Page 82 - ALMExperts 2024 National Medical Directory
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Interventional Cardiology                                   ALM EXPERTS: National Medical Edition 2024

                                           Advanced Cardiac Life support Certified
        Kenneth “Kenny” Stein,             (ACLS)                                INTRAOPERATIVE
        MD                                                                         MONITORING
         Emergency Medicine,               Email: kennystein1@gmail .com
         Critical Care Medicine,
         Internal Medicine                (Please see our resume on page 175 for further   Steven H. Spillers, MD
         & Personal Injury                                                   Colorado Center for
         (Causation)                                                         Neuroscience
         14312 Aitken Hill Ct .                INTERVENTIONAL                Colorado Springs, CO 80920
                                                                             Phone: 719- 243-1395
         St . Louis, MO 63017                    CARDIOLOGY
         Phone: (314) 495-7009                                               E-mail: sspillers@ccneuro .net
         Fax: (708) 585-3348
         E-mail: kennystein1@gmail .com                                      Degrees/Licenses: Doctor of Medicine,
                                                                             Licensed in over 20 States
         Web: http://www .er-md .com      John D. Baker M.D., F.A.C.P.,
                                          F.A.C.C., F.S.C.A.I.
         Profile: Dr . Stein excels in providing testimony   Irvine, CA      Residency, UCLA School of Medicine, Harbor
         that is credible, clearly understandable and   Phone: (877) 924-9009  Medical Center, Torrance, CA
                                                                              Fellowship, EEG/Epilepsy/Clinical
         serves to educate the judges & jury about the   E-mail: jbakermd1@gmail .com, jbaker@  Neurophysiology, UCLA
         science, the medicine and the facts as they   dolphyn .net
         relate to negligence, causation and damages .
                                          (Please see our resume on page 142 for further   Profile: Dr . Spillers is a fellowship-trained
         Dr . Stein has extensive experience in   details.)                  neurologist with over 20 years of clinical
         providing medical-legal expert services,                            practice in all areas of neurology .  He is
         having reviewed over 600 cases (both plaintiff   Medilex, Inc.      board-certified in Clinical Neurophysiology.
                                                                             Dr . Spillers is licensed in over 20 states and
         and defense) in over 40 US states & territories .
         Dr . Stein Has provided testimony (deposition   New York, NY        has served as an expert witness in civil and
         and trial) over 200 times .       Phone: (212) 234-1999             criminal cases .  He provides clear, concise,
                                           Toll Free Phone: (888) MED-ILEX
                                                                             and easily understood reports . Specialty
         Topics that Dr . Kenny Stein has provided   E-mail: michael@medilexinc .com  interests include:

         opinions on include: Emergency Medicine,
         Critical Care, Internal Medicine, Personal   (Please see our resume on page 163 for further   * Clinical Neurophysiology
         Injury (Causation), Sepsis/Septic Shock,   details.)                * Video-EEG monitoring for Epilepsy
         MI, Heart Attack, PE, Pulmonary Embolism,                           * Intraoperative Neuromonitoring (IONM)
         Pneumonia, Thoracic Aortic Dissection,                              * Brain Wave Testing (EEG and ICU-EEG)
                                                                             * Spine Surgery Monitoring
         Cauda Equina, Infection, Medical Malpractice,   INTERVENTIONAL
         Intensive Care , ICU, Trauma, Stroke, ER,   RADIOLOGY
         Pressure Injury, Pressure Ulcers, Causation,                      (Please see our resume on page 174 for further
         Nursing Home Injury, Misdiagnosis,                                details.)
         Prescription Errors, Medication Errors, Failure
         to Diagnose, Delayed Diagnosis, Fracture .    Michael Amendola MD
                                           Alexander Galt Associates, LLC       KIDNEY DISEASES
         Dr . Stein furnishes an unbiased opinion on   Richmond, VA
         medical malpractice and negligence cases,   Phone: (804) 519-4660
         as well as personal injury and wrongful death   E-mail: mikeamen1972@gmail .com  Brian Revis MD
         cases, not guaranteeing a favorable outcome                         Cincinnati, OH
         but providing an honest assessment .    (Please see our complete listing under the
                                          following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   Phone: (513) 666-8123
                                                                             E-mail: Contact@BrianRevisMD .com
         Services Dr . Stein provides include:    Vascular Surgery)

         Survey of case for merit,        Medilex, Inc.                    (Please see our complete listing under the
                                                                           following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
         Medical chart review and analysis,    New York, NY                Nephrology)
                                           Phone: (212) 234-1999
         Audit trail and metadata recommendations,   Toll Free Phone: (888) MED-ILEX
                                           E-mail: michael@medilexinc .com     LABOR & DELIVERY
         Preparation for opposing expert deposition
         and cross-examination,           (Please see our resume on page 163 for further
                                          details.)                        Tristan Emily Bickman M.D.
         Medical literature search,                                          Tristan Emily BIckman M.D.

         Expert witness testimony .                                          Santa Monica, CA
                                                                             Phone: (310) 403-7456
         Dr . Stein is an Assistant Professor in the                         E-mail:  trisbickmanmd@gmail .com
         Division of Emergency Medicine, St . Louis
         University School of Medicine .                                   (Please see our resume on page 143 for further
         Dr . Stein has practiced Emergency Medicine
         for 29 years and Critical Care / Intensive Care
         Medicine for 27 years .

         Internal Medicine, Board Certified A.B.I.M.

         Emergency Medicine, Board Certified A.B.P.S.

         Neurocritical Care, Sub-specialty Certified
         U .C .N .S .

         Advanced Trauma Life Support Certified
        70                                                        Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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