Veterans Administration Medical Center (2021-2023) and Director of Psychiatry
               and Medical Director of the Geriatric Psychiatric Hospital at the Jewish Home of San Francisco 2010-2020. I was in the
               private practice of Older Adult and Geriatric Psychiatry in Miami, Florida, from 1977 to 2010. I am a graduate of the
               University of Miami School of Medicine and received my Psychiatric Residency training at Herrick Memorial Hospital in
               Berkeley, California. I am licensed to practice Medicine in California and Florida. I am Board Certified in General Psychiatry
               (October, 1979), and Geriatric Psychiatry (April, 1991; Re-Certified, December, 2001, 2011 and 2022).

               I am a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. I am a Distinguished Fellow of the
               American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry and a Life Member of the International PsychoGeriatric Association.

                      In 1997, I was given the Founder's Award by the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry for
                     contributions to the field. This was only the 3rd time that this award had been presented since the
                     organization was started in 1978.
                      In May, 2001, I received the Jack Weinberg Memorial Award in Geriatric Psychiatry from the American
                     Psychiatric Association, their highest award in Geriatric Psychiatry.
                      In 2003, I was selected as the first recipient of the Clinician of the Year Award by the American
                     Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.
                      In 2004, I was given the Distinguished Alumnus Award by the University of Miami School of Medicine.
                      Listed in Best Doctors in America since 1992.

               I am the author/co-author of multiple book chapters and articles in the professional literature.
               I am the Co-Author of a book chapter on Capacity, in the textbook Geriatric Medicine: A Person- Centered
               Evidence-Based Approach, 5th edition, published by Springer Press by Springer Press.
               Author of "Does Your Client Have Testamentary Capacity? Mental Health and Memory Issues That Affect Estate
               Planning", published in California Trusts and Estates Quarterly, Vol. 17, No. 2, pages 25-33, Summer 2011.
               I have been a lecturer at local, regional, national, and international programs and conferences.

                      Board of Directors (1982-1985) and elected President of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry
                      Member & Consultant, American Psychiatric Association Council on Aging (1984-1993).
                      Treasurer, International PsychoGeriatric Association (1989-1993) and elected to Board of Directors (1993-
                      Member, Task Force on Testamentary Capacity and Undue Influence, for the International PsychoGeriatric
                     Association (2007-2016).

                 Member, Geriatric Psychiatry and the Law Committee of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law

                                CV AND FEE SCHEDULES ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST.

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