Page 44 - ALMExperts 2024 National Medical Directory
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Cardiology (Geriatric)                                      ALM EXPERTS: National Medical Edition 2024
        Daniel E. Buffington, PharmD, MBA
         Clinical Pharmacology Services   Philip E. Newman, MD,                    CARDIOLOGY
         & Am Institute of Pharmaceutical   FACC                                  (NONINVASIVE)
         Sciences                          1880 Park Newport #305
         Clinical Pharmacology Services,   Newport Beach, CA 92660
         Inc.                              Phone: (949) 689-2249           Philip E. Newman, MD, FACC
                                           E-mail: dr .pnewman@
         Tampa, FL                         sbcglobal .net                    Newport Beach, CA
         Phone: (813) 983-1500                                               Phone: (949) 689-2249
         Cell: (813) 679-0792              Degrees/Licenses: BA, Brown University   E-mail: dr .pnewman@sbcglobal .net
         E-mail: [email protected], danbuffington@  MD, University of Virginia School of Medicine
         cpshealth .com                                                    (Please see our complete listing under the
                                           Medical Internship: Maimonides Medical   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
                                           Center, Brooklyn, New York
        (Please see our resume on page 145 for further   Medical Residency: University of Wisconsin   Cardiology)
                                           Hospitals                       Pierre C. Wong, M.D.
                                               Cardiology Fellowship: University of
        Joel L. Goldberg, MD               Wisconsin affiliated hospitals (3 years)   Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
         Clinical Asst. Professor, Homer   Invasive and Interventional Cardiology   Los Angeles, CA
         Stryker M.D. School of Medicine   Fellowship: Loma Linda University Medical   Phone: (323) 361-4638
         Goldberg Medical Consulting       Center, Loma Linda, CA (2 years)   E-mail: pierre .wong@sbcglobal .net
                                           Medical License: California
         Alto, MI                           Board Certification:           (Please see our resume on page 181 for further
         Phone: (616) 446-1196             ABIM - Internal Medicine        details.)
         E-mail: docgtwo@gmail .com         ABIM - Cardiovascular Disease
        (Please see our resume on page 156 for further   Profile: Dr . Philip Newman is a board-
        details.)                          certified cardiologist with 46 years of   CARDIOPULMONARY
                                           practice experience involving non-invasive,   DISEASES
        Medilex, Inc.                      invasive and interventional cardiology . His
         New York, NY                      initial position was as a fulltime academic
         Phone: (212) 234-1999             cardiologist at a medical school, as Director of   Pierre C. Wong, M.D.
         Toll Free Phone: (888) MED-ILEX   the cath lab and acting Chief of Cardiology at   Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
         E-mail: michael@medilexinc .com   a teaching hospital, with patient care, teaching
                                           and publishing responsibilities . Following   Los Angeles, CA
        (Please see our resume on page 163 for further   3 years in that position Dr . Newman was in   Phone: (323) 361-4638
                                                                             E-mail: pierre .wong@sbcglobal .net
        details.)                          fee-for-service private practice for 7 years,
                                           then in practice combining fee for service and
                                           managed care patients for the next 22 years .   (Please see our resume on page 181 for further
                                           Following Internal Medicine Residency, he   details.)
                                           served as a physician in the US Army Medical
                                           Corps as a Major, serving in Vietnam from
                                           Aug ‘71-Aug ‘72, where he was awarded the   CARDIOTHORACIC
                                           Bronze Star, and at Fort MacArthur, California,   TRAUMA
                                           from Aug ‘72-July ‘73 . In September ‘05 Dr .
                                           Newman served as an invited lecturer and
                                           consultant in cardiology at one of the two
                                           largest teaching hospitals in Japan . Over the   Medilex, Inc.
                                           past 40 years Dr . Newman has been involved   New York, NY
                                           as an expert witness in 250+ malpractice   Phone: (212) 234-1999
                                           cases, working with both the plaintiff and   Toll Free Phone: (888) MED-ILEX
                                           defense sides .  Dr . Newman has received   E-mail: michael@medilexinc .com
                                           uniformly excellent feedback from all of the
                                           attorneys with whom he has worked .   (Please see our resume on page 163 for further
                                           Currently, Dr . Newman is a Clinical Associate
                                           Professor of Cardiology engaged in part time
                                           clinical practice and in the teaching of Post-
                                           Doctoral fellows in cardiology at the University
                                           of California Irvine/VA Hospital, Long Beach,
                                           California .

                                          CARDIOLOGY (GERIATRIC)

                                          Philip E. Newman, MD, FACC
                                           Newport Beach, CA
                                           Phone: (949) 689-2249
                                           E-mail: dr .pnewman@sbcglobal .net
                                          (Please see our complete listing under the
                                          following area of expertise: Medical Experts:

        32                                                        Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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